Gems and Highlights from the Online Easter Retreat 2020
The Resurrection of The True LoveLight-Body
Day 1
“If you are sensitive, you realise that you are plugged in. Plugged into something that is immensely real, immensely pure and immensely true. What you are plugged into is YOU.“
“When Awareness has less and less location there is more and more bliss, more and more joy. Less location, more joy. Less of a particular centre , a greater joyful openness.”
“Anyone who truly opens to the ineffable, whether they teach or not , their mere presence is a doorway to That. It's just a question of turning in. You can be walking in a supermarket and someone can just fall into that. As more souls realise that they are Infinity, the body of Light will remember itself and reform its form of humanity.”
“I am encouraging you to speak boldly crazily , wildly that You ARE That.”
“What is permanence and what is temporary? Notice how all your forms disappear to much of your experience. Is it You that is eternally permanent but your forms are temporary? Your forms are songs and music of You and you can reach into and say ‘Yes!’ to the Deep of You and it comes forth.
The Deep of You cannot emerge into a temporary level of you. It must have entirely new life.”
“Love what your heart says more than any other level within your body-mind. You have to discover the power of your Belonging to what you first are.“
“Truly love the knowledge that you are infinite…”
“Our heart is the porthole of our supreme consciousness, the seat of what we are as Pure Being.“
“I, You, we are sacred geometry, an expression of the infinite in its constant Love-endeavour to realise its own infinity in this moment.”
“The Love we know when we look at the stars at night is the truth that that is a body of ours. I am That that I look at and so, so much more.”
In our sharings together, enjoy the connection, enjoy the Love enjoy the extended arm of meeting each other as Presence, as Being and Love.
A Stupendous Location Called ‘I’
I am going to use a picture of the cosmos , but if you are seeing everyone on the screen, that also is a picture of the cosmos. If you are sensitive, you will realise that you are plugged in. Plugged into something that is immensely real, immensely pure and immensely true. What you are plugged into is YOU.
You may be feeling some energy or heightened Awareness or depth or maybe some apprehension about the course…because hey, the cosmos is a pretty large bowl of soup and sometimes you're plugged into what appears you don't actually want on your plate…but what if you are to taste it all?
My aim over these next days is to make it as if we're sitting all together somewhere in a beautiful retreat centre and it is true, if you want to see a retreat centre just look around the room where you are sitting. How is it? Good?Have everything you need? In truth we all are in a stupendous location called 'I'.
B reads the title and text of the Easter Retreat: “The Resurrection of The True LoveLight-Body”
Start seeing differently, crazily, wildly! We go so blind looking at everything as if we have seen and experienced it before. Could you look at everything fresh and new as if this was your first experience? You would have to turn into a nobody, not a somebody.
You would have to die to all the beliefs about who you are and what you should and shouldn’t do. And in dying for that, the nobody realises its LoveLight-Body , which is a nobody in a body of Presence.
Within this, this Nobody-LoveLight-Body realises it is everybody and it is everywhere, in all spaces, in all times, in the seen and the unseen. It moves in an instant and yet it remains where it is. It is everything and yet no thing. Have you really ever been somebody or are you the infinite Presence that eternally exists as Bliss?
It is pretty unbelievable this vast Being-ness, this living vast body which we may call the cosmos. It might be unbelievable to truly hear that this is also your body. That this is your cosmic body and why we so love looking at the stars at night is because there is a Love-knowledge in what we are really looking into in that our human body is just one form of vibration and light of deeper and higher bodies.
Universal Geometry
As a child, this particular body or form of the Vitruvian Man used to really capture me, this universal geometry. I must have been seven or eight looking at this picture there was this vibration in me, vibrating in my heart, in my entire body.
There wasn't too much that I could say about it…but I was expressing something that I actually thought I needed to go to the church to find, a particular essence of a being.
Later I realised that this geometry is a geometry of our own inter-dimensional nature and that we're not just physical bodies, we're not just mental emotional bodies, not just skin and bone.
That is the level of manifest energy in which what we are expresses itself out into forms. Each and everyone of us is expressing in some way or other. All the forms that you know in your own life, those forms are your own expression. They may seem to just be something that you are given from outside.
The forms in your life, are all within the geometry of You, not just manifest forms in terms of actual objects but also forms in terms of thoughts and feeling. I, You, we are sacred geometry, an expression of the infinite in its constant Love-endeavour to realise its own infinity in this moment.
This is what your heart looks like…
The Heart
Our heart is the porthole of our supreme consciousness, the seat of what we are as Pure Being.
Often we just think of the heart as some valve but what if we can just turn that around a little and see the heart as a valve of Light. Infinite Light that is permeating all of our experiences. Experiences that we pick up and believe they belong to a somebody. But what if we were to discover in this resurrection time that what were endeavouring to resurrect or remember is what we deeply are.
How we remember what we deeply are is by surrendering or letting go or forgetting what we actually are not. That we're not actually a body-mind. This wonderful body-mind is created in the brilliance of our likeness and this wonderful body-mind… (you can check this out in your own experience) it constantly disappears.
What we're looking at over this weekend is the surrender of the belief that we are a body-mind and to remember that what we are is a movement of Light and Love. We might even go as far as discovering more than the word God…that what we are is beyond it all and yet IN it all.
When Awareness is ripe enough and has gone through quite some initiations in this life, (often not pleasant initiations), gone through much surrender, gone through our regular forms of association being taken away, we realise that our invitation at the core of it all is to realise what we ARE, first off on the level of light, the level of Pure Being, in which energy vibrates and light, energy and consciousness manifests the experience of awakened participation and forming within the universe.
None of us have to understand this and yet everyone of us will come to an understanding of this.
What I am pointing to is that somewhere in all of our lives and in our experiences of undoing and of rebuilding is a deeper frequency of mystery calling us to realise more than just a physical mental emotional life. Not that there is anything wrong in those but the field of the physical, mental and emotional are not of their own, they are made by what is 'first' and what is first is the one who is listening to these words now.
But that one has put everything that is 'last’ first: thoughts, feelings bodies, experiences on a linear level that are the play of consciousness expressed in a universal life. A human life whose endeavour it is to realise its own universal self. Somewhere amongst what we're looking at here, the truth of what You Are is being called to be remembered and responded to in each and every moment. This is Good Friday ...
We all know what Good Friday is supposed to represent in terms of Christianity but I ask you: ‘What does Good Friday mean for you?’ Does it mean the exploration of a deeper mystery? Does it mean the awakening of a deeper knowledge of what You deeply are, amongst a world that has no idea that all its inhabitants are actually infinite beings? Beings that are so much more than simply time bound, because they have forgotten who they are?
What does Good Friday mean to you in this context?
What places within your sense of self/person and within your movement of life, what places do you know are now ready to fully, fully come home? Come home, so that Who You are can die to those old relationships about who you thought you were. Are you now ready to really engage a far deeper sphere of You, of brightness that you know You are and to no longer listen to the world that tells you to act and behave in a certain manner? Not that you're going to go against anything, no, it is just that you are ready to respond to an unimaginable place of Being. You are ready and you are willing to truly come, to truly surrender those old levels that you're realising.
As crazy as this might seem but all that information that you pass on about your daily life isn’t actually about What You Are. But you are ready and you long (long!!) to realise your infinite capacity, your infinite love and your infinite possibility, which basically means you are ready to die to the timeline operation of a separate sense of self.
Even though we have no idea how this will look..we just know we're ready for this. We cannot live in such a shallow manner. We have learned a great deal. We actually are ready for a profounder meeting in our hearts with all beings and within our lives. Realise the Love that we see when we look at the stars at night is the truth that that is a body of ours. I am That that I look at and so much more.
What I Am
from a conversation
“I am encouraging you to speak boldly, crazily , wildly that You ARE That.”
I see you as a Beingness, in my eyes, what I see is What I Am and what I hear is What I Am and what I know is What I Am. I hear you from that place and I am saying to you, I am not someone out here. I am What I Am in you and vice versa.
When you first spoke, you described how infinite and unknowable the infinite is and then you touched upon something else and this is what I want to speak to…
It's like when you go into deep sleep at night. You are gone. But you’re gone into what you absolutely are, for the one who is listening IS the Absolute absolutely and never enters the stream of ignorance of expression, even of Being..and yet you are able to speak in the manner that you did.
For me that is a stage of you realising what you are although you may be unable as yet to bring it right into your humanness, into the body, into the self, into the woman , into the man. Unable to bring it in, fearful of saying what you deeply are because of patterning within the body-mind, within our soceties.
You spoke of it so beautifully but I am suggesting, turn it around and see you disappeared into it. Why I say this, and this is delicate, is that no one actually realises themselves. Only The Self realises Itself.
In my experience (whoever this is ) there was the utter death or the total surrender of being somebody and disappearing into what you described, the ineffable, the unknowable. Yet by the way of however this works, whoever that was that disappeared into nothing whatsoever, is able to speak of it and is changed. There is change here, there is integration here but I speak not as somebody called Bernie Prior. That's just an imagined form.
