Liberation is simply You, Consciousness, completely freed of the belief of objects, of the believed concepts. You Consciousness, returned to Pure You. What if liberation is simply everything you have ever named as 'other than Pure You' coming home. What if liberation is simply the return of all the naming of things, of energies, of experience back to their original state of You? Pure You. What we experience, what you call experience in this world, that we believe has such meaning, is simply levels of a patterned sense of consciousness, levels of patterning returning to the Source. The liberation of the split parts of what we actually are.
And this growing belief that there is something wrong with us, or something wrong with the other, or something wrong in our society... What if that is just a build up of conditional forms within our own consciousness?
They are rather like clouds covering the sky, these conditionalities, which seek the light of liberation in the light of Awareness. They seek. The many parts of our self that we have identified and named are seeking liberation in the Source from which they come. That is 'I', the one that's listening to these words.
Most of our difficulty is the belief that we need to feel good, the belief that we need to feel Freedom to know Freedom, rather than have the knowledge: 'I AM free, that is my nature.'
So then we seek liberation through energies on thoughts or feelings that are actually seeking liberation for the only one who can liberate any sense of self, or person, or energy. I am that liberator. I liberate the conditions or the patterns within my sense of self. I liberate those patterns, for I am awakening to realise all those conditions and patterns are simply seeking the light of 'I', to be liberated back to what 'I' deeply purely Am.
From Global Online Call ‘ Kiss the Frog’ 200607