Highlights from the Tokyo Sessions - April 2018


"You are not the body-mind-name you give yourself . You Are the Here and Now  - infinite in nature, multidimensional in experience." 

"The transformation of your self and the appearance of New Life will look different for each and everyone of us." 

"When we are true to the heart, our mind stops and our mind becomes an opening for the heart to shine through."

"When we awaken we don't master the mind by shutting it up, we master it by no longer believing in its information. Just come to your heart and let the heart answer every moment. The heart then masters the mind."

"Just let go of comfort, a lot - a lot, lot, lot! An incredible lot. Then your comfort, in each breath, will be in the realising of What You really Are. "

"We must, in our daily life, transcend the usual patterning of the human race, of our own self. We have to transcend it and transform it in our own inner experience. Human life is not about making more robots - human robots,  Human life is about the embodiment of the divine..as each and every one of us in our true potential. "

"We know when we are giving our power to being a linear being because we have repetition upon repetition upon repetition of experiences." 

"The body-mind is there for the the greater expression and manifestation of your own Self realising its Self."

"The body-mind develops through the awakening of our Light and the movement of us being Light with each other."

"To live as though you never existed prior to this moment is the deepest Calling. "

"It is within our vulnerability that our greatest light exists...
and within that is our greater ability to move as pure beings."

“The definition of body-mind is:'me'.”

"Every being in the universe is growing into the expansion of Consciousness and Awareness and the evolution of its heart and intelligence. "

"Every cell in your body carries the code of a deeper dimension of your experience."

"Cease translating each moment as if you have existed in the past. Translate the moment from the deepest you can reach and respond to." 

"To experience the fullness of What You Are you will need to transcend your sense of self, whilst including it in the transformation. This will bring your body, your mind and your heart in to balance and harmony."

"Your brain doesn't create duality. It creates what You believe in ! You are its master. If you know there is only One and live there is only One then that will be also your experience in creation." 

"The body is a multidimensional encoded form. It is light and energy, magnetised to appear solid for the purpose of forming the light into true forms of experience."

"Gently, gently, softly, softly, and sometimes radically cease believing in anything but your own light. In that way you will love all beings, serve all beings and realise you are the manifestation of your original Light and Self."

"In truth everyone is looking for the changeless within all that changes."

"When we are in our heart we are in a place of Being, prior to having a body a mind a form.
The body-mind is not our home, the heart is our home."

"Stillness is the porthole to greater realisation of what your light is."

"In truth our brain or our mind is not there to 'think', it is there to reflect back the light of our Real Self."

"Focusing narrows your awareness into a singular entity called 'me'. It is opening that take you into your deeper Knowledge, Light and Essence. Opening changes your body-mind on a cellular level." 

"We have fresh new lives when we wake up new every morning. If you keep attending to yesterday, you will never live fully in the moment. Discover what you are Now and respond to that Knowledge in all things." 

"Within your life, wherever you are  struggling mentally or emotionally, the struggle is with surrendering the past because you know something deeper that is in the Present is endeavouring to manifest. You are Freedom itself. It is not something you do - it is what You Are." 

"There is no one you could ever meet, no experience you could ever have that you have not brought to your self to understand What You Are. You are calling to be the Light of Consciousness itself."

"The more you are true to your deeper Knowing , which is your deeper awakening , both your ability to know deeper, understand deeper and form deeper forms will appear in your daily life. Where you relate from has a direct consequence of relationship to the forms of your experience mentally, emotionally and actually. " 


Born To Realise Our Mystery

Our body-mind experience is not to separate our selves, it is to give function to the deeper realising of what we are as the light of Consciousness. Otherwise our mental plane gets confusing. Because if we don't discover our own innate mystery  the body-mind gets clouded, disruptive in that it holds on to past patterning and doesn't open up to greater dimensions than just this physical plane. You see, we are born to realise our own mystery. The body mind is created within our own light. And how we see and know ourselves creates the effect of that seeing and knowing in the body-mind. 


If we identify with a body mind that has a definite beginning and a definite end - the body dies - then we're identifying with a beginning or end . But the one who is listening to these words does not have a beginning or an end. 

