Enlightenment is Awareness no longer getting confused with the sense of self as a me. No one actually gets enlightened, but there is a return of Awareness moving into Knowing, which is Light - The Real Self.
This Teaching is about engaging human experience as Awareness-Knowing, transcending identity as a 'small self', opening the door to Greater Reality and Self-Realisation.
B brings the highest teaching straight to our core and into all facets of daily life including the truth of existence, enlightened partnership of man and woman and the realisation of Truth.
The Form Reality Practice, which originated through B's realisation, is the manifest vehicle to know and embody all that B points to.
“Your Destiny is to be pure; purely aligned with what your heart is and where even your heart comes from.
Your Destiny as a Being is to give form to that that has no form, whilst realising deeper into the beyond, not by doing as self, but by ‘doing’ as Being.”
“Your heart is a vibratory field of Living Knowing Awareness. It is the entrance into what you are in the Deep and the door to the entire Cosmos.”
'What You Are' is profound Awareness. Profound, without beginning and end. All that IS, right from 'the Begin', which is the Real Self, is in your Awareness.
'Who You Are' is the movement of Awareness having a Self - the Real Self, the Beingness that moves and radiates throughout the Universe from Light to matter.
When you believe in what your body-mind or your history says, you are empowering and embodying a belief that is not of your heart, of what you deeply know is true. You move from a self that thinks it is the only self in the Universe, separate from every other self. You experience pain and suffering because you are not functioning from the core essence of You, which is the Knowing in your heart.
“The moment you are Being Knowing and not someone who knows, you no longer exist as the familiar. You become the movement of Love without self or person in it.”
Respond to what your heart deeply is and the experience of having a body is beauty, wonder, mystery - Love's openness. When you belong to and fully live from your heart, your Being opens up. When your Being opens up, your nervous system changes and begins to integrate what your Being is in your body, in your self, in your person and in your life.
You begin to flow like a stream of brightness from a golden ocean that has Reality in it that is Supreme. This is where You really come from: Freedom Itself!
“It is possible for man and woman to be so ONE that they transcend all space and time and in that know One Goodness, One God-ness, One Love, One utter Realisation that knows no end.”
Mostly we think of enlightenment as happening in a singular entity or individual, but there is an entirely different realisation that is still very rare on this planet: to awaken to man and woman as One Being, one moving evolution of the life of this planet, appearing through what seems to be two bodies and two utterly different possibilities.
It is possible for man and woman to be so One that they transcend all space and time and in that know One Goodness, One God-ness, One Love, One utter Realisation that knows no end.
This will utterly change not only how man sees himself and woman sees herself but change our purpose ever to be with another because there is no self-orientation in this. There is nothing to gain in a self, only to give up the self to that greater Calling to unify in Love and in the making of Love. This is Tantra or the Love of Truth or Source through the Calling of man and woman.
That is the possibility. Should this possibility become enlightened in your relationship together, you will know that it is not actually of this planet. This Union is beyond all space and all time and floods all space and all time.
Move as Being and not as a 'someone’.
Move as Being and not as a 'someone’.
“I saw from the Innermost to create a movement that matches how the stars form, that matches how planets move around the stars; a movement of the same frequency as the realisation that Awareness-Knowing came into. This is the practice of The Form. ”
B is the originator of The Form Reality Practice, a powerful movement practice that is the living embodiment and transmission of realisation.
“The Form mirrors exactly the living life of a Being having human form. It shows you how to move in relationship with form and with others in the direction of Oneness and Real Enlightened Presence.”
Uniquely The Form can be practiced alone or shared with another. The Form matches your deep Knowing as Awareness with the movement of your life, giving you unending access to profound Consciousness creating profound forms as the expression of your Being. It speeds up the process of you knowing that you are Divine and entering that place. The Form brings about the awakening of YOU as Awareness-Knowing having a body, having a self, moving Life forward.
The Form is currently taught in 14 countries by Accredited Teachers of The Form.
The Form awakens you in more of what You Are as Awareness-Knowing in the Deep. That is the potentiality.
When you as Awareness-Knowing dance The Form, you are not moving as a body-mind identification, you are simply moving as Awareness-Knowing which has you moving in a deeper realm of Pure Being.
Awareness-Knowing is awakening to deeper and deeper formless levels of Being. As you move as these formless levels of Being, the past patterning in the self, the person and the mind begin to undo and change to match the frequency that Awareness-Knowing is moving into in the Deep.
Your experience of dancing The Form then is a softening and an opening at the level of the Heart and deeper. The mind becomes completely relaxed and opens into clarity. The body opens and the presence of that that is deeper than the normal level of self begins to resonate in your body from your Being. You experience the presence and aliveness of “being” true in the movement and the forming of this life in the presence of the Real You.
