“If you were to drop into the Infinite, you would drop beyond your name, your form, your self, your person. Where you would land, You as Consciousness, is in the Consciousness of where You Are already One, knowing the Fullness You already Are.”
Tuscany Retreat
Born in 1954 in England, B’s childhood and teenage years were marked by profound mystical experiences. At age 19 he awakened in the realisation of One-ness and at 33 he opened into the Absolute. Within this unfolding he was graced with the rare and profound realisation of the Bhagavati, the Divine Feminine Principle. Following realisation his known life up to that point was entirely shattered. A life of service in utter dedication to the awakening and evolution of humanity began and continues to unfold.
B currently lives in New Zealand and travels extensively offering talks, seminars and residential retreats. People around the world come to B as they are waking up from the dream and conditional belief of a separate sensed self.
“Pierce the veils of your own self illusion by lovingly knowing yourself as Awareness.”
B offers a profoundly unique and enlightening perspective on Life from the smallest matters that shape our personal lives to the biggest universal questions of human existence. His teaching and transmission is the Ultimate Calling to awaken as Awareness-Knowing. With true compassion, humour and uncompromising Truth, B brings the highest teaching straight to our core and into daily life. His call is to profoundly awaken whilst living in the world and his discourses cover all areas of Life - relationships, sexuality, work and creativity, parenting and children, all brought to an awakening heart of Conscious Awareness.
B’s teaching about Enlightened Partnership, Real Intimacy and the Calling to a Higher Love as men and women of Truth undoes and transcends everything the world has taught us. True Partnership is revealed as the natural evolutionary way for Self-Realisation to land in a living partnership, a profound Calling to realise man and woman are already One inside of each other in the depth of the Heart.
B is the Originator of The Form - Reality Practice, a powerful movement practice and vehicle of Awakening that is the living embodiment and transmission of realisation.
"The gap between each word or sound that moves from the wordless is the vibration that speaks to you of Who You Are."
"The gap between each word or sound that moves from the wordless is the vibration that speaks to you of Who You Are."
"As a young child my mind was not developed enough to know that the experiences I was having were totally out of the ordinary for most of humanity. I discovered my family did not understand what I was opening into or where I was coming from."
"I communed with my parents, family and friends from the unconditioned place that is prior to all forms of life and made all my choices from what was deep in The Heart. I could not function any other way or communicate with people in an ordinary way. People around me found it challenging at times that I would not compromise how I moved towards them. I discovered greater and greater access to what I am prior to identification with a human body."
“You don’t attain something for your self. You attain an opening of You. It is already what You Are as Awareness.”
"When I realised the Pure Self, where there is neither Masculine or Feminine, but the light of Pure Self, Pure Consciousness and Radiant Awareness, it became clear to me that the entire expression of the cosmos is the expression of The Pure Self and that the cosmos is constantly moving and changing because there is no end to the depth of Self and the vastness of Awareness realising its own Pure Self, Pure Consciousness that comes out of Pure Awareness."
“A pin prick of light came from nowhere and filled the Blackness with Light - the Light of the Real Self. All there was was Light and the power and depth of the Light. I was Here in human form and Light was present in human form without thought, feeling or activity. It was the ground in which everything moves. It was not a movement of limited self; it was the unlimited moving expression of the Profound, regardless of the state of one’s self or the state of planetary consciousness. I no longer knew who Bernie Prior was; I discovered I am Pure Consciousness, Pure Awareness and that the human body is an expression of what we are in the Deep.”
"All I knew was my enjoyment of Being. I never had words to describe it - I didn't need them. I just had the innocence of Love knowing and moving the Universe and a profound deepening into Truth. That’s all I had, no names for it. I let go of any need to get anything whatsoever, and enjoyed Being and let life unfold, deeply unfold. That was when realisation took place, the most natural non-event event that could ever open for anyone."
"All personal choice fell away from me as I embraced the meeting of Truth that was calling inside the heart. I was realising I belonged to this place and not to the world."
“Your Calling is to realise deeper than the place-less place you came out of. In any true connection with any being, you yearn to merge in the Light you apparently see in the other in you. That way, Oneness moves between us.”
"The Deep continued to open up, cracking the shallow level of what ‘seemed to exist’ into what really exists. There were continued realisations of the Profound and endless levels of Pure Being moving as the expressions of true forms of Being; forms of the highest frequencies of Light all the way into the manifest realm as existence.
A 2018 collection of excerpts in which B speaks on sexuality, man & woman and the possibility of true transformation and awakening in intimacy. If you are interested in this subject - make sure to get a copy of his book ' Love Without Duality'
Article Published in Common Ground Magazine in 2013
Is there anything more mysterious or thrilling in life than an intimate attraction? An unexpected moment of fateful recognition, a sense that every movement of your life has led you here, to this very place, to this very person...
There isn’t a woman alive that is not searching for genuine love in her attraction to man. ‘She’ knows ‘He’ is here, behind the scenes of all the bodies...but when is ‘He’ going to manifest and how does she become available to that awesome power of the pure masculine...
Where I come from, what draws a man of deepening truth to a woman is her opening to love. When he is drawn to her he sees her beyond the place she can currently reach herself.
There is no such thing as a man and woman when the love light that I am speaking of is met. When love’s light meets it is the end of man and woman. In that moment there is no man and woman...
We all have a Knowing-ness of ‘more than what we are living’ in our experience of life, because we have identified ourselves with the body-mind. We limit ourselves and we create boundaries and filters around our heart that protect us from the immediate experience of Real Life...
To heal your heart, to heal the heart of your woman, to heal the heart of man, to heal the heart of this earth you cannot move in the same consciousness that created the distortion, the separation...
She is teaching you to go without using your normal navigational system of ego and of mind. She is teaching you to navigate with your heart light, your soul light...
Profounder levels were growing through the trees, flying through the birds and moving as the ants; profounder levels moving as the sky, mountains and the oceans. Everything was profound existence moving and reforming Itself, knowing Itself, expanding Itself and realising Itself regardless of human activity."
"Realisation opened up for me the truth that Pure Self expresses in Pure Consciousness and Pure Energy, which is the Feminine Principle. That marriage, of that that is already in Union, gives birth to the Cosmos and to every Universe within the Cosmos. The Bhagavati is the power and presence of Love behind all forms. She is the movement of those forms and the relationship between them. She relates to Profound Consciousness, the Masculine Principle. It became apparent that the Love that I am as She comes into existence as the love of a woman and the love of a man in the nature of Godhood and in the nature of Living Realisation."
"In my realisation of the Feminine Principle, She first came out of my heart and looked at me and I knew Her. Later She arrived in a human form. In the realisation of the Absolute, I knew Her - I am speaking as Awareness, because as I realised the Profoundly Deep I realised that She is the expression, the display as the entire Cosmos of the Deep. She is the body of the Deep. She is Now! Coming up. Radiating out. She has no beginning and no end as She gives form to the Formless!
Most Buddha statues have many little swirls on the crown. That is Her display. She showed me that She is so much more than that. She is the entire manifestation of the Cosmos. She did not just ‘come here’; She fully embodies me."
“Man and woman are bound by time. The Masculine and Feminine are timeless. They are infinite. They are the Divine intelligence of One Self. They seek each other in the bodies of man and woman so that their Light can merge and come all the way through into form.”
In the world, but not of it.
In the world, but not of it.