The body-mind develops through the awakening of our light and the movement of us being light with each other. We have to reach beyond how we have made our self limited as a body mind, reach beyond the patterned sense of self. Everyone actually has their own destiny in their hands, in their heart and available in the mind and in the body. 


No Longer Believing The Information Of The Mind

When we awaken we don't master the mind by shutting it up, we master it by no longer believing in its information. You will spend millions of years waiting for the mind to stop! Just come to your heart and let the heart answer every moment. The heart then masters the mind. You will find it gets easier and easier not to listen to the mind. and the energy that you gave to thoughts and feeling begins to come back into the heart to your being.


Little by little, leap by leap you are coming home and whilst this process is happening you are knowing your self like you have never known before - but from the heart. You will develop compassion for your self and for others and you will deepen in the light of what you truly are. You will find this is your way home and it begins to manifest in your life.  Just let go of comfort, a lot - a lot, lot, lot! An incredible lot. Then your comfort, in each breath, will be in the realising of What You really Are. That is You abiding in your true light. Then in your daily life , your movement is a manifestation of where you are now coming from beyond your body mind identity. 


Prior to Light

The very substance of the entire cosmos is made of your true nature. Everything is made of Consciousness. At different levels of light coming into forming. On this level of reality light is dense. And often the very light that is knowing that density is also dense. 

Prior to Light is that deep navy-blue you spoke of, that is your true nature. Pure Awareness. Out of Pure Awareness, the size of a mustard seed, Light came and filled the perception. You know everything that you know because you are the light of Knowing but you have objectified your Knowing as some body. The deeper you go there is only Light knowing Knowing. 

This changes your orientation and relationship. You start to relate first off to what you deeply are: Consciousness itself.  When you relate deeper than the body-mind conditionality this puts  a different vibration in your body.


Return to Inncocence

When you start to awaken, in many ways you are returning to the innocence of a child. There is a renewed sense of beauty and  mystery and excitement in the life. There is a sense that you life as a destiny not determined by how the body-mind reacts or responds. That one's destiny isn't determined by outside experiences but by innermost knowledge and awakening. 


The Space Of Awareness Is What You Are

Mainly we move through life in the belief that I am a man, I am a woman, I am a thought, I am a feeling, I am a body. None of the is the truth, what You Are is the living light of Consciousness. It looks like you are walking along the street and your body, a form walking, is what you are, but truly what You Are is a vast space of Pure Awareness and from that vast space of Pure Awareness light is happening. The space of Awareness is your true nature and the light that is pouring out of that space is the pure light of Consciousness. Your body is an appearance of that light in a matrix of forming - Now.


Never Anywhere But Here and Now

Pure Consciousness manifests its forms only Now. The brain interprets the manifestation of form as having a past and a seeming or hoped for future but really you are walking light manifesting form in the Now. You are never anywhere but Here and Now. No matter how long you appear to have lived, you have never been more than Here and Now. You can be in Tokyo, in New Zealand or on Mars and it is going to be Here and Now. 

Here and Now is your manifestation. You manifest what Here and Now looks like, tastes like, feels like and how it moves. Here and Now is What You Are - not a woman, not a man, not a human, not Japanese, not English - You Are the Here and Now manifesting everything that appears in the space and light of Here and Now. Forms appear in your Here and Now at incredible speed - forms of experience. You are experiencing only the forms of You, manifesting what is Here and Now.

So then what is 'Here'? Here, on this plane, represents the space in which everything appears. Space represents the profound Awareness that is Here. Awareness and Space is the same. If you look at Awareness or space it is infinite. So You are infinite and you are Here. You are infinity. Prior to being anything else, you are infinite in your true nature. 

Let's look at 'Now', the mind translates Now as time. We might say: "Are we starting now?  or  “Are we late now ?" Now, in existence, translates as 'time'. In your true nature time is your eternal state and your eternal state is multidimensional. Here: infinite, Now: multidimensional in time and space.


There are more dimensions and possibilities to you as Here and Now. You are more than just this woman, this man, this human. Mostly we just keep our attention on the forms of our experience, mentally, emotionally, physically and personally.  We literally construct this body in the space which is 'Here' (Infinite Awareness).  And as this 'Here', this infinite Awareness within the space of Now, constructs a human body, not only does your body appear but your larger body , which is the universe, appears in the same Here and Now. You are constructing it all. 

