Search for Anything:
a short piece about the availability to fully live and fully die and The Form Reality Practice
A beautiful excerpt from April 2019 in which B speaks about the invention of the ‘present moment’ and true Presence.
Article and Audio Clip
A beautiful piece in which speaks about the metamorphosis that takes place as we allow our ‘old way’ to collapse and how deeply this IS The Form Reality Practice.
a short excerpt about power returned to your Being and how this relates to The Form Reality Practice
A day by day collection of quotes, excerpts and gems from the 2018 Crete Retreat sessions.
A 2018 collection of excerpts in which B speaks on sexuality, man & woman and the possibility of true transformation and awakening in intimacy. If you are interested in this subject - make sure to get a copy of his book ' Love Without Duality'
From a Satsang in Dublin in early September 2017 - Excerpt
You are Being. Keep looking deeper than the information given to you through your thoughts, your feelings, your nervous system, the exterior. Keep looking through it all. Discover what you are at the ground of Being, the place in which you return in deep dreamless sleep.
Gems from the Tokyo Sessions - July 2017
A collection of priceless short pieces and quotes from sessions with B in Japan.
"In Awakening two things are essential: Know your separate sense of self without judgement and love the Deep in your heart. Be true to your heart."
From a Satsang with B in Italy, April 2017 Excerpt and Audio
When Awareness, the one who is listening to these words, when you move in a sense of your self and your person, you are reading thousands of years of personalised experience, as if you exist separate from the entire existence. You do not; it is misguided information. All that you experience is within You,
What You are is the ‘I Am’.
From a Satsang with B at the New Zealand Centre - August 2017 Excerpt & Audio
"As you go to sleep at night, slowly, slowly, slowly you become naked of using structure. You strip yourself bare of your thoughts and your feelings and you lay down all your structured identity. Your self cannot and does not go with you in deep dreamless sleep. You go towards deep dreamless sleep like a caterpillar would go towards the chrysalis. It has no idea what it is turning into now."
From a Livestream with B - Excerpt
Q: How can I unlisten to old stories without denying or refusing them?
B: In any moment of the day what you think you are seeing is not what is actually on offer. What you think you are in the experience of is not about a ‘somebody’, it is not about another and not about what you are doing. It is entirely about where you are coming from in this ‘doing-ness’.
A short piece from a day seminar with B in Japan - Excerpt & Audio
Let me show you an unusual dream... It is called your life. 'All this' is an unusual dream. One day you will wake up from this dream. Maybe Now! In fact, whenever it will be, it will always be 'Now'.
A beautiful piece from a skype conversation with B - Excerpt & Audio
Does the Deep need a name? Does the Deep play a game? If the Deep is not playing a game then what's playing? If we are to further our conversation and if you are to move the evolution of your surface form and evolve what you are, then you can't look at anything as 'somebody'. You have to see 'somebody' is part of the game, because otherwise you will be constantly drawing conclusions. Because as a self that's all you do.
Video and Article
You know the end of your time. It’s easy to recognise the end of your time. The end of your time is the most difficult period you’ve had in your entire life. That’s the end of your time.
In the practice of The Form, the way in which you bring the dance into form transfigures, reconfigures the entire existence of you. Through The Form, you learn self-mastery, self-love and the movement of the radiant Heart in how you move, how you meet and how you flow.
What You Are has no need to reflect off of any belief that anything is previous to What You Are. In short: You are not of time or space. Your Being doesn't function in a linear way. You, as Awareness, have identified with a level that believes it lives in a linear way. In a deeper place, previous choices have no reality although the forms of previous choices will still be moving through.
In truth, You are Light streaming Reality. All 'this' is Life streaming. Your essential nature is streaming this moment alone. The belief that you have a past or a future is through the interpretation of mind only, the conditional aspects of what we believe belongs to this planet.
A day by day collection of pieces, pointers and awakening gems from the 2017 Tuscany Retreat sessions.
What we're about to look at is the basis and ground of the entire life of the living universe. Certainly this will be the ground of everything we could ever possibly share together on this retreat. Very simple…
Stay with 'I Am' first, that’s your first deep seat, your first depth of real clarity, real deeper Belonging to your eternal nature. As we awaken our Awareness is no longer confined to a subject with objects and polarities..... click the image to read more.
If you are really intensely on fire with awakening, you no longer trade illusion for Truth and honesty. You gladly give away all the filters and boundaries that you use to keep your self dishonest and in the illusion that you are a particular someone that needs particular securities and particular comforts. You let all that go. You start to live a Divine Life where you don't compromise purity and Truth.
Disturbance only shows you what power is. Disturbance is your invitation to return the energy that disturbs you back to your heart and realise You, the One who is innocent, the One who is real, the One who is truly here, present. The One who really sees, knows, lives, loves and who never dies ongoingly transforms, opens and realises more of the power of the innocence It is. Returning to your innocence is the return of your power to Love, freed from a self that is only about a self and not about the truth of what You are as Pure Being.
The opportunity you have in all of Life but most definitely in disturbance is to re-create your self from the source of your innocence.
