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Crete Retreat Collection - May 2024


Crete Retreat Collection - May 2024

Crete Retreat - May 2024


Eyes open. Are you awake, are you asleep?

Eyes closed. Are you asleep, are you awake?

You discover!

D1 Session 1

The Idea of a Someone

You want to end the idea that you are a someone, because somewhere there is a knowing  that the someone is the repetitive experiences that you have that you run from. You run from the someone, not the something.

It’s All One Organism

Maybe we might discover There's Nothing we can experience that is not made of what we essentially Are. Made of it, moving as it, thriving as it... and it all is one organism.
And if a bee came over to the flower, both the bee and the flower is one organism.

Don't divide those. Yet somehow, we seem to have a human mind that divides everything, as if this one organism is not knowing how to regenerate itself, know itself, abundantly thrive as itself. And, as a separate sense, we think that we need to do something about this. In that, we build a separate sense of self that we can't seem to shed or see that that is the problem. And that's a funny thing when I say 'that is the problem', because there's no problem at all!


…and I'm not saying that there's an experiencer there, separate from what it experiences,
otherwise, that would separate the bee from the flower, and there would be two and not one organism.


The moment I step back into the Black, or the Deep, there's just Pure Being.
The moment my eyes open have I stepped out of Pure Being?
Or has Pure Being appeared as All that we experience?


When you enquire so purely…

When That that is Deeper, moves in the One who perceives this moment that blink begins to open new levels and new possibilities, or Deeper or Higher Realities. That's what changes the experiencer. That's what gives the experiencer the ability to let go of an outside experience and brings it's I together. And I am experiencing the experience of being total, whole, one organism, one power, one Love, one movement.

 If you look, just today: how many patterns did you follow? or how many patterns moved? How many patterns did you identify with, but didn't realise you got identified with a pattern?! Nothing wrong with this, be like a child! Wow!

 What does it do when you enquire so purely? You might discover that your depression is a pattern, and both the depression, which is the energy of the pattern has nothing to do with who you are - it's not the WHAT of who you are. It's simply the separation of the bee and the flower, or, the depression and the mind. If you saw that they are one organism, and that they have the power behind them that moves the next possibility, would there be somebody who is depressed? Or is depression an idea in the mind? And that the mind is holding onto a pattern that thinks it's you, bound to particular patterns! There are deeper Cosmic patterns, or etheric Divine patterns, so this blink of an eye (I) can experience itself deeper and higher.

So maybe even an apparent depression is a medicine for what's next! As a solvent to dissolve an identification with a lower energy pattern. Did it belong to you or is it just in the mix of what we call ‘human’?

And we might find as we grow that there are larger depressions, kind of on a Universal scale that also lead to a place that's beyond what we would describe as depression.


Leave Up and Down Alone

When we are free of down and up, having something to do with how I should feel: ”I don't like feeling down, I prefer to be up!” When we let go of all of this then the down and up is building you subtle bodies, new realities are coming in, there is no down and up. It's a movement that alchemises and makes it possible for higher deeper levels to have existent form. Down and up left alone is incredibly beautiful, it makes it possible to have full human experience, from deeper knowing, pure vibrancy. There's nothing to purify. That's an up idea looking down.

Day 1 Session 3

Are you Clear that Light comes out of You?
Are you clear that light comes out of What You Are? 
You might have got to the place where you are clear that You are light.
But then you might get to a place that even light come out of What You Are ,
so therefore you must be prior to light."

Knowing and Knowledge

Knowing is light knowing light . Knowledge is time-space or identification with experience seemingly belonging to a concept of a person. That's knowledge . Knowing is not the known. It will at some point come in as knowing knowing never actually  becomes known unless you identify with its manifestation in space time. 

If Brad is known, that’s knowledge. That's  just imprinting, patterns ..’I like this I don't like that ..bla bla bla.’ That's that.  But if you are knowing being knowing, that will never actually enter time. Brightness without filters shines. And everything throughout the universe is shining the illumination of knowing knowing itself .

Manifestation then is instant. It is not a something that manifests in a space-time . It is shining now.  

Is the mind designing you as an identity?

Is the mind designing 'Brad'? Is the mind designing activity through a locate-able somebody? Or is being just shining and you can't find anyone there but this brightness?

Wherever you are dull…

'Wherever you are dull you're immediate light is not allowed to enter because every concept will disappear. In other words change . When we want to keep out BM identification we're holding in to the conditional aspects of our self as if that's more valuable than the invisible illumination everything, which is Self. What is the nature of Self ? I don't know ...surely it's spontaneity. 

Doors to deeper Reality ( The Form )

How many doors into deeper reality do you have ? And how many doors into deeper reality are in the body?
Is there deeper reality in the body? If there is deeper reality in the body, why stay with something that is less.?

Move to the deeper realities within the body..this is the very nature of the practice of The Form Reality Practice . 