Anyone who truly opens to the ineffable, whether they teach or not , their mere presence is a doorway to That. It's just a question of turning in. You can be walking in a supermarket and someone can just fall into that. As more souls realise that they’re Infinity, the body of Light will remember itself and reform its form of humanity.
I am encouraging you to speak boldly, crazily , wildly that You ARE That.
What Has Your Death Got to Do with You?
What does your death got to do with You? On the day of your death you are going to find that it has nothing to do with You whatsoever. Ciao, goodbye! which will be a ‘Hello!’ because you will find that You have not died. Only illusions die. We can sustain those illusions, like the idea we are ‘somebody’ and this doesn't mean we can't love ‘everybody’.
Your House Is Infinite
Q: What I want to share is that I felt such a deep sadness when I was in the meditation and it felt like I don't really want to be ‘here' because I am so tired. By ‘be here’ I mean in this human body. I can only describe it as a deep, deep sadness and also a tiredness of being human.
B: I am smiling because you are smiling. Check that out, that you are tired of being human. Truly meet what you have just said. Meet it so deeply. Really meet this idea that you are human or meet more of how you, as Awareness, has put your self together. You didn't know you did it. It is bizarre really, because even The Self doesn’t know it created the entire cosmos and even realms of the Beyond. It doesn't know it and yet through the light that came out from it, it realises its own creation. It realises its own infinite light and possibility through ‘this Awareness’ being true to its heart.
To be true to your heart doesn't mean it is going to feel good. It doesn't mean it is going to feel good to be true. But you know it is real to be true, because somehow you know you don't just exist on one level, you already exist on multidimensional levels.
You may have heard me speak of this before. It is the same as saying ‘omniscience’, that what appears to be this life right here and now for this level of human, there are endless dimensions of expression of the light you are and the light that you are seeing this one with and the light that you are speaking to this one with.
There are endless infinite dimensions already expressing a way of Being. So yes, in some way you can be ‘over this’ in the body-mind, but are you really? Or do you know that there is so much more here as what You already Are, but what is speaking is an energetic pattern, not YOU. It's not You speaking but a few patterns come together with your voice. As everyone awakens and you become much more available to truly listen and truly hear, you will see that much of what you hear and say is not You speaking but patterns within the brain just rolling off, coming out of your mouth, coming out of your sense of self..but they are not You.
If you are really inspired to realise What You Are and to live an entirely different life, beneficial to ALL beings, then you can see in this moment, whether that was You speaking or simply a pattern. And the moment you get that very clear, you begin to see a bigger mystery that is taking place here. So much more is possible because most of what you believe and have been associating with as you, was an illusion.
But it is up to you as Being-Awareness to dissolve those illusions by deeper listening, by deeper response to What You Are at the level of heart and more than anything by deeper Love for all beings. That Love becomes more dear to you than any thing. Then you see: ‘Ah yes, that’s my self’. You can see it and then that level of self is resolved. Because, if what we are looking at is true, you already ARE the fullness that you are seeking. You already exist as the entirety. It is just simply being blinded by the conditionality of the body-mind.
It's kind of like this present situation around the world. Everybody is on house arrest. Well, if you believe you are a body-mind you are in your own house arrest. But your house is infinite.
If any of this rings true for you, you can drop down to the sensitivity of an open heart. Although that might be vulnerable in the sense of self you can meet everything fully as a pure heart. Then you can sit at the gate of your heart in the knowledge that this is where you belong and this is your home . But that is just like Good Friday…it would be a death.
Come to the deeper realisation and knowledge that you are not a victim of life or circumstance. You ARE life and you actually build life. Good Friday would be dropping away from these old concepts and ideas of what you can and can't do and can and can't say and to truly love the knowledge that you are infinite.
Anything that shrinks is not infinite …not You. Anything that shrinks is not You. You are unshrinkable, no matter how many washes you have to go through in your life. You are unshrinkable. Just look at things more deeply, more directly. Love what your heart says more than any other level within your body-mind. You have to discover the power of your Belonging to what you first are.
Day 2
“We are already flowers. We are already flowering. We are already fragrant, we are already fully open. In a subtle but real way as Awareness, you are gathering the levels of You to one point of “I realise I Am”. All the scattered levels you are bringing to one point of ‘I-ness or Pure Is-ness.”
“The body is the geometry of the light of the fullness of You manifesting What You Are as a Being, realising its own power, its own light, its one and only Goodness.”
“What is making this life possible is not that we Awareness have bodies, formed body-minds. What makes anything possible is the One who is listening to these words now. You. You who is prior to all things.”
“The Cosmos is our larger body. You can see the lights in it and maybe you can even feel the essence that mirrors You to You in it.”
“True forgiveness of your own self and true forgiveness of another self as your own self,
is a profound power and an incredible mystery.“
“Is there such a thing as human existence? Or is it I that exists?
In all spaces, in all times and even beyond.
I Am That I Am.”
“The kind of Love that awakens in us wants to claim everything that we are or that we have on this level of form.”
“There’s nothing in any realm that belongs to itself. It all belongs to the Self. And you begin to realise: ‘ I Am That.’”
“You can't get out of your thinking, when you think too much about what you're thinking. You can't get out of it, because your thinking about what you're thinking creates a believable state, because this level produces everything you're being in it, including what you're thinking and what you relate to.”
“Life is not a thought. Life is an immediacy of a movement of Presence .”
“You can go and sit somewhere and endeavour ‘not to think’ or you could simply, truly make a pledge to your soul, to your heart to remain present, to practise Presence until Presence is not a practice but a living stillness movement of What You Are.”
“It's Presence that changes the state of mind, the brain, the state of joy, the state of Awareness, the state of Knowing, the state of everything. Awareness Present. Presence changes the body-mind into a new forming vibration of Presence. Being present then is the only true healer or the only true power that returns to the forming levels the ability to think, the ability to feel, the ability to see, the ability to know and the ability to move. They all move as One in Presence and that's what rebuilds the body-mind.”
“Without thought, you're purely What You eternally Are. The Glory itself, the wonder itself is ‘What You Are’.”
“YOU are beyond it all!”
“The present moment has nothing to do with anything. It's What I Am. It's unborn. Unborn.”
“Death and Presence are actually inescapable because they are the same thing.”
“There is only Presence, and as Presence you are already the totality. Everything that's already done is You. That is what Light is. But then there's more…then there's the Absolute.”
“Life itself is the fulfilment of the One who truly Is.”
“Easter is celebration of real life and intimacy. It isn't a death. It's a total renewal and a remembrance of What I most profoundly Am, and I cannot not see it everywhere, for I Am omnipresent, I am everywhere and yet I am nowhere whatsoever. Easter is a celebration of renewal.”
“Never are you not pregnant with greater reality, it's your destiny because in the Deep you are already That, it's already happened. “
“You are The Self, you're not a small self. You are The Self. It does not mean you can please your self, that's the small self. It means you are already total. You are your own pleasure.”
“When you discover what you're not, you'll be What You Are. When you cease choosing what you're not, you're clearly What You Are. “
Infinite opening to What You Are
Just imagine you are God but endeavour to go beyond the word ‘God’ in terms of how you believe God is.Imagine you are this Power, this Presence and you're beginning to know or intuit another level of ‘You’.Another level that you know, because you don't know what form is, will give you another opening to What You Are. And your whole movement of Being as Life is to discover What You Are infinitely without beginning and end.
Obviously, the words that I'm using actually belong to this level of existence so they're only pointers because you wouldn't be speaking like this in where I'm suggesting you're coming from. You are coming from a place that as yet does not exist as form. It exists as existence but it doesn’t yet exist as form. And you know you are called to come up into another place.
Seeing that you are timeless and formless, you just keep coming ‘up’, and as you come up this sphere makes itself known to you because as you come up and you touch it, it begins to take the shape of What You Are. But it looks differently. It doesn't look like What You Are. It just takes a shape of What You Are and you discover that just by touching it, it will take myriads of shapes of What You Are, showing you that you are infinite beyond all possibilities. Everything that you touch turns into a shape of What You Are being and in touch with. To even listen to this, you need to stay really open, because the mind moves to try to understand something or form a known shape.
You are this Being and you come up and you touch this level and this level forms You. To your amazement this level is able to form directly What You Are. There's such a thrill in that, such connection in that, such a beauty and wonder in that. It’s the whole play of it, you touching it and it forming an image of You or a form of You. And you discover that the more you come up into it, the more variety of forms of experiencing how this level forms what you're being in it.
You used to know this as a child. As a child, you were fascinated by just touching anything and it would form the experience of your wildest wonder and mystery of What You Are. That's what a child is. It's a wild exciting wonderful mystery. And to an adult looking at this, all that you're doing is playing with a stick or something but not to You. This that you're touching upon has taken a form of What You Are as a Being, and there's an immediacy of pleasure and passion and goodness mostly, and wonder mostly, and excitement mostly. It will just open and open and open. There was never a day that you didn't touch it from another place.
