The Unconditional
Within every condition is the Unconditional. The Unconditional does not rise on its own. Amongst the worst conditions the Unconditional is and it's actually all that exists. What exists as conditionality, is the possibility of an unconditional Awareness living within forms that are mobile, that begin to flow and change according to the depths of Awareness, observing or perceiving.Without the conditionality of these forms, they could not change to the next level, and the next and the next.
It could not be a new humanity, or could not be a new tree. There could not be a new anything. There could not. The forms have to be conditional, but they're conditional in that they match the unconditional levels of Awareness moving within them.
That's what we don't get, because we've so made an identity out of the conditional levels, whether it's a family condition, a religious, a cultural, a behavioural condition that's passed down and that we built on it.
We build on everything but what we are. We need to learn to build what we are unconditionally. That's our deepest intimacy, Awareness true to Knowledge. That kind of building is literally manifesting the cosmos.
That's like saying that in this conversation, amongst however we are together, I choose what I deeply know and not the usual thin awareness. I choose. I choose to be unusually aware and what rises in the unusual Awareness is brightness, new possibilities and a new manner of forming, living and relating.
On Pain
Q: It seems to my knowing that the pain and the constant difficulty in the body brings me to a new place of surrendered-ness and openness. Yes, it has taken me to a place where I'm noticing surrendered-ness. That's the flow.
B: Yes, there's nothing like pain to move an awakened being on, really. Just a little bit of pain, ouch, and you could move in the deep or in the shallow. If you're really awake, then a little bit of pain somehow loosens the grip of the conditional forms that are hanging around. Whether you, whether in the field, it really doesn't matter, but a little bit of pain says actually I don't belong to this pain. I'm not trying to get rid of it, this pain inspires me to be ultimately true. But get to the point where you don't need pain to be ultimately true. I think that's pretty good.
Q: The pain seems to constantly bring me to my knees. It's like giving up of condition, how it should look like, how the body should be and it's just constantly like giving up.
B: Yes. Well it's total. Well what we are really is total surrendered-ness. We arrived. Not through wanting or needing, we just arrive. And yeah to return you'll need to return the way you arrived. So you'll have to follow that streaming, and you didn't stream to hold onto anything, you didn't stream to change anything, you didn't stream to get anything, you streamed. Remember when you were a baby if you can, you streamed up to form and back as easy as the sun shines and clouds pass in the sky, you just, you knew the way. But what you didn't know was that the purpose and meaning of form and how form behaves. You didn't know how it behaves. You didn't know how mind behaves, that's a form, you didn't know how thought behaves, that's a form, you didn't know how feelings. You didn't know anything, so you had to enter all that form is and really know yourself before you could love yourself and release you of yourself. And then be, instead of being intimate as somebody, return to intimacy as Being, Knowledge.
Q: I remember I have been in bliss and ecstasy at a very young age…and I remember when I came to Australia, at about nineteen, I had this strange wish that I wanted to experience depression. I wondered what it is because I had never had any negative mood, and low and behold I went into deep depression for four years. I was glad to get out of it. It was almost catatonic you know and I consciously asked for that to experience it, to know what it is.
B: Yes, you wanted to explore the nature of that condition.
Q: Curiosity.
B: Yes
Q: And I was right in its grip. I almost lost myself, as in lost my sanity you know.
B: Yes, but this is what we're all really doing…we're entering the body- mind. Remember when you were four or the youngest you can remember. You loved entering the form, you loved it. How it moved to your own vulnerability, to your own sweetness, how it moved, how everything fascinated you, how form moved to and from your innocence.
That's what really fascinated you. You didn't really see things as ‘out there’. You had direct and immediate experience of form was forming you. And it was real intimacy, really intimate.
So then you had to also be, also come into how a sense of self identifies with form. You had to really know yourself.
Law and The Lore
How deeply do you know yourself? Because until you deeply know yourself, you won't be able to, as it were, realise the self, yourself amongst the self.
B: You see, when you really know yourself, you'll realise the laws of humanness, are not actually about yourself. They're about controlling yourself. They're not about your 'self', the laws of humanness are about controlling yourself. Now universal laws as you go deeper are not about controlling yourself. They're about unveiling yourself to your self. So when we step a little bit deeper, the universal laws, laws on levels of being that we didn't even open to, that we didn't even realise that levels of our being have different laws, the ultimate law being love. But we begin to realise that as we go a little bit deeper, then a different law applies to our sense of self and not the one that this human law tells us. There's a different law. But this law doesn't understand that law cause this law is far more subtle and far more, as it were, just. And all that it points you to is, there is more of you than just this law of yourself. So different laws apply and it looks like you are breaking the law but actually you're one with the lore, l-o-r-e, the lore of this deeper level that you are entering. So you might say a thing and it won't make sense to another person because they saw you doing something, but actually you were on another level doing what they thought you were doing. I don't know if this makes sense to you.
Q: Yeah! It's the lore of the Lord.
B: Yes it is, and that's changing the genetics. So what most people think somebody is doing, actually being is doing, and that changes the genetics cause without the genetics through the metaphysical, the unseen levels, the deeper unseen levels can't stream as your life. So let me just try and point towards this and then we'll go somewhere else. Until one is awakened you think that you're somebody walking around okay, but there are several laws, thousands, lots of conditional laws that are streaming, all streaming into your body. And all these laws are telling you what to do, what not to do, how we should act, how we shouldn't act, what you can have, what you can't have. See the law is different than our law, you know our jurisdiction you know that law. You're being streamed and told what to do so different lights coming..
There's only one influence and it begins to awaken you and move you. And that is the influence of Awareness direct to the light of Truth or Love itself.
Now within that, within the Truth touching your heart, there are also streams of higher levels of Being-ness coming in and becoming you. Streams of higher level Being-ness being you.
So you're a function of deeper levels of Being as a human being, whereas most human beings are a function of an unjust society moved by conditionality's in the belief of dualities, likes and dislikes.
When you awaken you are streaming at many levels, and the idea is to know all those levels as Awareness and stream all of those levels as one Being-ness. That's Self-realisation. Different laws begin to apply to you inside. Those laws may apply outside when enough human beings are turned inside out.
From 190422 Deep Genetic Changes