Mind is a concept

Who can see the mind? Who can say the mind is a concept? In deep dreamless sleep, would you say whoever you are knows mind or knows anything?  I say, that as you awaken to being aware, which I just called 'never not here', you awaken to Awareness being the ground of it all. So you begin to see you can be aware of being aware and that never goes anywhere. 

 As you beginning to awaken to being aware in this human life or this three dimensional life ..if you awaken to being aware here- Now. So it’s not the awareness of a thing ...I am aware of a glass, I am aware of a flower ..come to the next level. I am aware of being aware. It's clear is it not is awareness of an appearance and a felt solidity of what you call a glass. In the dream state a glass may still appear but it will appear differently to this one here . and as you go deeper you will discover that being aware of the glass is simply showing you that the glass is made of awareness. All this is the manifestation of awareness. and as Awareness begins to be aware of being aware of the glass it begins to experience light ..and another way of saying light is knowing ..

 In what we call this room or this experience of being human .most humans only have one slide show of light . They do not know invisible light. This is visible light , but there is  a whole spectrum of the singularity of light , which appears as the universe and rather like being in a cinema which is absolutely black and light shines and there is the screen with an apparent solid experience and to you what you are seeing appears sold ..that's no different to you seeing that glass , that's no different than seeing each other. 

 That glass on the cinema screen is no different than this glass sitting here. You could say a  different energetic attune-ment or energetic value ..frequency but  nonetheless when you look at a cinema screen , the glass there is as solid as that glass there. They’re the same 


Being Aware

Being aware you transcend object -subject -ivity. 

You begin to be aware of being aware...and the fulfilment! 

I cannot tell you what the fulfilment is's not something that you're heading to. 

It's what you discover you already are . 

 So as awareness you can be aware of being aware in deep dreamless sleep. No one there but awareness. But from being aware of being aware light happens . The black let's light ad light happens ....

 The singularity of that light within its stream has many streams ..some of these streams are made visible , depending on what apparatus consciousness has  . In the human domain consciousness has the apparatus of sense perception ....

 The apparatus of mind turns light into sense perception. and between light and light manifesting there is the sound of creation which is now and it’s that sound of creation that is the universal mind. You might find this in ancient teaching....but that Big Bang is mind that makes it possible for awareness and the letting of light , which is not sense perception but living awareness, Some call that the divine realms , unmanliest,  invisible light and the sound of the big bang is the sound of the mind that is the creator source ...but there is no one there creating . So the big bang is the moment of that mind that I am saying is a concept. The big bang , which I am saying is universal mind and all within it is still that light and awareness and never did it involve anybody or anything and we call that God or Source consciousness and yet we call ourselves human. 

 From that realisation ..whoever realises that and I am suggesting that Awareness or the Self realises itself , then the knowing of that as a concept becomes true and real because of what one is and then one sees the play and the game . That the big bang is a play of the insensible worlds of light streaming from the source of Awareness in the same instant .  

What we call mind is a space without limit of the outpouring of light and Awareness. The light of Awareness  without knowing that it is doing it , creates mind . Mind is rather like the canvas in which the light of Awareness pills onto and in the moment of that Big Bang ..that big bang contains all the elements for sense perception. So there is a reconfiguration of light as energy and that energy configures itself in the elements water air ether and earth ..and in my experience ..whoever he is can actually commune and communicate with those elements.

We are Creators

Here  we all are  in our apparent lives, not realising that we're creating it ourselves. Not as someone, but as what we are just happens spontaneously 

But our tendency in this third dimensional domain to add thought and opinion onto experience and create an experiencer and an experience.  That creates trauma ..because you will always try to get back to what you were before and so you need to sustain past and future and that creates trauma ..rather than really you are endeavouring to get back to the Now, the true you , where there is no trauma , because that is true you. 

Mind is a concept in which it becomes possible to experience being aware, being aware of the created.
The point is being aware of the created and the uncreated ..that's the Self. 
The mind conceptualises everything. Being doesn't.
And yet from Being, what you call mind begins to flower and demonstrate directly to you:
"You are fullness , neither born nor unborn. You are the fullness!"


True Power

We have no idea how much power is inherent in being what you NOW are. 

Tremendous power is creating this moment of your appearance. 

 Even the shape of the body, this is why Da Vinci know the Vitruvian man ..this is a geometric shape symbol of power and when the beyond creates a geometric shape of what we call the cosmos or the universe. And there is nothing in the universe that does not contain the geometric shapes of power. Just like when we dance The Form...

 Our body is the mudra or the symbol of a greater power. That is also how we are also able to give power to anything that we do , anything that we say. that we think anything that we feel. So we actually create geometric shapes that empower either the way we think about ourselves, how with think about others , how we  feel about ourselves or other. We create these geometric shapes that give power  to our ideas of ourselves and others.

When you drop all that idea you come to the pure shape of you, which is radiant, which is the power of Now, which  is the power of the beyond , which is the power of Now appearing here and now is creation and when you return to that power

When you return to that power and there is not a word that you say or a thought that you think that does not contain original light and power. Life becomes powerfully simple, powerfully joyful , powerfully blissful, powerfully radiant. You can’t make it happen. It's just your simple return to discovering what you are . 