There is a light of Consciousness or love within your heart that is the knowing of this. The speed of your Consciousness is Here and Now but whilst you concentrate on being a someone who had a past, who needs a future you use your intelligence to reflect off of the past and you reconstruct the same experience in the past in this Here and Now because You relate to your self as if you had a yesterday but You Are the Here and Now beyond all space and time. 


Entering The Deeper Knowledge Of 'What I Am'

B Tokyo Square.jpg

Just have a look at today ?  Did you let go today of all your yesterdays and live brand new today? The answer is no, right?  Because you firmly have this belief that you existed yesterday and you are carrying all of yesterday's information as if you are a someone with a perceived future. But sometimes during your day there is this little speck of light that knows more than all your yesterdays. That is your infinite light of your Here and Now. But we generally don't listen to it .
When we bring our Awareness to that light in our heart we enter dimensions of deeper reality beyond this particular space-time. We enter the deeper knowledge of What I AM. This is You accessing more of your deeper levels of Consciousness. It is a higher intelligence and that has a totally different functionality than this surface level that is conditioned in form. 

When we are called to awaken in our lives to our eternal nature, we want our life to reflect to us and form to us our deeper eternal nature within our experience of Here and Now. You are Here and Now, everyone is Here and this is Now. Does Here and Now have anything to do with the past or future? If you come to the heart it does not because this Here and Now contains All possibilities. 

Learn to stabilise in the heart, which is Here and Now instead of just picking up information from your past and the belief that you need a future. Your same image travels with you, the same image, the same difficulties, the same problems, the same holding patterns, they all travel with you just because we carry the belief that we have a past and that we have a future to fulfil. We carry  the conditionality of our selves, our friends, our family, our culture and the world conditioning , we carry it with us. But we are Freedom itself. Here and Now you are free. Cease thinking about the past or the future and respond to the Here and Now as your divine state-  You are already free. 


 Live As If You Never Existed Prior To This Moment

It's quite difficult to stay so deep and clear in the light of one's heart and listen to the heart, which is our true Being, which knows no judgment, knows no comparison, only knows compassion. It's quite difficult to stabilise in the light of the heart whilst old patterns of self are undone in one's self-transformation. But to live each day as though you never existed prior to this moment is the deepest Calling. 


The Challenges We Face In Awakening

When we begin to awaken, we face real challenges in our life. Real challenges! In awakening we face mental, emotional, physical, relationship changes - all those wrapped in our human life. Everything is on the move. The New is ready to emerge. But will you allow it ? 


I Am Interested In 'You', Your Eternal State

Every cell in your body carries the code of a deeper dimension of your experience. The codes in which You-Awareness are manifesting your human body... they do not come from linear space and time. They come from your vertical reality of intelligence. Then our mind interprets those codes from vertical reality and makes them horizontal. Most of us just stay with the horizontal plane. Then we want to know about our past and our possibilities for the future. 


I don't meet you in that manner. I am not interested in people's past and future. I am interested in YOU, your eternal state, prior to any past or future. For that is the moment of your true embodiment coded from your deeper realisations. You can commune with the stars in such a manner. You could commune with oak trees in such a manner. For such a one even a speck of dust will be a universal intelligence. 


Mobility In Our Formless Levels

Every human being is very practiced in being able to move as a form. I call this mobility. You are very practiced in being mobile as a body. So much so, that your body has become static, but what one is, what You Are is the light of Reality. Imagine a body of light with many levels of expression. We are mobile on one level only and we need to realise our deeper formless levels. When we become mobile in those levels,  our body then manifests a deeper dimension. 

This teaching is about being mobile in your innermost Self, deeper and deeper. The difficulty is being mobile in the deep, whilst moving in form. The codes of the deeper Consciousness need to enter the body-mind form. The body-mind code needs changing, because when you dive deeper into the deeper dimensions your physical reality rejects those deeper dimensions as though they are enemies. We have taught this dimension of our selves to remain in the known . Even the biology in the body works like this. Cells in the body will reject anything that they don't know or understand. 