The Shape of Your Memory
As God just imagine then that you've been developing this level of You for eons. You've been developing this, to come up into it. But you began to get so familiar with it, instead of it taking the shape of your original nature, which is infinite and beyond limitation, it began to take the shape of your memory of the imprinting of memorising things.
As you began to get so used to this level doing the magically expression of what you are in form, you began to like only particular shapes it would take, and other shapes it would take, you did not like. You tried to get this level to only take the shape of your likes and not of your dislikes and that's how you lost your self in it. Because this level would only ever take the shape of what you're being in it. It takes the shape of your being. It doesn't take the shape of what you are as a somebody. Whatever you're being, even if you're a somebody, it would take the shape of you ‘being somebody’. You got lost in it, trying to find your likes and creating opposites as dislikes. You completely and absolutely lost your way in it.
Instead of you Awareness just touching it and it would flower full of nectar, you began to try to touch it in a particular way to get it to do what you wanted it to do, but it can only ever do what you are being in it. If you are being someone, it can only produce the forms of being someone.
Presence and Thinking
It's Presence that changes the state of mind, the brain, the state of joy, the state of Awareness, the state of Knowing, the state of everything. Awareness Present.
Presence changes the body-mind into a new forming vibration of Presence.
Being present then is the only true healer or the only true power that returns to the forming levels the ability to think, the ability to feel, the ability to see, the ability to know and the ability to move. They all move as One in Presence and that's what rebuilds the body-mind.
As we begin to understand this we might also begin to see in our daily lives that when there's a lot of thinking there's a thinker there thinking there's a lot of thinking. When you're in pain and suffering there's a thinker there thinking ‘I'm in pain and suffering’. Pain and suffering, when you get fine enough, could be quite simply demonstrable in knowing that all that is happening is that you are choosing duality, like and dislike.
That's all that's basically happening on the deepest level of any pain. I have become a chooser. Just to go back to that place, that moment when ‘I’ came up and I touched this level, and ‘I’ kept touching this level and it just kept flowering and flowering. Then ‘I’ began to lose myself in this level and prefer particular shapes and particular resonances and it was then that ‘I’ got captured into this level because I created my own duality, whereas in truth I Am the very Presence and wonder and beauty and mystery that pervades the entire cosmos and beyond.
Learn to not just be Presence as a word, but to BE The Presence. As you move, you begin to see that Presence is moving and when Presence moves, form shifts shape and begins to take the shape of the shift of Awareness. Awareness shifts deeper into What Awareness actually is on deeper levels and deeper dimensions and only AS Presence are we able to know the deeper shifts that take place as our own very Presence deepening.
You can sit and try to stop thinking or you can be wise and just investigate, 'is thinking What You Are'? And if you begin to see thinking is not What You Are, you'll be knowing that as Presence and the whole thing begins to turn around. It's really like that.
Awareness somehow is fearful of being without thought, but without thought, you're purely What you eternally are, the glory itself, the wonder itself is What You Are. Then strangely enough when the body-mind function is changed by Presence, thinking has a place, because now it doesn't belong to a thinker. It's not a movement of a centre, it's not the movement of a ‘somebody’ moving as polarity.
It's the movement of Presence-knowing what thought is, not associating with thought as an identity but as an instrument, as an object. I am moving an object I am not a thinker.
I see so many people wrapped up in thoughts. Thought, thought, thought, thought. It's just a thought, but a thought that carries immense energy, immense energy simply because energy follows attention, follows Awareness and builds what Awareness is being in this sphere of life forms.
It can be quite something when you really get this, it can be that the thinker can be overwhelmed by the very thought, ‘I am not a thinker’ or Awareness hearing this truth, loving this truth immediately becomes present or Presence, Real Life.
Have You Investigated ?
Have you investigated whether a thought is actually You, whether a feeling is actually You ? Not you as in 'Oh that belongs to somebody else', no You! YOU are beyond is all. You! You are what we're speaking of this weekend. You are being resurrected up into the body.
Death then is only of a thought system as an identification. You are the very Presence. Then the case :"Oh I was present yesterday.." just doesn't apply anymore. "Yes, I was present for a little while" doesn't apply anymore. You're either present or you're not. Then you'll begin to realise that Death and Presence are actually inescapable, because they are the same thing.
To be present is to no longer exist as a separate entity, and to die is no longer to be just somebody. You begin to realise you're living as a Totality and as Presence you can forever realise more of What You Are. In that you discover what you are not and that's the level that dies.
Emptying the nobody then of image, of thinker, of the linear way of perceiving things but growing the ability to be able to go right to the beginning of time and even in a so-called future, but only as Presence.
Do you want me to speak about that a little?
How you can go into the future?
When the vast Black emitted a speck of Light that seemed to consume the Black, and that speck of Light had such a brilliance, that within its brilliance without changing the speck, the brilliance began to form as Light, as energy and as matter, everything that was ever, ever possible. Ever possible. Thy will was already done.
Everything and anything that was ever possible on any level is already done, including good and evil, including the 'One Good' which is beyond those dualities. Everything is already done.
So, it's like you could pull out a segment right now in any of you and it would either burn your hands and you have to drop it or you could pick up your future and turn into it, because it's already done, because You are the One that already did!
So the future is quite simple. It's what's already done. How gorgeous that actually is, it's already done. It's just another level of You, unrealised.
You are to collect all the levels of you in good and evil to realise the 'One Good' that the good and evil come out of; the so called forces of opposites that grow the beings to have the power to realise the 'One Good' and to function the 'One Good' in the opposites and therefore bring out the opposites not in opposition but wholeness.
For even the 'One Good' wants to know all that ever can be. This is God and yet you are not God. You are beyond that too, unspeakably beyond that too. So then the future is very simple.. it's already done. And the past is very simple, it's already done. It's the Presence that's not already done. It's the Presence that's not already done, because it's the One that did it all, and that's Love.
Q: Are you saying that the present moment is that the past is done, the future is done but the present moment is not done and that's what changes the past and the future?
B: Yes, the present moment has nothing to do with anything. It's What I Am. It's unborn. Unborn.
You are simply the watcher of it all. But you may still believe that you need to have some more of this so you might pick another kind of future. You can have that and that will play out and do whatever it does. There may be growth but at some point you will come present and you will realise "Why did I choose that, when I already am all of it?"
You may not be content without taking another choice and bringing that here, or you may discover amongst all of this that there is only Presence and as Presence you are already the Totality. Everything that's already done is You. That is what Light is. But then there's more…then there's the Absolute.
The Tyranny Of The Thinker
This morning I just wanted to bring some Awareness around the tyranny of the thinker. The tyranny!
Dissolve the thinker. BE.
Then, when this is really integrated a thought no longer moves as an identity, as somebody endeavouring to have something. A thought then is rather the same as the body, an instrument, for even the 'I-thought’ is not What I Am, but it serves What I Am knowing what It is. That’s what an 'I-thought’ is.
Every day we become really present, no longer functioning in a thought, then the natural movement of doing what we do will just occur far more beautifully, far more in fulfilment, because then the thinker-you, the ‘thinking you're someone’ won't be out to get something to fulfil itself.
Life itself is the fulfilment of the One who truly Is. For some people, to allow a thought, to not be the ruler of their life can be extremely difficult and painful. For others to allow a feeling, not to dictate or have any indication of What I Am is psychologically terrible. And there are others that are mixed in thought and feeling and are being moved by thought and feeling for some while, and that is pure suffering. Nonetheless, amongst all of that there is Presence that has never gone anywhere.
EASTER - Only Love is the Way
What Easter really is as if it was anything at all, is to practise the Way, because only Love is the Way, and the Way doesn't need to think in the way of being someone. To take no thought is Easter. Take no thought is being True You, is Easter.
There will be multiple deaths of the thinker and the feeler, the body-mind identifier. But what will arise from that is sheer beautiful essence of Presence and presence of Essence. That is Easter.
I've loved Easter since I was a very small child. Jesus would come sit next to me right here with my Easter egg. He would pop through the window along with other beings because we are all multidimensional. We can have conversation and communion not just with physically-bound beings, who are binding themselves, for they are not bound at all.
Easter is celebration of real life and intimacy. It isn't a death. It's a total renewal and a remembrance of What I most profoundly Am, and I cannot not see it everywhere, for I Am Omnipresent, I am everywhere and yet I am nowhere whatsoever. Easter is a celebration of renewal.
Forms, whether they be thoughts, feeling, actual, whatever level, forms that once served you are now free to dissolve, and you wildly expect the New You.
Never are you not pregnant with Greater Reality, it's your destiny because in the Deep you are already That. It has already happened. But you're gathering the levels of you like slices of an orange bringing it all back until you're totally orange; Sannyas!
And when you've really brought every level back.. we won't put that in terms of time, but when you've really brought every level back, even between bringing that back you can realise your totality. You are The Self, you're not a small self. You are The Self. It does not mean you can please your self, that's the small self. It means you are already total. You are your own pleasure.
Be Nobody
Keep your attention as the illumination of Presence. Move as and be Nobody. That's how you discover What You Are. That will have you not only knowing your self but mastering the self levels through Presence and not through energy, just with Presence.