As you sit with yourself and others, be very aware of the shape you give your power to . separate sense of self and other or the One? 

 That power that we thought we belonged to , the belief system is very powerful but your original power, which is of presence is the one and only single power - the true I . 

 That's how we learn to transform those ideas we have about self an other - we discover we are that one

 Why not give power to what you are at the deeper level of your heart. That realigns everything and we begin to experience the transformation of self , the transformation of life and we begin to enter a different possibility in life . It's not the person that enters that , that person is the instrument of awareness moving deeper, awakening more deeply. But that person then begins to be the manifest instrument o that power and that person then begins to be anointed in and as that power. Such a person does not experience death. I am in another place one can say.  


 Awakening as Presence 

If you are awakening in the manner we are looking at, as Presence, your body is the presence of verticality and depth. Your body transmits that verticality and that depth and it relates to that and it moves that spontaneously. Literally a cosmic being of divine potentiality.

The whole cosmos is feeding this point of itself to express what it is . Its ability to manifest the unusual to manifest the unseen, to manifest the next without concerns, past or future. And what is manifestation? An unusual appearance of That that cannot be  explained. That that has no beginning or end. That that is God-like in nature.  

The body-mind becomes completely free here and you become completely free to express what you discover you are. in the Now. 

Eyes Open - discover the expansion of your own Awareness.

You may begin to actually see that things are in a different  place . The chairs in this space have more spaciousness around them as if they were floating in a sea that is invisible..Such openness doesn't make one superior , such openness makes one available to serve. 

This is what you are as you are walking down the street, a transmission of possibilities that are inherent in everybody.. You are not someone walking down the street doing the same old thing. You are a living star..shining possibility. Awakening self to Self. Some people call that shepherding me it is just plain natural. 


Day 3 Session 1  

A human being is a vibratory form of impermanence.

The body is a mudra of the cosmos and of the consciousness that is knowing itself as the cosmos.

You are invited to discover all that you are!

Is it clear that you are here sitting on the chair?

It has to be clear.

Because you are about to hear the language of your multidimensional Pure Self.

If you are here sitting on the chair,

the chair has to be you,

the floor has to be you,

the sea has to be you,

the beach has to be you,

everything has to be you,

Why is that?

So this apparent three dimensional aspect of your multidimensional self called The Pure I can illume every aspect of itself.

That's what you are looking for.'

The Form - Bowing Down from High Prayer in Part 1

A human is not a human without the aspects of where it's coming from and illumined from.
a human remains only in the survival chakra, down below and doesn't even know there is an Earth chakra, below even the feet then you become distorted, or you just seek survival of the imprinting of who you believe you are, through self image.

So when you come down like this ( Part 1 ) hand in high prayer) , you're coming from Soul Chakra, you're discovering, if you are discovering the powers inherent in the system of what appears to be a body. So you are coming down and when you come down to the earth you are literally connecting with the Earth Chakra.  And when you bring your head down you're bringing your soul fully incarnate.

You are literally bowing down, like diving in to the experience of a full embodied life. You put your head on the floor and you've got your hands on the floor and the whole soul meaning and purpose is now streaming in to this moment of the Earth and of the Earth life, but from the multi dimensional perspective of the discovery of who I am, appearing as this apparent human in this moment.

That's embodiment, that is full embodiment and when you come to the floor and you put your forehead on the ground you are literally seeing in to the Earth what presents you, with your potentiality of your multi-dimensional centres. Not what your mind sees is only the image of you that you're an ABC, a 123, you're born and you die.... 


What's beyond mind and what creates mind is pure and it's real, because it's not of mind.


Day 5 Session 1

We  think the body is first, but it is last ..or it's in the same unequivocal moment of Now, but the mind makes it looks like the body is first . Because without it looking like the body is first, the mind thinks nothing will survive. So survival is about the survival of the body and that is inherent in all the creatures of the planet who needed to survive..

The Body Is a Vehicle of Information - a Messenger

The body for most people is their centre of attraction . In other words you do speaks as if you're a body and you do speak as if you're a body-mind.

But the  body is the vehicle that carries where you are coming from. It's a messenger. A border messenger , a vehicle of information. 

To embody the invisible is to be clear what the body is. It is information from where you come from right now. It gives consciousness the ability to have immediate expression of where it comes from right now.

You could say" Right now I am coming from the past " , so your body must be full of that information . You could be  constantly speaking about the future , so your body will be fll of the information of the future.  And if you check those two out, the information of the future is the information of the past  

Questions to consider during the session :

“How are you holding together known attention, where you are actually now on another level ?
You need to withdraw your attention from that.”

“Discover where you’re holding attention that’s holding you back from a new place to have your attention…

Somehow you think that that image is against you, or, that that image should remain,
but it just transforms into another image of you”

On Thought

Most people have been absorbed by thought, rather than discovering what it is. It's a prison, a painful one. If you look at thought, its knowledge linked to the known, its's an impression. An impression that the mind imprints as it takes pictures of this moment.