So what self mastery does is your growing ability to be consciously mobile in the deeper places of your pure Being and your greater ability to bring those codes up into the body, without the mind rejecting them. That is self-transformation. 

Embody The Deeper Dimensions Of What You Are

We can know deeper, an old fashioned word for this would be to have faith, the kind of faith to know you are eternal without a beginning or an end. But that Knowing can only be understood when it enters the body. People come to whoever ‘this’ (B) is because I live the Knowing - I understand it because it is manifested as my body. You must enter the deeper dimensions of what you are and embody them to be able to understand what you know.  This is integration. It is actually how the universe expands. The universe expands its forms of creation through beings realising the source of creation.  

I am suggesting through this teaching that You are able to walk on the inner planes and to walk on the outer planes as the same movement. 



You're All Different

You cannot enter the deep with your sense of conditioning. You can only enter the deep when you let go of the luggage of your belief system. But when you come back from the deep, you look in your luggage and all the clothes have been cleaned ..you are all different. 


The Is No Duality Outside Of Your Self

Duality is how You, the light of Consciousness have encoded a sense of self in a separate manner. They are the levels you are transforming from your deeper awakening. There is actually no duality outside of yourself other than what you activate. They are the levels that you face every day to bring to the non-duality, the light of your True Self. 


The Brain Is Your Servant

Your brain doesn't create duality. It creates what You believe in ! You are its master. If you know there is only One and live there is only One then that will be also your experience in creation. The brain is Your servant - You who is the Consciousness that is knowing these words. It does not create duality. It give form to your belief only and then it gives you the sense feeling, thoughts and sensation of your belief embodied. It wraps into experience, mentally emotionally even socially what you are believing in. When you realise there is only One and you live that , what Oneness looks like , feels like, tastes like sounds like you will experience in your body. 



The Body Is Light And Energy Magnetised to Appear Solid

The body is a multidimensional encoded form. It is light and energy, magnetised to appear solid for the purpose of forming the light into true forms of experience. The body only seems so solid, when You, the Awareness of Knowing, mixes up what the body is and what You are. If you really solidly believe that you were born and the body-mind tells you who you are, such as: "I am someone living in Tokyo..." then your body in your experience will be a solid experience of: “I am someone”.

When you relate to the deeper Knowing through your heart, your body will begin to open and it will display to you the energy that is holding the solidity together. The energy that you are hiding on in a particular pattern will begin to open. We experience that as difficulties in our life, in our relationships. But when a pattern opens up within our selves about life or any relationship, although this pattern displays the images and feelings of that particular dilemma that one has been holding onto, essentially that energy is being freed of formed identity. It is ready to be illumed from your deeper realisation and belonging, to form within your cells a lighter form of experience of what you are realising in the deep. 


Our Real Home

It's not that we go to sleep at night, in truth we let go of our focus on our attention on being human. We are actually dissolving into our Real Home, which is what we Are. We mistake this body to be our home.
We come up from the deep into the body and in deep sleep we disappear back into the deep. 


Attuned to Divine Experience

We believe our biology is something to maintain human experience but it actually is attuned to cosmic experience or divine experience. Isn't this thrilling? This is what you see in a baby, you see the light it is, the meta-physical. You see that it is moving, manifesting a pure form of humanness and you see its transcendental light shining in its form.


Looking for the Changeless

In truth everyone is looking for the changeless within all that changes. Most people are looking through that that changes to find their true soul joy and the happiness that is their true state. I am not pointing you to any worldly attainment, I am pointing you to what you already ARE – attainment in the world or not.  What the soul is, is way beyond how the world shows us what we are as individuals, so within this life we are called to awaken beyond the concepts of the world and the concepts of the body mind. To realise and open the light of one’s soul is to realise Nirvana and Samsara, good and bad, don’t apply. What your soul light is moving in has no opposites. It is transcending these opposite states to realise what we are, to realise one’s soul light, one’s soul purpose and one’s orientation as the light of one’s soul.


Embracing Life As It Is

The soul journey has no opposites. We are not seeking something from this  world. What we are learning is to fully embrace 'What Is' whilst moving forward with our deepest inner intuition, our deepest heart Knowing, regardless of any appearance of opposites in the world of changing forms. 