The Form helps you to:
• Undo the patterns holding you back from your deeper potential of awakening and creating True Form.
• Bring awakened conscious Awareness into the body-mind instrument and integrate it.
• Transform your body-mind experience and befriend your self.
• Integrate the Heart into embodiment.
• Bring real depth to your relationships.
• Become the master of your life and experience the flowering of New Consciousness.
• Profoundly read the universe, deepen in it and realise the light that you deeply are – the Real Self. This is Self Realisation.
For Events around the world with accredited Teachers of The Form, please visit realitypractice.org
“Receiving the Form, dancing the Form, I as an individual disappear. Beyond time and space, I become a part of quiet and soft movement, and I feel the breath and pulse of the Universe. Nothing is there, but I am connected with everything. The Form takes me to beautiful quietness that is nothing but love.”
Daily Online Mindful Movement
Daily Online Mindful Movement
cosmoFORM is a gateway to higher consciousness, a powerful, easy to learn movement sequence that can profoundly transform life. cosmoFORM brings the body into direct alignment with the cosmos, 'downloading' new energy and uplifting all past. It holds cosmic energy from the Most High and anchors it into our human body.
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Learn cosmoFORM via this guided video from B Prior, its originator. (The idea is that you learn beforehand as the practice will not be guided and take place in silence.)
Now you can join us !
How does it work?
The practice starts at 8 pm NZ time daily. Simply click the button below and you will enter the ‘CosmoFORM’ room. We will start the practice on time together by the sound of a bell.
We will ‘dance’ cosmoFORM in silence as shown in the video, each at their own pace. If you are new to this and unsure of the movement at any time, you can just open your eyes and observe.
We are staying together 20 minutes and cosmoFORM may not take you this long. When you finish the movement, either start again or just remain tuned in.
At 8:20 we will end the meeting with the sound of a bell.
NB: If you have learned cosmoFORM before, you will notice B showing a slight variation to what you may have learned. You can dance it as you know it or in this variation.
cosmoFORM contains quintessential frequencies of The Form Reality Practice. cosmoFORM is free to learn and share.
NB: The Pin to join Zoom is 1111
“None of us are in isolation. We’re all profound Openness discovering. We are all the same beautiful gorgeous One. What an opportunity! ”
cosmoFORM realigns the nervous system with higher frequencies of our being. As we move only aligned with our heart, this realigns the whole body, everything that we are in your nervous system. The movement re-patterns our nervous system to bring in more of our real light of Pure Self. When we move in cosmoFORM, particularly in the black, deeply given to the profound relaxation and centred within the radiance of our heart, we begin to realise we are moving in the formless but the formless is instantly formed as our body-mind right now.
Each movement is a code of your pure consciousness. The slower you move, the more this code opens within your own being.
Prayerful Hands
Prayer means reaching into our abundant nature, bringing deeper levels of Pure Awareness together, letting them marry and merge within our humanness. A movement of prayer is meeting another with no need of past, with no need to relate through the past. Prayer is being present and relating in the moment from the deeper reality that one can reach into. Prayer is being able to relate as Beingness and knowing that without past experience. That is freedom.
When your physical hands come together, go to where that goes to in what seems to be the physicality of your forms. See that when your hands come together, you have access to the deeper level of the unfamiliar level of embodiment of your awareness. That is you as Awareness literally bringing the deeper level of your being into the deeper level of your body.
The House Of God
The House of God is the cosmic aerial that connects you with your higher self. It is Pure Awareness coming into light. In The Form, when you move the House of God, you can know the highest truth. Everything below the House of God belongs to the highest truth. The House of God represents every element that you are self-mastering. Every finger represents every element including ether. The House of God is the power in which being moves into and washes through; all the elements are washed into the expression of Being that creates the universe.
This is the symbol of the real body of God. When we bring the House of God down, this is an instant alignment and a magnetising of the power of that realisation into the systems of what apparently appears to be a body, a physical mass that most people relate to. What the body really is an electromagnetic body moved and known by the light of Pure Self.
The Chalice
The Chalice is the primal code of the universe. The Chalice is literally that that you pour from and that that you pour into. Your body represents the Chalice. Your womb represents the Chalice. Your life represents the Chalice in which you are pouring another Chalice into. The Chalice is an encodement into the light of your being.
cosmoFORM is the Shri Yantra
The cosmoFORM is the Sri Yantra, or the Sri Yantra is the cosmoForm! The downward triangles represent the Feminine Principle, the upright triangles the Masculine Principle. The Chalice to the heart is Pure Consciousness as two principles moving as One, creating the Universe.The House of God is a download of the Absolute (new consciousness), which is then uploaded (life experience) as we bring the Chalice up again to the House of God.
“ There is no past and future to you because you are the presence of what is Here and Now.