And then through mind it will link that picture to an emotion and that really gets that in to the cells of the body mind and you just create an image of yourself around a thought patterned and an emotional charge. If you look at thinking it leads you in to what you might discover is past because it traces back images. And those images are charged with emotional feelings around a feeling, or how you felt about a particular thought around a moment of being. So, a thought is turning the Now, the presence of being in to a thought attached to an emotion and a self image and that's what builds in the brain, that's what builds within a thought system. We call that identification.

Return your attention, presence and awareness where true feeling is abundant, vast and deep,.
This can be experienced as bliss or just plain simple wonderful joy! And thought is no longer an enemy. It's the ability to allow light to shine on anything that you want to know and understand, without attachment to a thought through emotion, that actually has nothing to do with you personally but everything to do with discovering. Therefore the ability to discover without the interruption of self survival identification and colouring everything from personalised experience of the mind, attached to feeling, able to discover this wonderful moment. 


Day 5 Session 2

It's a strange thing what we are looking at ...We would like this body to live its fullest extent we look after it. But at the same time we are also opening to the truth 'I am beyond the body-mind identity'. .

So we are not saying let's just drop the body but we are in terms of being a relationship as being09:25  Awareness...and yet we are supporting the healing of the body-mind. 

The Form Part 1

Part 1 is a very powerful movement to absorb the energies of the New.
To absorb the consciousness of the New, to absorb the deeper calling into one's life. 

Particularly that part where we are bending down. That bending down is kind of like saying : " Every moment I bend down to the higher  deeper possibilities of life." ..That is the same as saying surrender. 

But  we are not bending down to get rid of anything, we are not bending down or surrendering like a puppet ..We're giving everything away. Everything that looks as though it might weaponise living ..

The Self has no idea  about weaponising anything. 

Everything is the great fruit of the abundance of Being, made of light .

So then the bending down in The Form is the same as we will bend down and discover more than our mind's activity .

There is no Cause and Effect

One has to be dedicated to Self-discovery to discover actually there is no cause and effect in the Deep. There is an expression of the Deep that looks like it is  causing an effect..but it is just What Is...

And that is very hard to listen to when you have been built around an image of yourself `14:03 and there is cause and effects.

I mean, there are real causes with real effects ...we can say: "Don't put your hands in the fire" ..natural things like that ..but we're talking about a movement that comes out of Nothing and just moves and is somehow discovering what Its essential nature is within that movement that has no cause and no effect ..just discovery. 

We call that Oneness..but even that gets misinterpreted. 

So yes we are looking at something that has no cause and no effect and yet you can look into existence for instance on planet earth and you can see a lot of movement.  If you build and extension  to your house for example, make sure it's on good footings..and make sure you really anchor the roof down..

But we're talking  about Consciousness. We're talking about how things work ,how things are in What We Are, how we can relate as Awareness itself. 

The Invitation in the dance of The Form

That's why when we dance The Form ..look at your own invitation to discover That that is truly here..
The unseen levels of light . The unseen levels of your own consciousness.
What  is it that is here?

But only It itself can discover that .

It can't be a someone .

You have to be opened as Awareness.

The Way of Awakening

The way of awakening is ..'Discover Light', but let's just forget about Light for a moment …

Enter the energy of the moment! 

Discover the energy that is here at the moment..truly Here. 

Discover the energy of a that ! 

Because if you discovered the energy, really discovered the energy.. you 'll also transcend this identity that you're a someone discovering this energy. 

Discovering this energy is Consciousness itself ..

And when consciousness discovers this energy, conditionality with that energy drops away and that is free energy. Now that energy can turn it into something the deeper Consciousness that is  being realised is energising manifestation in this moment.   What begins to land is a New , in the moment manifestation..all the cells get remade ..the brain cells remade ..body-mind firing differently.

Truly Dedicate Your Life to Discover this Moment

We're taught that that takes time but maybe that is because we don't stay with What we are and truly truly dedicate our life to discover this moment.. this that I am . We keep getting distracted by the world we built that has come about because we followed thought and its best mate feeling and we created centres of ignorance , rather than centres of discovery.

So in the Form, become an openness to discover your inherent openness.
What is it?

If you have given your full attention as Awareness in the practice of The Form you come to places where identification just drops away and energy is more abundant .

Day 6 Session 1

Assumptions of Duality

When one awakens you are never going to go back to sleep. 
That means everything that happens in the range of light and streams of energy that give vibration to possibility , you will experience and if you confuse yourself with a centre separate from the totality , you will suffer. Suffering means, this shouldn't happen, suffering means "Why not me?" , suffering means "I can't be at peace." , suffering means "I can't sleep." Suffering means so many things. 

Once you have awakened you are totally open to it all.

Every level of mind that is going to accuse any phenomenon whatsoever that that shouldn't have happened.  As if somebody is doing this! 