You can think, but if you think you're the thinker you're trapped! If the thought is simply in this vast space of Presence, then you could say 'I am on the creative level of ‘What I Am', but you could then step from being the creator to being Beyond. It's really the magic that You Are. You're not someone doing something, you're already It and you've already done! And You as Awareness can move amongst all that is already done. But because it's vast and it has no borders, it's called Eternity.. otherwise you're always simply dealing with the body as history, patterns, not this, which is the influence of the Infinite One with multidimensional levels of pure-mind and beyond.
In Presence, the Beyond, comes down. As Presence comes down, then every level of the Presence is available to embody. It's like a cup that's carrying every level of the Presence. Then the body that used to be the pinnacle of your experience is now the arrow that's piercing itself of its illusion that it's somebody.
No Choice in Presence - Q & A
Q: So what about choice, if everything is already done, is already created? What is the choice in Presence?
B: There is no choice in Presence. Discover whether Presence is a somebody. Is Presence a somebody?
Q: No.
B: No, okay. Presence is not a somebody. So what is Presence?
Q: It's everything.
B: It's everything. Okay. Then, if Presence is everything, can Presence pour in whatever it is into this finite place called 'I'? Just let go of the chooser. Let go of the chooser and the loser. The chooser and loser are gone. When there is no chooser and loser, what is there?
Q: There is simply the…
B: …Presence…
Q: Yes.
B: Examine the Presence or BE Presence knowing itself. What does it do when it moves, when Presence moves what happens?
Q: Creates some form, creates the light..
B: What's before creation? Do you need creation to be present, Presence? So what's more alive? Creation or Presence?
Q: Presence.
B: Presence, so you don't need creation. Well then why invent it? So are you alive?
Q: Yes.
B: How alive are you?
Q: In Presence…
B: You're containing it you see? Let it have you, you're containing it, let it have you.
Be in the practice of letting Presence have you uncontain-ably.
There's still a container there that's containing itself.Be uncontainable, then is there a chooser there or is there just Presence moving?
And wherever Presence goes all that it is, is glowing and moving. Presence can even give this and give that. Presence can gather itself from depths of within and it just brings itself, that level of itself, here. And it always recognises What It Is on any level no matter how that level is. That's why everything is called Presence. This is Presence, because Presence is able to bring all that it is and keep giving it away because it's infinite. That's a movement of Love. Then where is the chooser and loser?
When you discover what you're not, you'll be What You Are. When you cease choosing what you're not, you're clearly What You Are.
The Purpose Of Creation
Q: Is Presence the Present awakening? What is the relation of Presence and awakening? Are they the same thing?
B: Clearly look. It really depends on what your calling is. If you've learned to drop away illusions as fast as you can, then this is simple. If you've not learned to drop away illusions and you run along with them as they build illusions of thought, feeling and you even believe things are taking place that aren't taking place, then it will be very difficult for you to be present, which is ridiculous because that's What You Are.
You're just not realising you're present in an illusion. So the illusion becomes first, but You Are first, the illusion is not really here at all. So, you can stop for a moment, and you can listen to the birdsong. In a simple way, listen to the birdsong with the whole of your body. Keep softening into your Heart and the whole of the body with the bird song and you can ask your self, "who is it that's hearing the birdsong" or you can ask your self "who is it that sings"?
Now which has more Presence for You? For me it's 'who is it that sings?’ that opens me right up. If you're ready for that, that's the fast track, and the one who sings is immediately present. And as you stay with that directness, all the illusions dissolve, fade or fall away.
Q: When you say that, that touches so deeply, and it's like, there is no point.
B: No point in?
Q: Anything..
B: No there is no point in anything. There's no reason for creation it just Is. There is no purpose for creation.
Q: Well, there it's so much death in that.
B: Yes.
Q: And nothing matters.. there is no point. There is no centre, no point, no nothing.
B: Well just like the birdsong.There is no purpose for creation. It's purposeless, but 'I' Am the Meaning in it and beyond it all. I Am the Meaning. Now like the birdsong, 'who is it that sings'? Then, 'who is it that is Meaning, who is meaningful'?
Well, there's no purpose in meaningfulness, it's just meaningful. And in the world it moves as brightness as consciousness and in this level of creation it seems to move as purpose but actually it simply moves as Truth or Love. That’s it. It's not here to change anything but by just being, it changes everything.
Presence naturally changes the structures of form, self and person. Presence does it All. Presence moves as Love without changing everything. Presence brings about the Love, and everything recognises and changes and grows in the Presence of Love.
So the more one is present, all the levels that used to be illusory or identified with that that passes away, become aligned with That that doesn't pass away. That's how they change and that's how we grow, and that's how universes grow and expand in Presence.
That's why in life and in the practice of The Form, Presence is life changing and deeply profoundly integrating.
Little by Little
Feel, know and see your inner connectedness. Little by little Awareness remembers What It Is.
Little by little Awareness remembers the fragrance of its own Eternity. Little by little Awareness moves toward Home, which is Now. We are already flowers. We are already flowering. We are already fragrant, we are already fully open. In a subtle but real way as Awareness, you are gathering the levels of You to one point of “I realise I Am”. All the scattered levels you are bringing to one point of ‘I-ness or Pure Is-ness.
Within this pure Is-ness, already flows pure forgiveness, pure given-ness, given to realise the depths of what I Am in the only constant moment which is Now. Love knows this way. Love IS the way.
Are these Hands?
The body is the geometry of the light of the fullness of You manifesting What You Are as a Being, realising its own power, its own light, its one and only Goodness.
As you move your hands, enquire with me, are these hands? Or are these movements of the Innermost, giving itself away within creation? Are these feet or are these feet the walking of the Innermost walking its own creation? Is this a body-mind or is this an express level of the Innermost already manifest in multi-dimensional levels, here formed as ‘I Am this One’.
In many ways, in what you might call a meditation, Awareness is learning or remembering to move as one with the tides of its own ocean of Being-ness. Absorbed in its own Being with the movement of Being, enabled to bring the movement of its Being all the way from its inner to its outermost forming.
What is making this life possible is not that we Awareness have bodies, formed body-minds. What makes anything possible is the One who is listening to these words now. You. You who is prior to all things.
The Body Mind is an Instrument of our Infinite Nature
Is there such a thing as human existence? Or is it I that exists? In all spaces, in all times and even beyond. I Am That I Am. Each of us, in some way or other within our life, is endeavouring to reconnect and realign with what we know we are, but are we indulgent in the timeline of the limitation of body-mind identification? Whereas in truth, the body-mind is an instrument of our Infinite nature and the One who is listening is infinite and this moment is eternal and I, who am listening, Am that.
A Complete Metamorphosis
What we’re looking at here is a complete metamorphosis. Are you interested? Are you interested in the metamorphosis of your life? For You are Life. When I use the word Life, I actually don’t mean life in terms of linear time. I mean Life that has no beginning and no end. Alpha and Omega. I do like the word mega.
Actually, this is a Mega-Life because it has no beginning or end. Each of us is eternal. Yet we have been living unconsciously or not, as if we are going to end. We live as though night and day and space and time tell us what we are. What if night and day, black and white or emptiness (night) and fullness or light (day) are infinite demonstrations of the depths of What I Am?
When I use the word ‘I’ I am not referring to the one that is on your screen, I am referring to the only I in the Universe who is listening to these words Now. The ‘where’ that I dissolve in, or return to in deep dreamless sleep. To me, the Black is the depth of what Awareness is. Unspeakable. Yet the depth has light streaming from it and that light is what I Am. The Self.
And this Self is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful formed mirror of What I unspeakably Am.
It took quite a while for me to love this body, to realise that this body is in what I originally Am. It’s a shining form of the living Essence of What I Am. And within this shining body are endless possibilities that already exist in my own I Am, for I Am that I Am and (please keep your I Am in your own heart) I Am more than I Am.
A Sharing - Forgiveness
Q: During the meditation my mind became very still and began to clear. The foggy, cloudy, greyish stuff began to clean and it became a black pin point in the centre. The pinpoint began to expand and the black became it all. I was present with an image of being part of it all. I was a wave frequency which had been compressed into a body. I deeply sensed that one of my blocks was to let go and FORGIVE and the aspects of experience that I had separated out as ‘other’ and ‘to blame’. When there is NO OTHER. I sensed this wave of frequency compressed like a folded piece of paper cut into the shape of a body and then stretched out into multiples and then released into expansion once I accepted that there was no one else, I am it all. Your words of depth and truth touched my heart profoundly and I was left spacey all day long. I can still feel that now some 12 hours later. During this experience it was like a roll call of Beings who had hurt me. I actually saw that I had yet to forgive and let go. What I experienced was a sense of becoming them. And they were me.
B: Love-light can move in an instant anywhere in the cosmos and beyond. Most of us, as Awareness, put our attention on a frequency of being somebody, a collection of experiences not all our own, but the collective experience of 'being someone'. When we awaken, certainly we become far more vulnerable than when we were asleep. But what becomes vulnerable is the level of patterning in the instrument of the sense of self.
