Day 1

Session 1

“Whatever your dilemma is …You are its medicine.
Whatever is going on…You are its alchemist.
Whatever is going on… you needed that to point you to your next,
beyond your current boundary.
You needed it. You brief infinity You! “

Can I perceive without a perceiver?
Can I know without a knower?
Can I be without history?
Then I shall surely become.

Can we look totally fresh?

Can we look into this moment without an observer..but alive?

Can we look into this moment free of any image and any past?

Can we look totally totally fresh?

That freshness IS here, because “I” am intimate end eternal.

 As that happens known or unbeknown to this highly incredible capacity to reflect into the dynamics of the universe, even to reflect into cosmic levels of Being and able to have access through becoming… deeply, regardless of the images, it is as though the key to the cosmos and the unseen is that one must become totally without someone who becomes.

 So then in this moment, whoever one is, you do have access into other levels of Reality..Right now , regardless of what it seems is bruising you, beating you up feeling so terrible . You have access to that. Become really interested in that. Really interested in the frequency of the Unseen and how you now are able to to see to know to be and then you’ll find to ‘become’. You become what you are deeply looking into .

Attention Given…

Whatever you give your attention to you will become.
Whatever you give your energy to you will become.

Why is this? There's a feedback loop, a torus.
The information you put into the field of your apparent self, you will become.
Activated, actuated by that field as you.

You’re a field, a positive-negative,masculine-feminine Presence of Being
Whatever you out into that field will be activated to manifest as experience.
The wider field… that is immeasurable, that is the cosmic absolute field,
the one and only Great Being.

That is fed by the light of Awareness, because that is all there is.
Thought and perception not identified with as a location manifests as pure potentiality as a being.
And instantly the earth is that, manifesting as all creatures on the earth.
This manifest moment of higher thought and higher perception is embodied as being as becoming..

 It’s not a duration. Its heartbeat is the body, literally the glowing Unseen manifesting as the heartbeat.

Day 2

Session 2

Eventually you have to forgive the whole universe
for being so chaotic
as it dances in the light of your
very own Presence.


 Total emptiness is a preparedness to total fullness. All is empty but all is full. Emptiness is the return of what You are without any identification with things. The more you realise emptiness in the tantric view, you’ll become fullness, which is creation.

The Higher You Go

The higher you go in frequency , the deeper you'll come into experience.

The nature of Consciousness is always to evolve intelligence so that the one can be itself in every fragment of Reality as each and every apparent individual.

One needs new Consciousness in order to dive into the potentiality of forming that new Consciousness. The higher you go , the deeper you'll fall into the Earth and vice versa.

Session 3

The Form Reality Practice

I know that The Form Reality Practice opens Reality to what IS Reality, the one who is listening to these words now. The highest reality IS one’s true nature..absorbed in distraction. Masked. But your highest joy, that doesn’t come from any thing, is seemingly veiled, right there.

 When you go into The Form really have a precious feel for the body, a precious feeling for all the faculties that seem to be only of sense perception. But your eyes are not just of sense perception …there is a triangle here ( 3rd eye) and one that way ( eyes to mouth) and  right there is what is  really  being seen and known to be . Here that is turned into sense perception because without what appears to be shadow and appears to be light there can't be three-dimensional form or understanding of all the worlds that are here in that that I already am. Literally one has the true possibility to discover the ability to download higher dimensions and even realise what one is. 

But you go to leave Netflix alone understand what I mean by Netflix..the big charade of distraction. It doesn't mean you can't look at a flower. It doesn't mean you can't love your veggie garden . Even your cat becomes a wizard..everything that is natural just becomes divinely inspired do all sorts of thongs with such an inner  joy but within that you are in some way are choosing another place, a placeless place to come from. 

What is holding one back is one's habits of being somebody in particular and you beat yourself up with that instead of love yourself with it . 

All this is readily available if one is really prepared to enter it. 

Being familiar with yourself just keeps everything intact in the normal.
Higher realities  don't resonate with the normal.
It's all ok because it's actually in and what one is ,
but the higher realities don't resonate with it .
One has to lift this vibration to a greater frequency of realising what you are from within.

Session 4

There Is No Need For the Mind to Stop

There really is no need for the mind to stop before you allow You to be You.
No need for you to believe you can't be what you already are and what you more deeply know until your mind stops. That's false. Your mind stops with all its insignificant information , which is basically past when you completely leave it alone..which means it's going to come and go but you completely leave it alone.