Even at this stage of the evolution of this green crystal planet of bright love, there are still assumptions of duality. 

And it gets very uncomfortable to realise: "Let go of assumptions and realise you are aware of being aware..."

I know it seems like that ain't gonna work ..but it does for What One Is. 

Energy and light and energies and energies will still collide or merge together . And there is no a speck of energy in the universe that doesn't desire merging . The energies that are still picking and choosing as if they're separate and they needs something that is good and they really  don't want anything that is bad, they will only find a mix. 

Of a good that's not good and a bad that's really bad and yet all of that is the design of the cosmos to awaken The Self to itself amongst its light energetic forms of display within its own bright Awareness! 

I find that absolutely astonishing! Astonishing! 

And yet it can still surprise one of the lack of deeper understanding and an emergence of that understanding amongst what seems to be human 'other than kind' .

Once awake - never asleep. Even in what you call sleep there is more awake-ness. That you are not some phenomenon. You're aware of being aware and you 're aware of knowingly aware in streams prior to existence and prior to mind and you can also be aware to be knowingly aware within mind streams too , whilst apparently you're asleep. Actually you're never asleep. You're utterly awake and exploring how phenomena and the worldless worlds of deeper higher reality are. And that is your blissful enjoyment of being what you already are. 

Is the evolution of consciousness itself dependent on the infinite return
of All That Is to All That Is ?  
Then the expression of the cosmos moves,
changes, expands ..
and it might with the blink of an eye
just all end and start again.

And we all get a sense ..when you do that actually there is no beginning of this or end of it .

Imagine that you believe you are a phenomenal self and your are not This ! That's called agony. That's groundhog day ...

When Awareness goes deeper

One thing that does happen is when Awareness goes deeper appearing as this phenomenal form , the third eye opens. Nothing can open your third eye ..No amount of trying to get that to open will do it by a separate sense will do it . It  simply is natural for it to open as you love your return to discovering what you already are ..sometimes called God or The Beloved. 

That often happens with a change of energy ..that your whole relationship with sexuality changes and right there the 3rd eye opens and right there the heart begins to flourish and right there the higher aspects of what we have been calling the soul star and the earth star are shining . It is as though you're beyond it all able to actually have a view from outside at the cosmos in your hands Awareness. 

The Form

The practice of The Form is the total discovery that all the phenomena of the higher reality of the Self is all that moves. Non-Duality. We assume otherwise.

It brings the kind of difficulty a small self cannot bear. 
It brings the kind of difficulty an aspirant to love , be Love, discover Love as the Self just goes through those doors.

And now there is a transfiguration of appearance and your appearance becomes a vibratory expression in the blink of an eye of the totality you already are. We call that Love.

You begin to be drawn in the most part to other beings who love the Beloved who is the one who is listening to these words now.You meet other beings in a vibratory form of appearance that are all on the same pathless path. That all of this is absolutely an immediate expression of the totality of the One who truly is . It gets very clear to you , that's all there is . To assume otherwise is ignorance . 

You will draw the lessons you need

And whoever one is , to your appearance, you will draw all the lessons you need to discover the power of Now . Not to use to get yourself free..because you're already free but to learn that what appears to be a biological body is a tremendous field of cosmic potentiality .That brings all energies together whether phenomenal, whether duality of appearance - all in here is alchemised because I am Awareness. No one is doing it and yet that will be the appearance.

But suddenly these beings that are listening and available will discover meeting places in the deep 

But the mind, with all its phenomenal content and you believe it , you will continue to assume and not only an assumption that you're a self , a little old self. 

You have to see the mind assumes appearance is real.
Appearance is not real but the one who sees and knows this is Reality. 
Then the appearance returns within to meet What You Are.

Whilst there is phenomenal appearance, there is an emergence .
The capacity of any phenomenon to reflect back to the light of consciousness its True Self.


The Beloved loves to individuate so it can love Itself.

When those that love the Beloved find each other,
atoms dance without beginning or end.
 A celebration of the One as everyone. 


Sexuality is a means by which light realises its immediate experience of being, knowing, aware forming. Energy forms light in to myriads of potentials, to reflect back the light of knowing back to Consciousness. You could say she is the servant of the Beyond, although the beyond also serves her to expand, to realise, to dance fully.

If you look at sexuality, most of us when we think of sexuality we don't see it as energy, we see it as a particular sex thing. We don't see it as something that transports pure knowing or the known. It transports either the openness of one's heart, uncontrived of personal experience or it transports small self to experience itself. Actually the movement is the same thing, the same one. It's how knowing realises itself.

When we open up to the Earth Star we open up to the full potentiality of earth experience to connect with sexuality on higher spheres. In other words, movement, possibility to be able to apprehend, as being human in this case, a greater power and a greater movement of the whole, rather than sex, which is separate sensed self. But both are moved by the same one. If we have an assumption of duality then sexuality turns in to sex rather than discovery that lights and energies are meeting, merging, or even meeting colliding. It's all the same movement for the meeting of the Cosmos.