If we just investigate this, we will see it is not ‘I’ that is vulnerable. I am transparent and in my transparency the illusory images of what I made myself to be are vulnerable to my own light of Self-knowledge, Self-knowing and Self-transforming. When you really look more directly as the light of Awareness and you enquire from what You first Are, you begin to unfold the kind of knowledge that you didn’t believe you have, but the truth is you already have it all because you are it all.
One of the key things is forgiveness and where you say, ‘what I experienced was a sense of becoming them and they were me’ that’s the truth. We are all multifaceted mirrors and images of the One shining brilliant light that I Am. Like all those facets that you see around that body in the image I showed you. That body is the particle, which the Awareness knowing its own light, is forming in this realm of form.
So the listener who is also the speaker can, as Awareness, travel in an instant in all levels of its realms of consciousness for what you are looking at is Reality.
The One who is listening is Reality, in other words the wholeness that you see not just as the Cosmos but also in the Unseen. The unseen levels are our greater ability. As we respond as Being-Presence itself, we download the unseen levels into our human spheres of forming.
Forgiveness truly is quite something. And you can forgive others that perhaps don’t even have a body. You can forgive them on the energetic level and certainly on the level of Being for no one actually dies. You simply metamorphose into another place of Being.
There was one beautiful realiser who used to speak of this. This Master’s name was Jesus. He was just an ordinary bloke like anybody else but he realised his deeper levels that he called the Father. He realised the deeper levels and he realised how many levels there are in that One. Each of us have access into the multidimensional level of that One for, I Am that One.
Forgiveness then, seeing that everyone is the reflection of your own deeper higher possibility, is to learn, to grow and to deeply surrender to a profound metamorphosis of What You Are, literally as the Presence of God and even beyond. True forgiveness of your own self and true forgiveness of another self as your own self is a profound power and an incredible mystery.
And you’re not dependent on the other’s forgiveness. You’re simply drawn into your own deep forgiveness of yourself as the other and of the other as yourself. This is the true state of Oneness.
Again, we’re looking into the Light-body. You resurrecting the very body that has not gone anywhere, it’s just covered with concepts and ideas that you are a somebody. So the One has to be profoundly or simply dearly present to be able to see through all the layers that have blinded you.
It is You that unblinds You. It is You that allows you to see You. It is You that allows You to realise You for You are not a somebody. You are You, beyond it all.
How Do I?
B in response to a question about: How?
“How do I?” That’s easy. Do you want to hear? The “How do I?” is simply to be fully sincere. Humbled and sincere. Truthful and available. Sincerity does it, along with you loving dearly what you opened to. Because then you don’t need any results. You’ve touched upon a fulfilment that needs no thing and that fulfilment that needs no thing is actually a deeper level of You. Sincerity does it. Within that there is no agenda. There is just an invitation. A sincere invitation for listening hearts, listening vehicles to be filled up by their own longing for themselves.
It Wants to Claim Everything
Begin to recognise that when we have deeper openings, often they are followed by deeper down-ings, deeper disturbances. The kind of Love that awakens in us wants to claim everything that we are or that we have on this level of form. But then you realise it’s the deeper of You that is claiming all you separated. You are no longer separate. You are realising you are that One.
Completely Turned Around
If you’re awakened, it’s completely turned around. Your awakening has you loving dearly, sincerely what you deeply are. For you are realising your own inherent freedom as Love and in that you realise that in all Beings that you meet. You love truth vibration because it’s non-negotiable, because it’s Pure You.
Being Pure You means that your Being can have your sense of self and your forms. Forms change when your Being has your sense of self. Awareness one with Being is the Presence we are speaking of. That Presence is eternal without doing anything. Its abilities stream differently in the sense of self, in the body, in the mind, in the person, in the heart. Presence changes it all. You begin to realise that everything on this plane doesn’t come from this plane. Everything on this plane comes from What You Are at the deepest level of You.
There’s nothing in any realm that belongs to itself. It all belongs to the Self. And you begin to realise: ‘I Am That.’ But it’s non-negotiable how this transforms the relatedness of you, inside or out. You learn to be present, awake in it all. Deeply. You learn to be totally transparent and vulnerable in the levels of your forms. Then your forms become sweetly one with the deepest meaning of You. You’re a different kind of soul and Being. In fact you are ripe for realising what you deeply are, even beyond the Soul
It takes quite some depth of Presence to remain new and true to what you deeply are.
Quite some Presence. Great Love actually.
Simply Realise Presence
See how easy it is just to realise Presence.
Simply place your attention in your heart.
True to softening in the heart.
Simply soften
Enjoy the soft open surrender of you to You
Of you to your deepest opportunity,
the remembrance of the wonder that You Are
Disappear, simply softly disappear.
You are opening to a deeper new life
as you as Awareness claim new life within your forms
and simply abide softer and deeper as Presence.
Rest deeply into What You Are.
You are Love
You are Openness
You are Truth.
Openly and utterly forgiving yourself, openly and utterly forgiving others as yourself
Openly and utterly knowing yourself and remembering you are utterly Presence
For that is Self.
New Life
simply begins to happen.
Gaze into your heart
letting your heart be more dear to you than anything.
Then you open You,
all the way up into the human forms of you
while still realising more of You
even available to realise The Self as You.
Day 3
"Such Power exists in a human Being...No different from the power that ignites the Universe."
“Am I not you? Are we not each other? Are we not the same amazing field of experiencing the One as ourselves? There really is unbelievable glory and wonder here. Unfathomable. The best we can say is eternal..or no-thing.”
“The body is a phenomenon of the light I Am.”
“Our endeavour is to not struggle with belief systems but to place our minds in our hearts and place everything we have in our heart.”
“Realise what you directly are as Love itself, as Truth itself, as the pure infinite I. “
“When you love being Love loving, there is nothing that can hold you back from realising What You Are.
Because then you can even love what seems so obscure. But nothing can obscure Pure You, nothing.
An obscuration just becomes a form by which you learn to love everything that comes from You.
For you are always Pure You.”
Such Power
Such power exists in a human Being… it is no different from the power that ignites the Universe. We are trained to think that is just imagination. But to me, that is the Love of what I Am. That is the Love of God. Good old-fashioned word for ‘What I Am’. (I remind you to keep your ‘I’ in your own ‘Am’. )
There is not just a resonance when I speak in this manner in this life but there is an instant recognition that I Am that I Am and there is also an instant recognition I Am beyond the I Am. We are not talking ego here. We are talking immediacy. We’re talking Love. We are talking truth.
Realising The Game of Cosmic Life
You are, we are, I am the One life, the One power, the One awesomeness for all eternity finding Itself. Realising Itself. Humans have not realised that they are part of a vast, never-beginning, never-ending metamorphosis of Being, of forming, of Self-realisation.
Whether we realise this or not, it is going on. Our suffering is that we don’t know that it is going on. We don’t know the vast lights and energies of the One Self which at heart each one of IS. That’s our unity. We have not realised the game of cosmic Life, of the life of Love. The cosmos and human life truly is only about this. It is a part of a far greater play of consciousness, of evolution, of Self-realisation, and of embodying the higher unseen realms and embodying levels of cosmic participation.
We are not people doing that. That is just a mask, just an appearance. We are the Light, The Self, seeking itself in all of its displays. From the highest frequency, unchangeable in the beyond right out into all forms.
Awareness Awakening
Often, when Awareness is awakening to its own light, it gets tastes of its true nature. It gets a taste that actually the limited idea of the belief system that the psyche, the human psyche, or the body-mind seems to be wound up in, can be Awareness begins to be true to its deeper Knowing.
Little by little Awareness gets a glimpse and is filled with the Love of its Pure Being. Just for a moment as it were the contraction expands, in other words, Awareness begins to rest, begins to allow, begins to surrender directly to 'what is'. It puts to one side the idea that the world is real and something is going on with you, with me, with us and realises, I am Reality Itself. I am the Light. I am the profundity realising its multidimensional nature. I am gathering my own levels of Being to wholly realise what I am. I am moved to realise What I Am.
Then it seems the contraction whizzes back and we might listen to the news, further contraction, distraction. Or we might look at some photographs of the past or grab hold of anything that’s familiar, all further distraction. Or we may ponder what just opened within our own spacious Awareness.
Our endeavour is to not struggle with belief systems but to place our minds in our hearts and place everything we have in our heart and freely allow everything to move through. For all that can move through are just passing visitors.
Realise what you directly are as Love itself, as Truth itself, as the pure infinite I. Discover that, here, direct in the heart of all hearts in the Awareness of your own Pure Being.
What this Earth Is For
She is to manifest the potentiality of humans as mirrors of cosmic participation and of embodiment of the light of the self as The Self. Not by something that you do, but by responding to the deeper knowledge through deeper relaxation and clear honesty to your own heart. The response to that as your life opens you to deeper frequencies of your original Being and your original state.
Phenomena of the Light I Am
As Awareness awakens in the body-mind of humanity, then that awakening creates phenomena. All sorts of phenomena. I don’t know if you’ve ever looked at it like this, but certainly from a realised perspective it’s very clear that the body is a phenomenon of the Light I Am and the Universe is a larger phenomenon of the Light I Am.