A way to simply understand that is ..when the body drops away..all that stuff that you thought was yours is still going on on the planet. It never was 'yours'. It's just what's going on on the planet until it's not going on on the planet. 

 So everything that you think is yours , your thoughts , your feelings ..all that stuff..the moment the body drops it still goes on in this frequency, just as it did when you were here. It's never 'yours'.

Imagine the body is dropped away as identification. That's like saying imagine you're dead before you die ..

 ...and that is not dis-association with the body-mind..that's You being true.  The body -mind or anybody any 'body' physical mental emotional psychological astral light...are sheaths . They fall off when Self realises itself. They don't come back on ..but they are as Oneness - no longer sheaths, living bright Awareness. Now it's not a sheath. 

We're not looking at getting the mind to stop. We're not like reading a book here for you to then summarise what you have read. What we're doing is ...( clicks finger) going straight is immediacy. It's immediacy. It's saying what you are knowing don't divide the saying from the knowing. 

Profounder realities are't something that you ride a bike to
and there is an experiencer there ..
there is no experiencer there.
That is What You Are. 

It's just that on the three dimensions whoever we are as Awareness gets to integrate those profounder levels in three dimensional forms . So these three dimensional forms provide instant immediate reflection on even deeper levels. That is the joy ..imagine tens of thousands of beings in this moment heading to incarnate. The joy of Being Becoming - Instant!  

Three dimensions moved by higher frequencies and by pure knowing ..three dimensions is incredibly joyful. In fact the kind of joy that opens up what some people call bliss, where the beyond-deep and the beyond-manifest are together as the same power. That's bliss. Not that anyone needs bliss, but bliss is real. When bliss is , it cannot be missed because it replaces everything that you once believed you needed to be in bliss. It really is instant. If one ever tastes bliss you won't need it again. That's its job. It is not something that has to be constant.


 You can't experience Love if you have not really experienced ..let's call it Un-Love. You can't.
Everything here is to be experienced. Everything .
Otherwise you can't come into what you are. 
Everyone is trying to create the right scenarios. 
There are none! Life IS that alchemy. It is that!
There's nothing actually to be fixed.


 If Your Life Is Hellish at the Moment ..

If your life is hellish at the moment ..what is to say that you are not alchemising something very profound? What is to say that you're limited if you're limited and you  have just this string of life? What if what you are is eternal life and it doesn't have a beginning and an end ? You completely change your perspective on what you are. You're not living a night and day thing . Night is the Deep. Day is clearly the bright .They keep going into each other from which the whole universe of multidimensional experiences comes . You can experience multi-dimensional realities all in the same moment. That's what a human life actually is! 

And we're trying to heal that!? 


The Holy Grail

There is nothing in life that is not for the fullness of what you are. Nothing!
I know this is difficult to hear..but it is really really true and very few go through that eye of the needle...
because the energy is given to keep you safe.

There is nothing about your humanness that is safe. To keep you individuated in a particular manner… that is definitely going to get undone. You can't keep yourself together in time and space ... 

Consciousness  always fills up, realises and moves on. It's natural , so natural. 
Anything that it doesn't fill up - on a mental level it must remain the same. It  must be filled up with consciousness, with absolute Awareness. Whatever one is experiencing , you gotta give everything into it. You have to completely come into it. 

 If you are having a terrible time, don't refuse it. 

Go into it. So much so, that you become utterly aware as the terrible time. 

You can't make that happen, because unless you go into it fully as that terrible time, it is not full up. It has to be full of You as Awareness to transform into something on another level. You're not here to purify You. You are already That. You are here to experience the magic of your profound-ness having three-dimensional integrated knowing, which is the cosmos actually. 

 Going into experience as it really is it has already arrived on your plate and not refusing it ..fully aware. That is alchemy. That is an incredible bounteous flowing river of more or what you actually are. 

 What I have just spoken about is the Holy Grail. 

So trying to keep yourself save is ridiculous because you can't come into what you and find the depth of what you are just does it because it IS it. 

And yes what you are is alien to all of your belief systems. All of your belief systems find what you are alien..and those that haven't got to that as yet, they will find you alien too. In fact, they might even try to put you out. Have a look in history! There is nothing that one can do that has a swing of left or right. Trying to save yourself you are burying what you are. 