 Prior to awakening you are looking through satisfaction for a limited sense of self through what we believe is sexuality. But sexuality transports you throughout the Universe, its's all Her. So in that first stage where sexuality is some pattern, inherent in it is awakening. Then it might have been sex, but sex is still a movement of sexuality. Then you move where you are looking for relationship, sexuality is wanting things for yourself. It's not just down to having sex, it's wanting things for the small self. So you'll want relationships for the small self, things for the small self. That's all good, that's all ok, that's how this thing works. Then something in you awakens deeper. That's just not working, there's something else here. And so your relationship with things and phenomena and what you once called sex, begins to be seen through. Ad there's another process that begins to happen. Rather than just transporting known energies, you start to explore energies that are not known. So you begin to naturally drop away what you thought you needed. But you still think and assume there is someone there. Cease assuming there's someone there.

So you're crossing a desert there, when you are totally dissatisfied with what you thought you needed. Whatever it is, you're dissatisfied with it. It will seem to be people, it will seem to be things, it will seem to be places, but you are dissatisfied with the reflection of you back to you. Fulfilment comes only in realising what you deeply first are. So somewhere you are learning to transform but not as a self. It just appears that way. So your relationships start to change. Rugby is sex, soccer is sex, hockey, all those games, even golf. Golf is pretty sex! And so as you cross the desert all that stuff starts to drop away. And you start to deepen in the power of now, the energy of now, the presence of now. It begins to change how you perceive, where you perceive from and how you relate. It changes relationships of you to all things. Because you discover somewhere amongst this there is no such thing as all things ; I am the Self,.

So things begin to change and your relationship with you brings different reflections that are also crossing desert, or maybe crossed. And sometimes you'll go back to the disco as it were, the world and you realise that's not it! But it's not that it's not it because it is still the small self, but you are realising what the opportunities are for growth, for evolution that appear to be a human being. And you draw different relationships to you, rather than a love of things and the love of an excitement of a separate self you draw to yourself relationships that love truth. Not that old kind of truth, the duality kind of truth, but the discovery of what truth really is, and partnerships that are deepening in to what love is, even as you cross the desert and you learn to transform those energies of separation crossing the desert. And I don't know if you've ever been in a desert storm but its pretty freaky and desert storms happen while you're transforming your consciousness, your energy, that's also what happens.

Everything gets transformed there, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, actively. It all gets transformed. But you begin to draw to yourself clear relationship to what you're deeply drawn to and yet you're still not a separate entity. That's the play, that's the game. It's hard to get that, but you have to keep looking at this. Cease the assumption of duality, the assumption is that everything is dual. It is not, it's the one. So then when you get to the ocean, by this time your relationship with you is founded, grounded both in the Earthstar and in the soul and beyond and definitely in the heart and the body's energy which is pure sexuality is now enabled to commune, communicate with the entire Cosmos and all realms become possible.

Your mind, literally rather than focused on space time is open to mirror the intelligence of the profound now and all that is available. That is our abundant self. If you look at the Earth for instance and the ocean out there you will see the abundance in sense perception in one movement appears. its beauty, it's profound and it's alive. So then through the question of sexuality, sexuality is transformed.


There is a thing about deserts well as heat and camels's sand. It's trillions if not gazillions of particles and those particles either are the content of the collective or those particles are like that song..the poem of the atoms , sand becomes the dance of the atoms . Trillions of particles celebrating the One . And so the sand literally opens you up to transparency..Because you all know sand can turn to glass...transparency..
To whom?Just to yourSelf. 

The Form - Shakti

Inherent in the practice of The Form is a profound movement of energy. In the East they might call that Shakti, and inherent in the practice of The Form is profound depth and openness, or pure knowing. And all within and beyond that, in that which is within is the abyss, that is what you are. The practice of The Form is displaying what a life really is. So, whenever you speak, or even if you do not speak energy of sexuality is conveying throughout the Cosmos, communing throughout the Cosmos. The discovery, self doing something, the evolution of consciousness. The growing ability or in this case the appearance of humanity to emerge as a universal being, god like in nature. I other words in enabled to create and to dissolve and if you look, what you truly love is to dissolve and you love the dissolve, how the dissolve recreates not the same thing. That is the energy and power of now.

So in relationship in an endeavour to commune with another that's drawn to you deeply and intimately a love of truth or the beloved with no assumption of duality, that's a different kind of beloved, a different kind of life. You are in that to dissolve utterly and yet in the same breath there's a new creation. That's what now means. Only the mind runs with that and creates division.As self you are realising your self and the entire Cosmos conspires for that to take place, just by being. No guilt, no shame, no blame, just pure realising, discovering the activities of the emerging of energy and light, or the colliding of small self with small self, that is destined to turn to dust.

Day 8 Session 1

“When one loves the Beloved as one’s real Self, deepening and expansion just takes place.”