 When we are attuned to the light in our heart opposites don’t mean anything to us whatsoever because somehow we intuit there is more of what we are with no opposite shining through. You can call it intuition, you can call it Heart Knowing ,  you are learning to fully embrace life 'as it is' with the appearance of opposites.

When one begins to truly live this one’s deeper dimensions move in a very extraordinary way of possibility. Then what you once may have called a stroke of luck was actually a manifestation of your deeper knowledge.


Nirvana and Samsara Are Both Made Of The Light Of You

Embrace any opposites that arise, otherwise you will be moving away from what seems to be a difficult problem in the hope and desire to get what the opposite of that problem is, whether you think it is more happiness or joy or whatever it may be. In that manner one no longer sees that both opposites are made of your pure light. Nirvana and Samsara are made of the pure light of You. Here that seems to appear as opposites. Embrace the opposites and you are absorbing the deep and just like in a baby,  the deep manifests embodied. 

There is something very profound moving and living us all and we are awakening to it.The moment  you see what is happening and cease creating good, bad, right and wrong, your deeper light transforms that level within your mind, within your heart, within your body and within your life.  Live that awakening, be wonderfully response-able for the transformation of the self, no longer afraid of opposites, no longer seeking for a good as opposed to a bad. Live the deeper awakening! That is alchemy on every level that you breathe into.  


No Need To Get Out Of Patterns

Q : My patterns are really obvious and in my face at the moment. My question is how do I move forward ? How do I get out of patterns to continue deepening?

B : There is nothing to get out of. Even the cosmos is in your own Awareness. All your friends and family are in your awareness. Remember you are not 'the name'.There is no need to 'get out of it,  because it is all made of You. Everything that you see manifest, is a manifestation of Your Light; the table, the chair, the people, the clothes -  lights of manifestation. So instead of running away from that or avoiding it, if you are present and still,  you will realise that you are the Source of all that you can ever experience. Then what seemed to you to have a positive and negative experience... that whole line will dissolve and you will only know the Love of your own Presence in that Here and Now.

Whoever those people are, they are bringing levels of Consciousness that no longer work for you. You Awareness have gone beyond that level of Consciousness, gone beyond that level of form and gone beyond that level of understanding. So why would you keep identifying with it?  It only comes back around because of your identification with those old forms, those old ways.  When You- Awareness relate to your bodies, your thoughts, your feelings and your history and not relate directly to the light of our Knowing  circumstances build around you showing you that there is a level of development needed in this sense of self, this sense of person.

 Without you no longer addressing what seems to be people and circumstances in your old manner, which has actually created those circumstances, the deeper level of consciousness you are awakening to cannot manifest that deeper level. The deeper level of consciousness one's awareness is now reaching cannot manifest that level because the old forms are taking up the space. So those circumstances and those people. Cease being 'your name' with them, meet them from your heart of consciousness. That repetitious patterning will vibrate in the body-mind as it empties and you will experience this deeply . Ignore it. Don't do anything about it, it is undoing a pattern and that energy will be available to manifest the next level.  We have fresh new lives when we wake up new every morning. If you keep attending to yesterday, you will never live fully in the moment. Discover what you are Now and respond to that Knowledge in all things. 


Q: Every morning on the subway I see many people I have never seen before. Do I actually, each morning, create these people ? 

B: Yes, they are cells within your universal body very much the same as the cells that make up this body. This is no little subject, this realising What One Is. 


Your Capacity to Know 'What Is'

Being or Consciousness is what you use to know What Is. You need to be conscious to know What is. To know any thing you need to have the capacity to 'know' that is your Consciousness or your Being. `


You Ability To Enter A Deeper Self-Knowledge

Your ability to enter a deeper self knowledge reflects in how you create your life and move your life. It was I believe Einstein who said something like: "The same consciousness that created a form cannot change it"  So whilst you believe you are a static being , a body mind entity, you cannot change that entity of life or the body-mind.

The deeper you enter within , that changes where you come from, where your consciousness comes from and how you manifest the forms of that level.  Currently on this planet we still judge those changes and we judge why another would be different from us. The deeper you realise your deeper consciousness you will no longer judge. You will begin to realise that all beings are the same light, manifesting literally a multidimensional humanity. You will realise that each being is manifesting according to their consciousness or where they come from within.