The Form Reality Practice

In The Form there is a gallery of Presence, like an amphitheatre of beings. It is what one is. YOU are that gallery. That gallery is You manifest. It just looks like you are this human but really you are universal, which means there is no part of the universe that is not making up your body-mind instrument, but you are Awareness. So in the practice of The Form you can experience a presence-ing of the 5th dimension one is entering.

And when one is entering the 5th dimension one has to release this idea that you are human. Awareness entering the 5th dimension needs to fill that level up.

"You cannot discover the Unseen with the known.
You can only discover it with what you ARE.
So in some manner, which mean's good food or
'manna', you are learning not to use the known.
to know the Real."

Holographic Reality

What are the faculties of the body-mind made for, particularly the mind and the brain. Are they made for space-time activity or are they made for inter-dimensional realities beyond all space and all time? 

Jesus was a holographic Master. He could nip in and out of a holographic reality and that was his father's house, which meant his house was a lot bigger than what his body-mind could describe, but he managed through love of what he deeply is to move through all those doors. Hence if he did say " I am going to make a new place for you."

Well that's just an echo of one's Self.
Are you going to make a new place for you ?
Well how about making it multi-dimensional then , bringing all the levels down.

As if this were your home!  You ARE Home. 

Bringing all the levels down to come into a creative level of three-dimensional living reflective form.

So much more happens here in terms of the possibility of Self-mastery. 

I am encouraging to be original YOU.
To be original YOU.

Complete the Day
I am pointing to multi-dimensional Singularity.
There is nothing but Being everywhere, whether it's an ant or even the bread that you eat...

It's about getting into everything as Awareness.  Don’t leave anything unchartered by You directly. 

Complete the day. then you'll get the real knowledge that tomorrow IS a new day. It IS a new day.
There is nothing about tomorrow that is today. That opens your true light and power because that is your destiny to have that returned to you as the presence of Awareness. 

What is shining bright is the Unknown. The known is dim.

Interpretation is Sluggish

Interpretation is very sluggish.It can’t bring the psyche to its immediate potential to shine like the sun. But YOU in life drinking your own Essence being being brightly in whatever is dark and I don't mean good and bad, I mean depth of experience ..that you can transmit the immediacy of opening as Awareness into whatever, wherever.

That will be conveyed faster than light to those that are preparing their own level of  three-dimensional form to receive what they more deeply are. 

The Heart 

What do you reckon about the heart? Do you think it has a particular purpose? 

Or can it go anywhere and transfigure and change and  transmute and transport and return and grow and be small and be big can do anything and it never ever gets injured? Only the illusion  of the mind's idea of what the heart is portrays injury. 

We are putting things back into another perspective.We are always seeing that it cans so easily be broken. What's real cannot even be damaged or touched by anything at all. 

New Vibration

 What is a new vibration . A new vibration is the singular moment in which there is no attachment to any thing whatsoever. So the new vibration is simply the release of all the shrouds over what is on one’s essential nature. An untouchable vibration that is pouring out of original light and depth and it is untouchable and it is streaming Now. And it's streaming  with endless streams of Nowness..and there is no one here who is not in that stream or indeed that stream direct. No one. Everyone is in that stream and the source of that stream 

But to go there one would have to let go of all the illusions and all the belief-systems. 

A belief system holds you in belief and not in the immediacy of what you really are. When you walk into the immediacy of what you really are then everything is changed. 

The new frequency of the new energy is You freed of your beliefs
and foremost your ideas about You. 

Knowing and Knowledge

The thing is with Awareness, it can split itself ..duality into having a higher knowing but still living the knowledge. For knowledge is the known. Knowledge is not knowing. You can only have knowledge about the known.

So then having a knowing of 5th dimensional frequencies but here in the body-mind realm only staying with knowledge ..the known. But that can turn around.

In the Form, certainly in life and certainly when one is really really vulnerable..

I will use a radical example…

Say for instance if one is in an accident, quite a severe accident, you might be taken, shaken out of knowledge into knowing. And in knowing you are loosened from the known and there is a field of a field that is quite transparent. A field of Presence and presences ...although that doesn't quite make sense but multidimensional presence ..because there is nothing that is not being known here by Presence’s a field. So times when you are really under pressure, definitely in a near death experience, the more the field opens up ...It just opens up. It will when the body drops away.