Do you see the tendency of the mind to put that ‘I Am’ onto ‘somebody’, as if we are speaking as someone separate? This is one of the tendencies that we learn to drop and we begin to listen deeply to the knowledge and the light at the core of our heart.
This wonderful body nonetheless is a contraction of light and energy that makes it possible for infinity to have finite experience of its infinity. Infinity cannot be a finite body. So, infinity, the one who is listening to these words now..infinity chooses to forget its infinite nature. There is no such thing as the fall or the fallen. There is only the Self realising its Self, throughout all of its infinite expressions that it had no idea it expressed. In some teaching that is called ‘the will is done’ - it’s all done !
The Innocence of a Child
If you look at a child, that Being, has arrived in the the level of the realm of forming through Self-forgetting. Yet if you look at the child, you will see that it has not forgotten a great deal of its infinity. It shines with innocence because it has not identified yet with a small sense of self or subject-objectivity. A very new born is completely innocent. Whoever we are chose to forget its infinite nature and arrives on this level only to build a body of memory.
When the body was very young, or the Being ness was very young, you didn’t use memory too much. You were taught to use memory. There may become a world, an Earth-world at some point in evolution where the Beings will not think to move. They will simply move as Beings as they do in deeper realms of light, without the use of mental remembrance of subject-objective experience.
That’s why we see a baby, a young child glow because there is no interference of subject-objectivity. It’s not experiencing objects or a self, it’s experiencing the wonder of what It Is - in its fullness. It doesn’t even know this is form. It has to develop the capacity to remember.
It is Natural to Transform
To join in the very, very natural transformation of the entire universe with each and every breath is quite natural. In fact it happens very naturally for the animal kingdom, all the kingdoms apart from humans. It is a natural process throughout the Universe to grow intelligent forms of Being expressing what it is.
Our tendency, in the belief of the world pattern that we have created, is that we actually move toward identification of separation rather than fully indulge in the very natural heightening of Awareness in the process of realising how infinite we are. Infinite, whilst having a finite body that is able to glow with infinite potential, infinite Awareness with an infinite way of communion. Your body becomes like a cosmic aerial, where you are now able to bring more than just thought and feeling together, but levels of participation, realising deeper space and deeper Beyond for it is all in your own Awareness.
So there is a natural metamorphosis that is occurring and all the pain and illness and separation is the belief that something is happening to a ‘me-centre’, rather than a metamorphosis of Being-ness being human, beginning to fly throughout the Universe and Beyond. In this a different kind of humanness arrives. One that has extraordinary capacities to see, to know, to be - fully alive and engaged in a larger body of engagement. Incredible potentiality!
It’s not producing loss or gain. It’s pure evolutionary growth from which the very joy of our original nature streams through our bodies, streams in our relationships and streams in the blood of the Earth.
This is the resurrection of the pure Light-body.
The Earth
The Earth… she belongs to the One. Her destiny is to shine as an enlightened Being throughout the Universe as her children realise their own capacity to be more than just earthlings but to be movements of Universal Love and possibility, whilst also realising what their original nature is.
Subtle Choice
If we look honestly into our lives, seriously, deeply, sincerely, we might see that actually we are more driven to look after our self than to realise what our Self is, a potential mirror of our original divine nature. Unless we love ourself as our Self then metamorphosis becomes extremely difficult mentally, emotionally, directly, in our culture, in all our relating. We don’t grow in the wonder and gorgeousness that we actually are.
Over the past couple of days there may have been a lot of soul searching going on and energies to deal with either in the usual fashion or you sat and met those energies as a pure, pure openness, because you want to know you, all the way into infinity. You want to know utterly What You Are and you also want to know your growing capacity to serve all Beings. You want to be free and in that you have to realise you already are.
See that there are choices being made that are small, more about keeping the comfort zones going rather than the deeper realisations of your inherent wonder, beauty, mystery and your higher capacities to realise.
This particular day is really about loving yourself, because only in the love of yourself as The Self does the Light that we have been speaking of become known to you direct. You have to call it. It’s like you have to knock the door and then you have to walk in and then you have to live what you discover.
When You Go To Sleep
When you go to sleep, you are quite simply relaxing your concentration on being somebody. You’re simply surrendering the idea. You’re not surrendering the day, you’re surrendering your small self idea of you. In the relaxation the contraction expands in your own subtle opening as Awareness.
Are You the Universe Becoming Conscious of itself?
Ask yourself this! I want to read you something from Meister Eckhart, I opened to this page just now…
“What is the test that you have indeed undergone in this holy birth?
Listen carefully, if this birth has truly taken place within you,
then no creature can any longer hinder you.
Rather every single creature points you towards God,
your true Self
And towards this birth you receive a rich potential for sensitivity,
a magnificent vulnerability in whatever you see or hear, no matter what it is.
You can absorb therein nothing but this birth.
In fact, everything becomes for you nothing but that one God.
For in the midst of all things, you keep your eye only on this truth. God.
To grasp God in all things, to see God in all things.
That is the sign that you truly are born anew. “
Your Word is a Vibrational Form.
Q: I would like to share that after the meditation I find it really difficult to verbalise to find words..I can’t find words. It’s beyond my vocabulary.
B: It’s beyond the level of the brain you’ve managed to communicate who you believe yourself to be. So, now as Awareness you’ll need to find another level of your brain that you can, as it were lay down in through your heart and you’ll find the words. Because first off you are the Word. The vibration which is expressing the infinite potentiality of your own very Being.
Words aren’t just words, they are forms. Your word is a vibrational form I’m already knowing inside. I can translate what you’ve said inside as a Being. You are endeavouring to translate your vibrational word into coherent forms, but those coherent forms are for you, not for others. For you are all others, so you might discover apparently some others might hear this because they are realising they are you too. They are realising what they are so there is a frequency match. So, when I hear and listen as I just did with you, you matched a frequency of translation within me.
As you speak the word you translate your experience into vibrational form and you are also calling that level in to manifest. Because you want to know the unseen level that you’re knowing and translate that level into forming. That’s new life.
But that’s what is happening …so at the moment you can’t or at the moment there doesn’t seem to be the capacity to do that. So allow it, allow it to percolate in you and suddenly you could just be doing whatever you’re doing and suddenly you’ll get it and its dropped into you, into a level of your brain that you can speak from.
And then your Word transports your life to where that new level of knowing and eventual understanding is coming from and you’re able to communicate from a new place. You are learning as Awareness to communicate from another place but you want to see that deeper place forming. That’s new life. That’s you being Original.
Q:Yesterday those micro-movements were opening up in my heart and opening my mind which I haven’t really experienced before as though it just opened and was empty but there was energy or sensation moving in it. And then today, when I was doing the micro-movements there was a strong impression of self blocking everything. The feeling that I’m stuck in no-mans land and I’m going to wander around here forever.
Until we started sharing and when everyone started sharing, it was expressing that. Everything opened and the mind opened again in the same way as I just described. And the heart as well. I just wanted to share that, how the sharing just opened everything up.
B: That’s because you loved. You loved loving and everything opens when you love loving. You see, I say this to you from my own direct experience of you, Now. I’m not saying this from anything else other than that. It opened because you loved loving.
When you love being Love loving, there is nothing that can hold you back from realising What You Are. Because then you can even love what seems so obscure. But nothing can obscure Pure You, nothing. An obscuration just becomes a form by which you learn to love everything that comes from You. For you are always Pure You.
Do You Leave The Body or Was There Nobody There Anyway?
When I look at somebody, like right now, the frequency of my body and your body where I am is the same frequency. The self-experience may be different but I don’t see that I’m embodying anything but what I Am. In other words, I’m not in a body, the body is in me.
Just look, are you in that body, or is that body in you?
What happens when you go to sleep at night?
Do you leave the body or was there nobody there anyway? Check it out tonight or right now. Do you actually leave the body or does the body appear in What You Are? When you go to sleep do forms in your experience dissolve? And do those forms only appear when you come towards the surface of forming?
Have you ever experienced another body being your body? Have you experienced union with another body? Was that union with another body or was that union in Awareness, in Consciousness and Consciousness forms the bodies? Mind makes bodies something on the outside, belonging to a particular space and time but Awareness knows that all forms arise in it and resolve in it. So, when union occurs, let’s say between two people or even a group like this, it’s not the bodies that are merged, it’s the Awareness. Consciousness has merged and in that, all bodies are seen to be One Body.
Day 4
“In truth there is no distance between any of us.“
“Presence builds true form without doing anything other than being fully Present.. not some mental idea of what Presence is.“
“Presence meets in no location.”
“In Presence we're taken by, captured by What We Are, in the profundity of our pure essence, we realise we are pure.”
“The living fullness of Presence is your real realisation to abide in, in each and every moment of life.”