So one's forms of experience will always match the level of consciousness you have attained. When you attain a deeper level of conscious Awareness your forms will also begin to come into alchemy, come into change.

You will then face the levels of your mind that you are still holding onto a self image. You will also face the levels of the mind holding on to a societal pattern a family pattern or a cultural pattern. When you cross that line, you begin to see that everything is dancing atoms energy and Beingness full of light and potentiality.  The more you are true to your deeper Knowing , which is your deeper awakening , both your ability to know deeper, understand deeper and form deeper forms will appear in your daily life. Where you relate from has a direct consequence of relationship to the forms of your experience both mental emotionally and actually


Wander In The Deep

If you want to grow, if you want to be your own master, if you want to bring the light of what you are into every day, you have to keep your attention from wandering everywhere. Not wandering into thoughts, not wandering into feelings, not wandering into history. If you want to wander, wander and wonder in the deep. 


Here And Now

When we say we're Here and Now we are actually making a statement about our true nature and its manifestation. What 'Here' is: to be Here is to be present in the infinite of What You Are. 'Here' appears as the space, the space is the space of your own Awareness. That's 'Here'. It is infinite. Infinite space. Infinite Awareness.  'Now'  points towards time because the time is always 'Now', whatever the time is, it is 'Now'. It is not 5 o clock is it ? The time is Now. 'Now' points to our infinite nature having multidimensional forms.

So when we are Here and Now , we are actually saying to our self that we are Infinite Awareness with Eternal Consciousness, that we can move in deeper realms of our Being and it will always be Here and Now.


We are always bringing into our presence our deeper opportunity. 

Journey Well

Cease translating each moment as if you have existed in the past. Translate the moment from the deepest you can reach and respond to. You are coming into the new field of Living Universal Awareness. There is no ‘room’ there is only the field of our light communing to itself and then there is immediate manifestation of that within multi-dimensional realms of our Being. Here it manifests as changeable form, but in other levels of our Being we are already meeting as light Gently, gently, softly, softly, and sometimes radically cease believing in anything but your own light. In that way you’ll love all beings, serve all beings and realise you are the manifestation of your original Light and Self. Journey well on this journey-less journey.



Pieces about The Form Reality Practice

"The practice of The Form is one of my ways to point you to your essential nature and its living realization whilst self is in transformation and you are moving in this life.”

"In the practice of The Form what we are doing is going beyond the gross experience of what the mind is for, the body is for and what the emotional body is for. We are raising it up. "

 "Within the practice of the Form, which is a mirror of daily life, we learn self mastery, self discovery and illumination and its action." 

"The Form, I call it Reality Practice, is the reflection that you are the only bright Reality."

"In the practice of TF you will experience the emptying out of the old codes and the recoding of the levels of you cells. "


A Deeper Response

When we're in our heart and through the practice of The Form there is a deeper response to our daily life than the usual.  We must in our daily life transcend the usual patterning of our human race, of our own self. We have to transcend it. And transform it in our own inner experience. Human life is not about making more robots - human robots,  human life is about the embodiment of the divine..as each and every one of us in our true potential. 


A True Practice

What a true practice does: it aligns you with the deep that you are prior to the functioning of the body mind. Then within that you begin to discover the body mind was always meant to be the functionality of the mystery and not of the belief 'I am somebody'. 



What the practice of TF does is attune you into deeper frequencies of your Being and allows you to move into the deep, whilst the body is also moving. 

You move your body actually not as a body. You are moving your body as Consciousness itself but you have to realise this. Where you come from in each moment of life manifests the circumstances of your life. The deeper you come from within your heart, the higher the frequency you will awaken to and manifest the body, the life differently. 


The Body Is The Living Manifestation Of What Is Deeper

What I am speaking of (and the practice of The Form) relates to the realising that “I-Consciousness” manifest the movement of this life. And as “I-Consciousness” come into the deeper realms of the heart that brings that frequency up into embodiment. The body becomes the manifestation of a deeper level of heart-frequency. And that deeper level embodied moves different circumstances in our life.