Just a moment prior to death and maybe even a few days before death you will begin to have inter-dimensional realities open up to you because that's what you are. This is not your home. This is a beautiful level of you. So these inter-dimensioanl realities will open up but have I closed them down by ownership of positive and negative streams because that's what I have been taught I need to do and that I am a victim of circumstances and I am not. I am the unspeakable presence of Awareness and this universe is a movement of being , energy and possibility in a constant kaleidoscope of experience , generating experience.

And it arrives here through sense perception as it does. So you could be moved by something that happened don the other side of the galaxy or a leaf that just fell of a tree and yet you're experiencing what that is in a range of frequencies. Because this is what this body is , it is a wonderful frequency instrument. It picks up frequencies and turns it into sense perception . So there is nothing actually of our bodies that is's a universal body. It is very freeing when you get this.

In The Form there is a gallery of Presence, like an amphitheatre of beings. It is what one is. YOU are that gallery. That gallery is You manifest. It just looks like you are this human but really you are universal, which means there is no part of the universe that is not making up your body-mind instrument, but you are Awareness. So in the practice of The Form you can experience a presence-ing of the 5th dimension one is entering.

And when one is entering the 5th dimension and one has to release this idea that you are human. It's a level of you then Awareness entering the 5th dimension needs to fill that level up and if as a sphere of humanness Awareness has somehow decided to enter that 5th dimension and include third dimension ( hence human form) then it will appear that you are entering the 5th dimension. But Awareness is and it will fill up the 5th dimension and pour that into the third and that is what you are becoming. And a sure sign of that is that is that everything possible will begin to come out . It all begins to spills out! Everything possible begins to crazily come out.

You are your own Self-knowing. You are sovereign only to you at Source level.
That is what you are. That has you literally loving All as yourSelf.

Invitations from other dimensions often come as unexpected situations. 

Day 3


Emotion on the lower frequency is the past being lived
Emotion on the highest frequency is Unity, is Love.

Reality is already whole .
It appears to have vibratory levels
expressing the Whole, expressing Source.

Abandon Right and Wrong!

Today! Abandon it. Abandon this idea of right and wrong . Explore what is as it is from the knowing of being aware of aware Being. and the vibrational field that just that aware Being creates that turns immediately into that that exists. That that exists IS that vibrance that exists. Everything else is a project, a creation , an endeavour to have in 3dimensional form , higher vibration , so a manifest form of the beyond, actually thriving and living , where the mind is absolutely open. A mind that is absolutely open and that has no content in ti in terms of the linear. Although it does sing a story of creation. Everyone here has a story of creation.

If one abandons the idea of right and wrong you have a very vibrant story of passage from You to You , which enables You to realise what you are in infinity.

Because the moment you move into Infinity, there is no you. There is nothing to reflect off. Not a single thing. You have returned. And I am not proposing any distance here...

Are You Individuated or an Individual?

Are you the total or an individual? Definitely you are individuated , otherwise we couldn't see each other but individuated doesn't mean you are an individual. It means you are an individuation of the whole. And it doesn't function in terms of collecting images, patterns of vibrations of experience but through clarity. A mind that is completely free of content of historical references. 

Flickers of Infinity

In the discovery of the deep you begin to see that actually the deep is manifesting here.
It's manifesting as a flickering. You and I are flickering at an incredible speed of appearance and non-appearance ..sometimes you can see it . A constant download of 'eternal' from infinite light.

The moment I disappear into Source, for I am Source, there is no Source to know. The Infinite does not and cannot know the finite. So the infinite has to drop out of itself to become finite to discover the infinite. But to the finite the Infinite comes in flickers. Moments of brief Infinity.

The flicker is already the whole and in between each flicker is the light of Source. And turning back and going back into the light of Source you want nothing to do with the flicker..cause it's none of your business. Isn't that relaxing?

The actual flicker is the business of your knowing that you are the Source in a flicker. But you will never be able to grasp that and have it as your own.

If you do, you will create opposites, heaven and hell..

Until maybe , which is the universe's potentiality , this level of intelligence, terrestrial intelligence is moved to another place. The whole of a terrestrial intelligence is that that can transform the whole. Never is the individual transformed. If an individual is transformed that 's the whole. But if the whole transforms in all its flickers that's an entirely new Being-Human.

Walking Through Walls

I believe it is possible that one can so open themselves to being made of light that one can walk through any wall. Simply because it is made of light and it is really the state of mind or higher mind that one can come from that can attain the body , literally in a flick dissolve walk through a wall and appear the other side . In ancient mythologies this has been the case and for  those of you who are coming to Egypt, certainly that went on in Egypt. That was part of the initiation that beings like Jesus went be able to travel as light , not with confidence , but with experience .  This is 'what I AM, so this is how I move. 

