The Likeness of Source
You are consciousness.
I am consciousness.
Can we see each other?
How deep are we willing to see each other as the same one?
That actually determines one's experience because consciousness is a glue that through the transmission of the energy from its light, gathers particles equal to the unseen and forms them in a vibrational field called 'experience of now.'
So you and I and all of us are the appearance of a particle field, created and formed in a vibration to form the
Likeness of Source
itself so it can know itself.
Ultimately, that's the truth.
A real life, if there is such a thing, a good life,
a wondrous life, is not free of challenges.
The challenge is to simply recognise the constancy which one is, by recognising what you're not. What is an image?
So I'm saying, the surrender to knowing what is an image, a pattern, is by far the way in which one goes deeper and has a different kind of life not bound by the usual and the known, while the rest of the world suffers because they're bound by the usual and the known.
Those that love the discovery of essential nature,
unbind themselves to the known and the usual by ending this tiny idea of being familiar.
Familiarity is the curse of this moment.
I'm telling you right now in this life,
right now throughout the world, familiarity is a curse.
Be very, very clear.
Familiarity will not take you to realise what you are and what the other is.
It's just the ego holding on tight because the cosmos is moving this planet and all other planets into another place.
So, there's going to be a lot going on.
Realise what you are and what you're not and you will no longer be familiar.
And to no longer be familiar, you must surrender to knowing the fact that you know familiarity is not your true nature.
But profound relationships, whether with oneself or with apparent others in the universe comes through non-familiarity because, in truth, there's not one single moment that's not new!
From Sunday Satsang
'Familiarity is a Curse'
9th March