Just like the practice of The Form: moving as Presence, stillness moves at such a pace, such a velocity, one empties out from the entire field that we call the body, that that no longer serves the growth of all beings. 


Sovereign to That, Sovereign to God


Sovereign to That, Sovereign to God

 This  morning  I'd  just  like  to  share  with  you , and  then  hopefully  you  all  share,   what  this  coming  New  Year  could  contain  for  each  and  every  one  of  us.  Now when  I  say  new  year,  I'm  actually  talking  about  right  here  and  now  of  course.  And  I  suggest  it's  this for I  feel  and  know  everything  else  is  useless.  Useless!  But  one  thing  only:  Sovereignty  to  God. Sovereignty  to  God.  Sovereignty  to  that unspeakable  power,  presence,  depth,  brightness, that  one  knows  to  be  one's  Self  beyond  any  word,  any  identification,  any  sign  other  than: the  universe  exists.


Sovereignty  to  God.  Now  I use  God  as an  arrow,  a  pointer  to  That  that  truly  is. But  we  have  to  add  something  else  in  this  sovereignty,  because  it has  probably  become  clear  to  all  of  us  in  this  life  that  being  sovereignty, having  sovereignty  for  that,  that  is  invisible  or  that  that  is  beyond, whatever  best points for  you to  That  that  is  untouchable.


Is  there  another  way  of  sovereignty, that  not  only  is  that  but  connects  with  that  in  something  that  you  can  directly  experience? It's  called  Life!   That  tangible  life  force,  free  of  any  identification  with  names, even  with  forms.  For  Life  is  a  power  and  a  force  of  the  expression  of  the  ineffable.


To  be  fully alive , fully ALIVE.  Sovereignty  only  to  Knowing  and  loving  what  we're  going  to  call  'God'  but you  could  call  it Self, but for this talk  we're  going  to  stay  just  with  'God',   not  making  a  religion  here,  just  God. 


Sovereignty  to  That  and  fully  quite  clearly  seeing  "I  am  alive!  Everything  is  life!", with  no  thought, no  conditional  nature,  no  use  of  space  or  time; just  the  great  love  of  Life  itself, sovereign  to  That,  bowing  down.  to  That.  Serving  that.  Breathing  that. Adoring  that.  Sovereign  only  to  That.. is  a  way  of  ease  that  opens  the  door  to  what  we  call  God  or  our  sovereign  nature.


I  know  it's  quite  something  to  give yourself up,  as  it  were,  fully giving  yourself  to  the  invisible, but  you  can  give  yourself  to  Life.  Life.  That  includes  the  entire  cosmos, that  is  the  activity  of  the  Invisible.  An  activity  that's  not  something  being  done, it's  just  a  display  of  the  Invisible. 


Maybe  it's  why  the  stars  can  capture  our  imagination.  Maybe  it's  why  when  we  look  at  a  mountain, we're  captured,  our  attention  is  captured.  Maybe  when  we  sit  next  to  a  quiet  stream  on  soft  grass  and  listen  to  the  birds, it  captures  our  heart.  We're  literally  being  captured, whilst  being  sovereign  to  God. 


We  believe  in  one  thought and  it's  gone,  one  emotion,  it's  gone.  To  be  sovereign  is  to  leave  emotion  and  thought  alone  and  stay  true  to  that  Knowing, that  Life  that  clearly  moves,  animates,  grows,  dissolves,  regrows  everything.  Everything. Then  we  might  hear  the  cricket  song is a  song  of  Source.  We  might  see  the  activity  of  an  ant  as  the  activity  of  Source. We  might  see  that  the  rain  is  beating  the  rhythm  of  growth,  wonder  and  magnificence. We  may  see  that  the  sun's  just  not  a  sun  coming  up  to  give  us  warmth,  but  to  remind  us  who  we  are, what  we're  in,  what  we're  for and  that  we  are  wholly  this  great  love,  seeming  to  be  a part, but  we  are  the  whole. 


So  really,  here I'm  kind  of  asking  all  of  us  to  have  a  look  if  we  can  be  sovereign  to  knowing  God  direct,  Life  direct  and  not  let  our  attention  slip  in  what  thought  says  or  emotion  says.  To  stay  true, because  if  you  look  at  this,  we  might  have  to  go  here  several  times  in  our  lives,  let  alone  in  this  core.  If  you  look  at  this,  doesn't  thought  take  you  away  from  the  present? It  invents  different  spaces,  different  times,  different  things. It  invents  positive  and  negative. 


And  then  if  you  step  into  emotion, doesn't  emotion  just  wire  all  that  up  in  a  positive  and  negative  charge  and  bring  about  untrue  feelings  of  identity? Does it  keep  washing  you  away  or are you now wholly  placing  your  attention  in  and  as  your  love  of  God  as  Awareness?  How  many  times  have  we  been  swept  away  by  a  thought  that  suddenly  has  an  emotion, and  that  wires  into  the  body  as  something  that  you  should  or  shouldn't  do.