Both the body and the circumstances in life manifest where Consciousness, (you and I ) are now coming from because the body is not just a manifestation of what is deeper, it is the LIVING manifestation of what s deeper. So the body always demonstrates to us where we Consciousness are coming from. Are we coming from the shallow or are we coming from the deep? Are we coming from the conditionality or are we coming from deeper meaning ? 

Within the practice of The Form we attune the entire body and open up the Awareness to the deeper frequencies that are already active in one's life . Whether they are manifest or whether they are hidden is up to you, because the deeper frequencies will change your life. You won't know your old life. if you want to keep the same old life you best not awaken , you best take the 'blue pill' (refers to movie 'the Matrix')  and stay asleep.  

What I am endeavouring to demonstrate to you is that the body doesn't appear on its own. The body is a manifestation of where you go when you close your eyes. You just think  the body is your home but no, your home is within. All this is the outpouring of your infinite home. It changes because You are without beginning and end, so it has to change. That is why everything moves; it moves because You are infinite. The whole universe moves became of the infinite nature of the space it manifests in. 


Always A Soul Meeting

Let go of 'him' (B) being a teacher as I let go of you being a student. We are eternal beings called to realise the Love we are. This is how I live whether I am working or walking the street. How I will address you and how we will be together isn't something that I separate from the moment I walk into a cafe or to eat in a restaurant. When the waiter comes towards me I meet him in the same place I am meeting you. So, it is always a soul meeting. Truly, in daily life there is nothing else other than meeting deeply in the divine. 


Every Circumstance You Face

Every circumstance that you face is You manifesting that circumstance so you can know and understand what You Are. We are an amazing mystery. You cannot get familiar with you. You must be unfamiliar.



Self-mastery is your growing ability, which we discover in the practice of The Form, to be consciously mobile in the deeper places of your Pure Being and your greater ability to bring the codes of a deeper Consciousness up into the body, without the mind rejecting them. That is self-transformation. 


In Your Own Experience

Whoever this is (body-mind-name), I Am the Presence of a deeper dimension, walking in this level that is forming that dimension. The practice of The Form, the codes of The Form make this truly knowable in your own experience. 


Slow Movement

In the practice of The Form…. we move slowly in the movement because the slower you move, the easier it is to bypass the thoughts and feelings of the conditional body-mind. When we move slowly that is a speed exceeding light. This is why any ancient training of Kung Fu or Tai Chi, the speed of perception in a deep practitioner is beyond even light. So the slower you go in The Form the deeper dimensions of the brighter realities one reaches. 


Your Awareness Expands

Within the practice, this field that begins to open up you can actually see as the light of Awareness, the levels of integration still needed in the body-mind.  It is a field that may relate to a particular part of the body maybe but you are in the recognition of a level of your self and person that you are integrating and evolving. Your awareness, often through the third eye, the heart and the crown, expands and you begin to discover you have this Knowing beyond even what you can think. Beautiful! You begin to learn that you don’t have to think to understand what you KNOW. This is how your Being begins to fill up the body-mind and you become full of the Being you are, full of the joy you are. This means you don’t have to deal with any development of your self and person from a mind point of view – as a polarity, as a right or a wrong. You are now able to see it and know it and transform it from the light of your original Being, your soul light.


The Fullness of What We Are

To experience the fullness of what you are you will need to transcend your sense of self whilst including it in the transformation. This will bring your body, your mind and your heart in to balance and harmony. This is what we are entering within the practice of  The Form. 


The Black Is Pure Awareness

We are reversing this idea that you're someone doing something, which empowers what You deeply Are.  When we close our eyes and when we feel sensation in the body, notice that when you're moving your hands there is no sense that your hands have a shape. The shape of your hands comes from a blueprint in your consciousness. So the sensation in your hands and the graininess of the screen..that sensation is a beam of light coming from the deep. You cannot see the light because you ARE it, moving. You are the light that has objectified itself. Here for you your body is physical - you can look for the light but you won't find it , because it is You. You are the light of Knowing. 

We know this in our current age , in this digital age, where light is information. But light is YOU, You are the information, streaming from a deeper dimension. This is why I am making this connection between the sensation in your body and the black screen and the graininess on the screen. Truly that black is Pure Awareness, You as Awareness and light is pouring from that black and that light is You.