The Cosmos is your big body and the human being is the big body made small. Both the small body of your humanness and the big body of your cosmic-ness are inter-exchanging and evolving. They interact and affect each other.
What is the possibility on retreat?
To discover your True Face, your True Heart and your True Self that you did not ever leave, cannot leave, which is the only Reality that makes anything real...
A Satsang Excerpt From The Doorkeeper (recording available)
God or Source, who IS YOU, has spread the universe with Joy, but you cannot know Joy whilst you believe you are a self. You look for pleasure or an apparent kind of ‘better good’ than the one that is already here: YOU in the Deep.
Article Published in Common Ground Magazine in 2013
Is there anything more mysterious or thrilling in life than an intimate attraction? An unexpected moment of fateful recognition, a sense that every movement of your life has led you here, to this very place, to this very person...
There isn’t a woman alive that is not searching for genuine love in her attraction to man. ‘She’ knows ‘He’ is here, behind the scenes of all the bodies...but when is ‘He’ going to manifest and how does she become available to that awesome power of the pure masculine...
Where I come from, what draws a man of deepening truth to a woman is her opening to love. When he is drawn to her he sees her beyond the place she can currently reach herself.
There is no such thing as a man and woman when the love light that I am speaking of is met. When love’s light meets it is the end of man and woman. In that moment there is no man and woman...
We all have a Knowing-ness of ‘more than what we are living’ in our experience of life, because we have identified ourselves with the body-mind. We limit ourselves and we create boundaries and filters around our heart that protect us from the immediate experience of Real Life...
When we begin to bring our whole attention to our knowingness and we respond within the core of our heart to what we know, that whole-hearted response frees and liberates consciousness. If you do not whole-heartedly respond to what you know is true, you actually fear that kind of freedom...
To heal your heart, to heal the heart of your woman, to heal the heart of man, to heal the heart of this earth you cannot move in the same consciousness that created the distortion, the separation...
When we dance The Form, we are dancing home into our heart. Every movement is from, and as, our Being. We dissolve into the heart and return home, practicing The Form with complete forgetfulness of our mental, emotional, limited nature...
She is teaching you to go without using your normal navigational system of ego and of mind. She is teaching you to navigate with your heart light, your soul light...
The more I remain true to who I first am in this field of experience, I ignite the whole field with what I am. Therefore I am able to lift any being into the same place of ‘I’ that am...
Until we all learn to fully embody in fullness, that is; all experience is allowed to go totally through and is fully expressed, we do not move into infinity...
When you truly begin to love the ‘nothing’ that you come from and you begin to serve that ‘nothing’ in terms of serving your God-essence, you serve humanity. ‘Nothing’ inside registers in the mind as absolutely nothing. In the soul it registers as a finer knowing of eternity...
When you look into the bathroom mirror you expect to see someone there. You! Or at least who you "think" you are. The truth is, when you look into the bathroom mirror, you do not see "you" but a form of "you”, for you are "awareness"...
What you are learning is clear, clean detachment of the self-structures that are constantly yakking away. You are letting them yak, but are having nothing to do with them. It is a profound practice that you begin to live...
The resonance that I am pointing to, the resonance that called you here, is the real you. It does not have an address. To live that resonance is freedom; to live that is to taste something vast...
When all structures disappear, the real space of you still is. The real you is not dependent on a structure, but humanity has twisted that. Humanity creates structures and then works within them and identifies with them. The new humanity will not do that...
What do you exist for? Do you exist for your higher nature and its revelations within the deep of one’s self; its revelations in the flow from the deep out into yourself, your person and your environment as an expression?
When we begin to touch on more nothing inside, it registers in the mind as absolutely nothing, but it registers in the soul as a finer knowing of eternity. Eventually it filters down as a knowing...
To develop one's self we must give voice and action to the truth within, that is beyond 'self'. When we engage truth in such a real manner then it seems like all hell lets loose, like never before. That is because we are going against the self we created in separation...
You and I are at the stage of development where we have individuated, we have consciousness and a certain command of things. We have a certain power over energy and over forms. However, in the main we use that energy and that power in self-concern...
There is no need for a trailer ~ the trailer you are pulling along trying to get things right; the trying to understand life through what you once did or knew, instead of the radiance of your already radiant heart...
It is very clear that this body is made of patterns. The universe is made of patterns and it is all sewn together. Your body pattern had to change from when it was a fetus, to a baby to an adult...
The cosmic game is a dilemma; a dilemma that everyone is in. The cosmic game is to catch up with the authentic, original ‘you’...
How thirsty are you for the real? How thirsty are you to discover the profoundly real inside of yourself? How thirsty is your heart for what is awesomely whole...
Everything passes away. Every thought, every feeling, every situation, all moments of joy, bliss, all the hard work for career opportunities. Even the great love and connectedness that we may experience through relationship...
What I see as ‘my’ way brings the two ways – Masculine and Feminine - together. I am nothing, AND I am everything. I am everything, yet I am the pure consciousness that pervades everything as nothing...