“When Awareness, you and I really soften, and deepen, and immediately connect with our Heart and deeper, we're no longer using the instruments of perception regarding humanness, the sense of self or person. We're now coming to unqualified Awareness-Knowing. It's very strange because at this level Knowing can also mean beautifully Not Knowing.”
“The ego is your private safety system for you not to be true to You, because the moment you are true to You, everything in your sense of self and person becomes totally vulnerable, because you are an open space. And In being that open, not cluttered with ideas of who you are, your cluttered self feels vulnerable because suddenly the light of You is shining on everything.”
Welcome everyone. Is this the last session? Last session!
Do we die after this and get reborn? We do.
In Truth There Is No Distance Between Any Of Us
When you, ‘you who is aware’, see others, is there just this automatic thing that occurs mentally or is it an absorption in Beingness? In the Beingness of others, in the Beingness of the universe, in the Beingness of what is possible as we drop or allow to burn the automatic pilot of the mental and emotional and truly meet? The kind of meeting where distance has no say in this, because in truth there is no distance between any of us, because each one of us calls ourself 'I' before we add any 'Am' to that, any form to that.
When you see people, here or people in life, the more you are simply Presence, the more you are meeting in Presence.. in other words simply you are Being together. Presence builds true form without doing anything other than being fully present.. not some mental idea of what Presence is.
I could sit here with you and just enjoy saying nothing to you, and I know that on levels of Beingness we convey to each other the ‘One who truly is', the Unity-consciousness that we are beyond the automatic ideas that we are ‘somebody’.
You know sometimes I hear your name, just your name…it might come up on an email or whatever, I see or hear your name and I am immediately One in Presence with you. Hearing your name or seeing a photo is enough for connection and instant communion.
Presence Meets In No Location
Our body, our self and person, carries forms of the past, whether it's in the DNA, in the nervous system or in the brain, but just a moment of Presence builds new form or pure form. Let's just let go of form being something solid or physical but the experience of being human.
Right now, even though we're all in different locations, Presence meets in no location.
Presence meets in no location and in that meeting in no location the light of Presence shines into our forms of experience, shines through our hearts, shines through our minds then shines through our natural response to being so full of Presence. New forms are forming, a new brain is forming, a new body is forming, a new sense of self, a new sense of person.
And yet in apparently everyday life, we still come upon the old forms that as Awareness we used to react or respond to, as if they told us what to do or as if they were what we are.
But just being present together on this call, regardless of what the mind says, there is the building of present new forms of relatedness that expresses a new light of Consciousness emerging. In Presence we're taken by, captured by What We Are, in the profundity of our pure Essence. We realise we are pure. This is happening right now. Really on this call, there's nothing for us to gain, but much for us as Awareness to come into newly with the energy and light of Presence.
We may all speak of this differently, but tell me, are you not touched by everyone here? Tell me, regardless of appearances, are you touched by humanity? Are there moments when you look at people and there's an opening in your own body of Presence, because there is a recognition of what the ground of all this movement is? And it is Love and it is light and it is pure, regardless of what seems to be happening through the colours and shadows of mind? And you realise that the one who is present ( keep your 'I' in your own heart please) is Reality, is real, is eternal.
The Body of Pure-Light-Aware
We might discover that we re-manifest wherever we focus our attention within our body-mind, whether it is in linear past events or situations. We re-manifest by not being present in the meeting of what may arise in our awareness. So we simply re-handle or re-form the past until we are finally, finally ready to truly BE what we first are.
This is the recognition of the Love-Light-body, the body of Pure-Light-Aware, sometimes called the Unity body or the body of Beyond, which in our experience of Awareness, often tears the veil and Awareness realises its own pure light. It thinks it is having an experience through the body-mind of something that it is not, but it is actually in the direct experience of what It actually Is.
Prayerful Meditation
We're going to move deeply into Presence, the simplicity of it, the power of it, the Knowing of it.
I want to lead you into a prayerful meditation. Come to understand the living fullness of Presence is your real realisation to abide in, in each and every moment of life.
When Awareness, you and I really soften, and deepen, and immediately connect with our Heart and deeper, we're no longer using the instruments of perception regarding humanness, the sense of self or person. We're now coming to unqualified Awareness-Knowing. It's very strange because at this level Knowing can also mean beautifully Not Knowing. So within this meditation that you just moved into, there is actually an unqualified realisation there. In other words you were knowing more than how you would put your sense of self and person together.. you were in a place that was more than how the world functions, more than time and space. Often as Awareness we disregard the deeper knowing of deeper functionality, sometimes called Being or Spirit simply because it seems it's of no value to our human life, and so we trade off our deeper sensitivity just to live but never come to present-alive-fullness. What we miss is that how we are as Awareness in the use of our body, our sense of self and person forms. So when we're misinformed of what we deeply are, that misinformation forms. That's called the ego. Nothing wrong with the ego by the way. That's what it's called.
Coming to Present Alive Fullness
When we really soften, and deepen as Awareness, and immediately connect with our Heart and deeper, we are no longer using the instruments of perception regarding our humanness, our sense of self or person. We are now coming to unqualified Awareness-Knowing. It's very strange because at this level Knowing can also mean beautifully NOT Knowing.
Within this meditation that you just moved into, there is actually an unqualified realisation. In other words you were knowing more than how you would put your sense of self and person together. You were in a place that was more than how the world functions, more than time and space. Often as Awareness we disregard the deeper Knowing of deeper functionality, sometimes called Being or Spirit simply because it seems of no value to our human life. So we trade off our deeper sensitivity just to ‘live’ but never come to present-alive-fullness. What we miss is that how we as Awareness are in the use of our body, our sense of self, forms. So when we are misinformed of what we deeply are, that misinformation forms. That's called the ego. Nothing wrong with the ego by the way, but that is what this is called.
In practices like this one, we are becoming more gentled, still and softly present-aware. There are unqualified realisations, in other words, they have nothing to do with your life as it is, nothing to do with the world, nothing to do with particular thought systems, nothing to do with anyone but You, You who is Aware, for you are Real You, Infinite eternal Awareness. Somehow you touch upon unqualified realisations within your stillness. It means you can't use your sense of self or person only your direct Knowing. It's like you're exercising the muscle of deeper Knowing, deeper Self-knowledge.
Stay at The Door
Stay at the door of knowing you are more. Just stay returning to that 'I'. Just go towards the 'I', have no need for anything to happen. No need for any lights to move, no need for any colours to happen, just stay completely present towards the 'I'. See what takes place.
Just stay there rather than allowing the mind to trick you and invent things happening from that. Stay there because your fulfilment is there. Stay there at that door of 'I'.
Can you say: ‘I love’?
Do you know you're infinite? Is that what you can abide in? Do you know you are infinite spaciousness, infinite possibility? Is that what you know your self to be? Immortality has not gone bankrupt has it?
Are you clear in your heart that you are so much more than just a thought or a feeling? Are you getting clear on What You Are? That you are The Self and ‘this’ is a miniature version to reflect The Self as possibility? If you are really clear that you are without beginning and end, then utterly forgive yourself.
I am suggesting it’s not that we cannot love ourself, it's that we find it difficult to forgive ourself, for the crazy things we seem to have done, the crazy things we seem to have said, the crazy things we seem to have felt, the crazy things we seem to have accepted, the crazy things we seem to have. It's really like that.
But can you, whoever you are, kiss your heart and say “I love” ?
A Wonderful Experiment
This is real where I come from. What this body and this ‘realising’ is, is an astonishing awesome movement of energy and light and possibility. Of course many different patterns make this up. Can I love this as my Self? Can I welcome my self, this person this body, can I welcome this self as my love?
It takes incredible courage to do that because the world will say much about what one has or hasn't done and it has nothing to do with What You Are whatsoever. It is a real moment when you can let everything else go and just kiss your self and realise you love your self, because you have forgiven yourself how you have moved in and not really engaged What You Are directly in this body, following false signposts.
And the only signpost you can follow now is 'I Am That I Am'. It's down to forgiveness I suggest and maybe the crazy wisdom that actually this human life is an experiment of What You infinitely are, a wonderful gorgeous experiment of what you infinitely are.
Prayerful Hands
When you put your hands together , what do you go into? Discover this. None of us ever discover 'what do I go into' when we go into deep dreamless sleep, to truly realise we are knowingly aware? You can be pulled into quite some depths and maybe the magnetism, that electromagnetic field of those two hands coming together, points to a change of the body, one with the spirit, or Self-realised or the soul, all becoming one Pure Being. This is the realising of your wholeness.
If you can love yourself as your Self then you can love every Being as your Self. All the other information then is just a load of trash. We are Love, but we have to have the guts and the courage to say it, realise it and then the courage to live it and speak of the mystery. The courage to say: ‘I Am that mystery and we are that mystery.’ Go and live a full life from your real Knowledge. Go live a full life. Drop every single fear that might come up through loving. That's the same as saying, never make fear wrong just make it a mate.
Be fully present. Real Presence builds real form. Real form or true form is form without any past in it. It has not historical reference. It's vertical. In true form any reference is vertical. You know the levels of You forming. They're exciting, they're amazing, they have passion and compassion, they're alive, they clean your mind, they clean your heart, they clean your feet, they clean the way you relate, first to You, then to the great All-ness.