You can only move in any dimension of YOU , by being that dimension. If you can only be memory of history. of the linear of the past , of subconscious mind , there is no way you can walk through any wall. Even the wall of conditionality that encases you in limitation. You just don't have the code and the means to do it.

The bizarre thing is that at death you have the means. The Unbelievable means is yours . Right there ! I had the codes..they're all here and sometimes in my human life the codes are right before me ...they're here! I am the instigator, the creator of these codes and I have entry into every dimension of what I am . It's just that I haven't practiced and used them in the third dimension. So I have become a prisoner of one of my own dimensions , contains in its walls of possibility I am able to create forms of myself that vibrate as seemingly solid 58:07

But then I allow the mind that I seems to have but I am far more than that mind , i have't raised it to the level of my own vibrational knowing that I am that Source . I have been listening to the lower mind which imprints pictures , ideas based around space time , past and future and I have encased myself in that belief . I can't seem to get out of it but when I die I see that was a lie. I have never not been free of it . I am literally choosing to be a prisoner of three-dimensional reality. So therefore everything in the third dimension will show me only limitation . Ever! In all things mental emotional psychological , spiritual. So many things will be creating 'other' because I have not mastered the fact that I created the third dimension. Let alone the universe. I still refuse to know that I am God..or at least an aspect of the One I return to as mySelf.

This World

This world doesn't want you to do what you will do . This world wants you to be only doing what the world wants of you. But you built this world. This world doesn't want you to have such spontaneity that you move only as a being. Spontaneous , which means it has no time , has no space has no distance. has no imprint . It just moves! That is you moving through the hologram of life.

This world wants you to move according to its matrix-pattern of mental emotional ideas that you are an individual separate from the whole.

There is No End Result

Your lower mind always wants to know an end result. There is no end result as one certainly finds out at death. But I suggest at death, which there is no such thing you will also know the further reaches of your own possibilities like you have never known them before here you can also do that ...

The centre is the nuisance.
The no-centre is the nuance
One experiences nuance when one is lost in what is.

A Cosmic Translation

At some point every human will be more of a field than a person. More of a cosmic translation and a divine translation in such an immediacy that we will no longer register somebody as somebody that did something with all those images. because all thos eimages are still moving . Who is to say that it's not lifetimes of billions of people's images moving whatever you do. Even in the universe...even a leaf falling is translated through the mind . But maybe as the mind becomes more pure through realising what one is then that translation is an immediate thing. You do realise you are able to see know and feel the universe as yourSelf and all beings in it .

You might then know that in the universe or even in your garden there is nothing that is not a brother or sister. Beings will be a holographic field , a powerful field of Presence flickering. You will not be able to hug people as you used to. You will hug and you will merge, utterly. And then you will emerge differently. You will share profound information...which mean Aeons , by just being together. And this will also happen with every living plant on the planet There will be nothing that you can touch or hold that will not immediately transfer cosmic Awareness. Nothing. That's where this planet is going to. No matter what ..and what will fall apart s that that will come back together differently. And there is no centre in it .

The way in which you move in The Form is a way of the frequency ,
where you move without a centre as cosmically divine Being .

Session 2

Doubt & Fear 

Doubt and this buzzing of an existential fear if the fear is out here. The fear is in here , but you're not going to find it . It's not a thing. It's a sensation of idea. But through the lens of light that comes from outside but not light that one already is. 

If the light that already is, were to fully meet the light that appears to be outside, there would be real light and light amongst all the forms. Light itself would realise itself. But because we place our attention in activities outside rather than what we're knowing inside, life becomes an activity outside , whereas  really life is a movement from within that then appears as activity outside.

So all the stars and planets ..all that  is going on beyond ego information Is  the activity of the universe Is  the activity of big mind, Is  the activity  of the light of being shining. So doubt is the ego's way of being you -  a construction of patterns tat has intelligence and it can speak , it can seem to think and it definitely can interfere with the feeling self. Fear can also project as seeming outside ..but it is literally psychic.

What we're doing here is remembering Reality as ourSelf. When that happens , the boundary you unwittingly apply in everything that you do , is going to come down ..and you'll think that you're dying. But what is actually happening is you are transfiguring the memory banks of space time and you are recoding them from another place. Until you can say: I am in another place. 

