Only time names everything and gives it an image.
It is a question of your view. Is your view from Real Presence and timeless participation in the great timeless movement of the Cosmos and the Beingness of it? Then you see your old friend: time and you begin to see that the illusion of time is a prisoner. It keeps you in images, in ‘past’, keeps you looking for abundance, or wholeness or Love in time and space.
Beyond this time - space idea there are myriads of dimensions of timeless abundance, all within the Now. Within the Now are multi-dimensional levels of Being, all expressions of the Infinite One. Not bound by time. Present Here.
If you are just present and truly still for one moment, it is clearly timeless. Timelessness is abundance and it gives entrance to Consciousness, which within the perception of humanness is its original abundance.
Humanness is designed like a cup, to be filled up by timelessness. The body then becomes a universal timeless cup of abundance and the body drinks the timeless. And it knows no end. The body is the cup of the timeless presence of the One who is listening to these words Now. And the cup is not made of time or space. It’s abundantly Pure Consciousness.
from the illusion of Time satsang 2020