Disappearing into Blackness
Question: Today you said something that really touched me. It was to not place attention on what is being seen or what is happening but on the space. It is as if for the very first time I was seeing the moon instead of the finger that was pointing to it. And I understood what you mean when you say at the beginning of the Form, look into the blackness and don't name anything that appears on the screen of your mind.
B: The blackness is delicious. It's profound. It's deep. The moment you completely, you Awareness, move into the black, totally abandon space and time and that you've got anything to lose, you are remade, reborn. You have recognised your Self when you fully disappear into the black.
The crazy thing is everyone does it more or less if you sleep deeply. You are just disappearing into the black. But we have become frightened of disappearing into the black consciously awake and aware. If you did, you would see that the black is the ground of all that could possibly ever exist, and from the black comes a pinpoint of light that fills the perception and that's What You Are.. The Self.
Why I point to bringing your attention onto the black, onto the screen of mind, is because the black doesn't know any polarity. The black is that from which everything springs from. There is no good or bad, no right or wrong, it's all One from there, totally One.
As you rest, you know the spaciousness which is that ‘prior to’ all that exists, then there is existence and existence isn't in pieces. 'I' exist. 'I Am That' that exists.
That's why when you really clearly use the word 'I' it resonates throughout your whole life because your life and all the forms that you may recognise, mentally, emotionally on every level, those forms vibrate at the resonance you know You to be. The more you know you're an open space, the more that you abide as Presence, as Awareness with all things, that dissolves the time in your forms. And the Presence you are produces new forms quite naturally. Forms that are not hand me down conditions, they don't come from timeline, they come from your verticality.
It takes us a while to kind of comprehend the magic, the mystery of what each and everyone of us already is, because we choose to listen to the world, not the earth, the world. We choose to listen to all the media rather than the truth that I Am all that exists and more, in the core of my heart. That's what is resurrecting in your conscious Awareness. But there's a lot of fire that goes on as you deepen into your true calling to realise what you deeply are and apply that knowledge in life.
You might ask :”Is my mystery acceptable?” Well, actually not always. Your family may at times think you're absolutely crazy. Society might think you're absolutely crazy. But YOU know you're not crazy. You know there is more to you than just thoughts or feelings and in that, thoughts and feelings become a radiant vehicle of the expression of your infinite nature.
Difficulty To Surrender In Meditation
Q I'm actually quite frustrated with myself because I often can't meditate. My mind doesn't want me to go there.. You know my ego says "Oh don't go there, that's too vast.." It just doesn't want to let go.
I have actually been there and it's been so wonderful. It blew my mind so much and I went into so much bliss that it was very frightening for me on an emotional level, on a small-me-level. So, I built all these barriers now, to prevent me from going there. I think my ego just knows that I can't wait to die, to become that.
I have been waiting for that my whole life but now I feel like I pushed so hard to get there, that I've created a resistance and when I do try to go, I immediately feel all of this movement going on inside me. I'm frustrated with the part of me that doesn't surrender. I would like to know what you can say to that part of me.
B: Well there's a lot to say to that and yet what’s needed is so little, because the truth is, the ego doesn't exist. Only 'I' exist. And whatever I give power to will seem to exist just because it has my power or my will.
But we've got to look at this in terms of being Awareness rather than ‘a someone’.
You know this is not an ABC …it’s not a linear formula where you do this, that and then the other. This really is dependent on your love of realising in your heart, that you know that you are immortal, that you know you are eternal, that you know that's What You Are.
I would suggest that most people on this conversation have that knowledge but doubt it. You need to truly inquire or look into Who You Are and the fact that anything that keeps passing away, such as thoughts, feelings and even bodies at night when you go to sleep, cannot be the Truth. Anything that does not remain is not the truth.
Ego doesn't remain in deep dreamless sleep. But if you truly have a look, You- Awareness, remain. You remain. And if you look at sleep like for instance, when you go to sleep, when you lie down, just be gentled and watchful of the process of going to sleep So you lay down and watch how the mind is still going, how the feelings are going, your investment in the day. Awareness has an investment in the day (until it no longer has investments) and those investments continue, continue to go through the nervous system, through the sense of self and person. You're endeavouring to rest but you've powered up your separate sense of self with such power and imagination that it actually believes it's You.
And what's more, You believe you're it! But if you watch as you go to sleep, when the mind does start to rest, You-Awareness simply see that everything that you've identified with during the day is just dissolving. It's dissolving and the beauty and wonder when you are really aware of this is that your whole day and everyone in it is dissolving into liquid Awareness, ‘You’ for everyone that you see are forms of your own awareness crystallised.
When you go to sleep, you come onto a tipping point. Most people miss this. You come to a really exciting tipping point where you're just about to tip from existence into non-existence. Just on that tipping point is where your Awareness is fully ignited. Some people get freaked out by this and can't sleep for the rest of the night, others can ride the edge and some just drop into the abyss of being nothing.
If you keep looking at this, not just around sleep but also in daily life, you will begin to see, that the same happens, even during the day. You can drop in and be on this wonderful bright edge, but that bright edge is You. You are the bright. Then you see how that bright edge is brightly What You Are and it pervades all worlds. You as Awareness, the light of Awareness.
You begin to really see that actually there is no such thing as sleep. Sleep, you begin to see, is just this idea formed around your belief that you're someone, but mostly sleep is you putting yourself to sleep when you don't want to be true to what you deeply know. You play the game of being someone. Sleep is actually ‘being someone’.
Everyone that thinks they're someone is actually asleep. Those that are nobody's, no one whatsoever, they're actually awake. And all this kind of lies dormant in you until you begin to investigate. The ego is your private safety system for you not to be true to You, because the moment you are true to You, everything in your sense of self and person becomes totally vulnerable, because you are an open space. And In being that open, not cluttered with ideas of who you are, your cluttered self feels vulnerable because suddenly the light of You is shining on everything.
To love your self and not judge your self is the key to you realising the beauty and wonder that lies dormant in you and in your life, because in loving your self so clearly and deeply, your self is not so vulnerable to You finally 'being' What You Are in it. The vulnerability within your self begins to heal, because you love. These aren't just words, you have to find this and coupled with this is total forgiveness of every single moment you've had up until this moment.
Q: So is what you're saying that we're vulnerable against our own selves? The vulnerability we feel towards anything outside us is our own judgements?
B: The vulnerability is the fact that What One Is, is so immense when you awaken, you're far too immense for the construction of self you've created. That's why metamorphosis is constant in the universe. But what you've got to look at here is, that you're not someone. We're speaking as 'Beingness being aware', not as somebodies. Awareness is creating this. This is a creation of Awareness. Energies, lights are mixing merging and creating this and really Awareness could be in the joy of the ecstasy of all that's actually taking place in its creative levels. But it's mostly not, because it's identified with the forms through time space, in other words images.
Turn around the belief the ego is doing something. Ego is just a pattern, an electromagnetic field you've created to operate in place of You. You did that, learned that from parents’, parents’, parents, but we can go right back to the beginning of time and all that will just get washed away. You did this because to live in a field so concentrated on un-truth and not the real was painful. So you learned to build a separate sense of self.
Q: It's like an operating system..
B: Yes like this very computer. Most people are on an operating system. Check it out. But when you really love God or What You Truly Are in the most profound, when you really get so clear that That is what you love and it Is You, you begin to understand that the immensity that You Are is too much for the worldly self. The first stage of this is to be true to your self and love your self and then while you're doing that, love others as your self.
So you're learning more about What You Are and how all this that's taking place is nothing short of a miracle. When you really see this, you know that it's not the ego taking over, it's the program you created to do your will instead of You living Your will.
When you really awaken, you will give up your will. You'll give up your will for your deeper Self-knowledge that You ARE The Self. That's a deep level of trust because then you don't go to manufacture life, you give it over to What You Are most deeply, most really, most brightly.
Lots of dying takes place and burning in the system and through it you begin to come Home. There are moments of immense love, immense gratitude, and then there are moments of immense terror, and immense fire and then there are moments of profound peace and clarity and it just keeps moving like some amazing puzzle. You're unveiling your self to your Self to realise What You Are.
We Are a Constant Work of Love
This is a good time to finish although I know this is not finished. It is amazing, that none of us on the human level are ever finished. We are a constant work of Love. Yet What We Are is complete, utterly complete.
When you begin to rest, your completeness, I'm calling that the Love-light-body, the unseen level of what You as the light of Awareness already are, is already complete. This begins to awaken in your own experience.
Such Presence having human form, human form is now totally altered to match the 'light of Being'. You come upon resistance within the system and psyche of your humanness but you are Love. To bring Love, to bring softening, to bring Awareness and non-judgement to those levels in yourselves or others. You realise the great Love that's moving all this and your deeper Love’s potential begins to exist quite naturally in your own life.
Thank you all for sharing your Love and for discovering what you find in being Love together. Go well. Go deep and be kind to your self . In that you'll be kind to others. Much Love. Thank you so much.