The moment we get a little energy of doubt and fear we are in the matrix of the known. 

Doubt happens when your higher calling or your attune-ment to what you more deeply are on invisible but intuitive levels has you crossing the boundaries on the inside-outside , but you have an emergency button called ego which presses the fear button. can't go beyond your limitations! Stay limited! 

Expansion requires what you are to move to the next. 


In here,  what we're doing is un-filtering . You are sitting here to un-filter your perception your knowing of a limited box that you are seeing that you have put yourself in.

Terrestrial mind = a mind that began in the need to rebuild itself through survival. 

Only Bend Down to the Deep 

Never bend down to the false ( the ego) . Do not  bend down to that false energy. Only bend down to your deep. That's The Form. Keep your back straight. Keep your face up. Keep the  Openness happening in all directions. Don't bend down to the false . Don't fight it, but don't bend down to it . 

So that , that you are knowing in your belly is a pattern that is still very much alive or nor ..but because you are mentioning it , it is ready to transform and to transfigure in your alchemy of knowing what you first are. But don't bend down to it .Stand up straight clear and real. 

It’s Not Yours as a Somebody…

Whatever it is you are going through , is not yours as somebody, but it IS yours as consciousness but never become an individual with that. Just be the deep knowing of that . Stay with the deep knowing of that . Don't name you. Don't give yourself an identity. This is not disassociation, This is pure knowing . You are knowing that you transcend and include. 

What are you coming upon in the alchemy field of your interior?

When one is inspired to deeply realise and expand your Awareness of what really is,
you are going to get in touch with how the universe works
and dissolves identification with false concepts of  body-mind identity and duration.

There is No Duration in What You Are

There is no duration in what you are. It is timeless. There is only seeming duration at different frequencies , dependent on where you are going to what levels of realms you go into. for there is such a thing as time but much finer time in other higher realms. It is not time as we know it. 

Some people say this life is Maya, but I say it’s “May I love you as my Self .”

The difficulty we are speaking of is ‘entanglement.’
and the entanglement is not of the person but of the human psyche. 

Some people that you pass on the street are earthlings. Some people that you pass on the street are half earthlings. Some people you pass on the street are not of earth whatsoever. Whatsoever! hand up. I am not whatsoever an earthling but I am thoroughly drenched in her gorgeous soil! 

See this human body as an endless reservoir of universal power and energy.
Because basically it is .But our tendency is ' just go the norm' . So then all the energy has to stay down.

It Sees its Source Seeing it

When one looks at an image, one looks at an object, one sees, that is an object but one sees, that the object is - has its own eyes to see who is looking at it. So the object has eyes and is seeing who is seeing it.

And when it sees, it sees its source seeing It.

That’s a revolution, that’s a revelation, that’s a change of function, intelligence,

Awareness and means.

The Belief that Reality will collapse

There is this belief , which comes as fear that awakening is going to make your reality disappear. But that's the ego. It's a construct that is built of imprints that are energised. Like on the computer, you energise a digital structure that has life because of the energy. You run energy through that and it will do that imprint .

Reality is not going to disappear because YOU are Reality. In fact you are the highest and all the realities that comes from it is your true nature. We have to transcend this idea that Reality is going to collapse . No that's only 'your' idea of yourself.

Can I Hold This Reality Together ?

My existential fear is: Can I hold this reality together?

The answer is: NO! Why?

Because I am the reality of that that exists.

I am the light of that that’s beyond.

I am beyond all space and time and yet I appear to be in all spaces and all time, and that is the truth and the doubt that arises is because of my lack of truly deeply perceiving what truly is in this singular moment.

I just follow the train track, the railway carriage of past and future, of information that is really not relevant to what I am.

And I am training my body-mind to try to grasp and hold onto this reality and not let it change.

Although allowing it to change, which means completely being open, the change, once discovers, there is no change in what you are as Reality.

That is bright inherent freedom that shines in and behind all of this.

Doubt then says to you. Ego says to you: This is real! This is real! It’s real, don’t change! Don’t believe this! Don’t believe that!

Because the ego has enough intelligence because it’s been constructed by the big intelligence. Who is I.

That if you do move to your unlimited possibility here and now…that’s ego death and it convinces you, that you are IT because IT does not want to die.

You are in the process of discovering both birth and death are an illusion.

But NOW is real and the light of your original nature is in it all.

So there is actually nothing to fear whatsoever.

There is no need for doubt.

No need to even work on this, other than really observe, truly perceive, deeply know.

And don’t make ego wrong, don’t play its game, just see it for what it is!

I AM real.

What is the ego?

It is what is quite natural when you have a black screen a black negative screen with a lens that allows light to pour in and make an impression.

And we look at that and go WOW look at that and we are already looking in the past.

You moved on, already completely, THERE is an image of the past.

So it does not take too much intelligence, to see that this screen is either impressed through the lack of knowing ones true nature or it’s brightly deep and black and it looks to the mind that’s impressed, that there is nothing there of value.

But you must enter it and disappear into it to discover what you are.

The ego moves when Awareness, the one that is listening now goes beyond its limitation and it as a library that is very extensive of why you shouldn't go beyond the known.

Day 4



You are  the Presence beyond your mind  and literally there is  illumination of presence beyond the mind  through the mind. Because all this is the illumination of Being present mind-body manifestation . That's what  all this is .

So when you are being present you are the prior to what thoughts tell you , what images tell you what imprints tell you. You are the prior to that. That's Presence . 

Now the Presence then comes upon a developing intelligence , apparently through experience. 1:32:13 

So there is a developing intelligence. The question , is that Presence shining anyway, no matter the level of intelligence ? Ad secondly is that Presence shining through and knowingly shining through the intelligence changes. It's not doing anytihing. It is just the knowing of Presence shining. 


You're most joyful when you become total. When there is nothing you need to push away, there is only joy. And when there is nothing you need to push away there is only an inexplicable stability. You cannot explain it but it is there. 

Real experience is Now. 
Real experience doesn't manufacture a somebody.
It actually opens up the divinity that is here as light .

Day 5


Aware of Being Aware

With a little quietness, which is the ground of it all..whatever one is is aware of being aware and that that arises from it and returns. It's he dissolution of the distraction of I am this or I am that . It dissolves in Being realising aware.

It has been the ground of this retreat and it has been the constant pointing to the ground of Awareness.

In the practice of The Form that is the sole movement of it all that there is no 'I' with some am sitting on the chair .

The I am the am arose together. They are the same One arising. There is no this or that or this person over there or this person has done this to me . The subject and the object are the same one . Look a little deeper and the `whole cosmos is arising as this and a display to that that is Reality itself.

Everything dissolves in Awareness. This moment arises and dissolves in pure Awareness being aware that it is aware. Even light comes from that.

Returning like the Salmon

When you turn around you are like salmon going back to from where you were spawned. You are going up against the down current of believed apparently perceivable experiences ,repetitive experience. Lazily one just follows the norm.

Discern duality from what you are

Duality is exactly what is coming home to what one is, the ground of it all.
You must discern duality from what you are.

Silence ., without doing anything , moves as Light and energy in a holy instant of creation and dissolution. A flickering. This is but a flicker of a candle. beautiful poetry..absolute Reality.

The soul and the 'I' are the same .

The Current of God

You are seeking in some way the current of God , the current of God-consciousness. The current of That.

In everything you do , no matter what it is you are seeking the pure current of God You are seeking Source Code.

What you are seeking is the singularity of realisation, which actually illumes the whole of creation already.

It is possible that this world will heighten its vibration by the cells realising being aware is key. being aware of being aware, not being aware of what's going on, Being aware of being aware is key.

The Form

You can see in the practice of The Form for instance . Coming down to the feet is the deepening of the light into the ground of experience . Coming up from the feet is the ground of experience returning as vibration up into the light. It's non dual.

The Activity of The Pure Intellect

The ground of it all that everything arises from and returns to ..and I say in the same breath..It arises and falls in the same breath. That activity  is the pure intellect of what some people call the divine mind .And the same as the activity of what  appears to be on the streets of your home town is the activity of the separate sense of mind currently still alive in that level of terrestrial mind.  But is is all destined to realise itself ongoingly. 


THIS is the incarnation of the Pure Self. THIS is incarnation of God or the Pure Self . THIS is the ground incarnating. THIS! You are already It , the pure incarnation of it . If you were to leave  everything alone you would find how  this moves. Having a reflective mind makes you begin to believe you are something other  than the  incarnation of that that is beyond existence but actually exists as this 'I'. 

Most people think that realisation is something that happens in mind. But what if realisation is an interruption of mind by the light of Self. I would say that real awakening is the interruption of mind by the light of Self.