But  I'm  sure  like  myself,  you've  placed  your  attention  in  life  direct,  sovereign  to  Now, direct.  In  touch  with and  in  the  presence  of  the  silence, the  Here - Presence.  And  how  that  has  cleared  mind  of  content, when  the  murky  waters  of  emotion  have  just  stilled  into  tenderness.  Then  isn't  it  true  that  from  the  love  of  God, from  the  love  of  That,  the  presence  of  being  here-now  in  the  Love sovereign  to  That, aren't  the  emotions  then,  like  a  brook,  a  still  stream  of  gentle  wandering?Isn't  the  mind  then  absolutely  clear,  transparent,  and  shining  with  one's  love  of  the  Absolute?


And doesn't that transform the mind and the emotions and the whole neurological system , the whole nervous system, into rivers of divine grace ? For  are  we  not  ourselves  rivers  of  divine  grace? Are  we  not  an  appearance,  a  wonderful  appearance, in  a  divine  ocean?  Then  I  ask  you, is  it  not  true  then,   to  be  sovereign  to  life,  not  thought  or  feeling,  does that not   actually  master  thought  or  feeling  with  tender  loving, tender  Knowing,  meaningful,  presence  and  openness? Otherwise  is  it  not  true  that  we  just  become  a  slave  of  thought  and  feeling, a  slave  of  what's  on  our  iPhone,  a  slave  of  what's  on  the  messenger,  but  the  messenger  of  love  and  presence  is  everywhere.


Maybe  we  could  just  look  at  each  other's  life  and  find  that  messenger  is  shining  through  our  skin, our  bones.   And  from  that  don't  we  begin  to  discern  the  transformational  process  of  bodies,  minds,  neural  systems, nervous  systems,  the  planet,  the  stars,  even  the  earth  being  rewired ? And each  other, are  we  not  all  part  that  one  warm  blanket  of  love's  presence? 


Is  it  not  the  mind  that  mistook  it  for  being  us,  through  identification  with  things,  subjects  and  objects?  And  is  it  true  that  the  mind  absolutely  ceases  in  those  moments  when  one  is  sovereign  to  the  Absolute, to  God,  to  Life  itself? Then  ask  yourself  this: "Is  it  then  not  true  that  I've  forgotten  who  I  am  and  I  can  only  remember  that that  I  am  in  loving  Source,  sovereign  as  myself? Is  it  a  thing  I  love?  Is  it  a  creature  I  love?  Is  it  another  I  love?


Or  are  they  all  wonderful,  vibrating  forms  of  that  that  I  truly  love?  When  we  put  everything  in  place, in  its  clear,  tender  place,  and  never  ever  leave  the  sovereignty  of  that, then  we're  sovereign  to  ourselves. We  cannot  betray  ourselves  or  we  betray  our  love  of  That.  But  also  we  know  our  love  of  That knows  no  betrayal.  It  needs  no  forgiveness  because  it  only  knows: all  is  love.  Isn't  that,  That  we're  being  drawn  into? And  bringing  mind  and  emotion  to  the  feet  of  that, that  we  truly  love.


Isn't  that  that  movement,  that  truly  precious  movement  in  the  practice  of The  Form, where  we  bow  down  and  bring  all  down  to  the  earth,  and  we  bow  our  forehead  on  the  ground,  and  we  give our  whole  vibrating  body  to  the  earth,  to  the  Presence,  to  Life, as  sovereign  to  That  that  is  God?

 In  the  world  as  it  is, which  is  not  to  blame  the  world  or  anything.. The  world  is  just  a  function  of  an  intelligence.  that  has  gotten  caught  up  in  an  intelligence  that  takes  pictures  of  the  moment  of  experience, builds  an  impression  of  those  experiences  and  calls  them  'a  me'.


And  without  self - knowledge  energies  build  up  that  impression  and  make  it  mobile. And  that  mobile  impression  can  only  live  in  a  mind  that  does  not  belong  to  God  and  an  emotion  that  does  not  belong  to  God. And  so  a  pseudo  figure  in  billions  walks  the  planet  with  the  self -forgetfulness  of  what  one  really  belongs  to. But  the  dream  always  collapses, most   definitely  at the point of what  some  call  death,  when  the  body  drops  away and  the  dream  is  just  seen  to  be  a  dream. But  life  is  not  a  dream.  Life  is  sovereign  to  God.  Life  is  Reality  shining  as  the  movement  and  animation  of  all  beings  as  that  One - Love.


See  it  in  the  grass,  see  it  in  the  trees,  see  it,  hear  it  in  the  birds,  feel  it  in  your  veins,  feel  it  in  your  bones, sovereign  to  That.  I  know  that  when  we  really  get  this,  we  cease  blaming  or  judging  ourselves  or  others. We  begin  to  quite  naturally  release  all  the  ideas  we  have  about  ourselves  and  other  and  Life,  which  has  turned  into  living  only. We  begin  to  deepen  warmly,  beautifully,  in  the  sovereignty  of  knowing  ourselves  and  loving  ourselves  through  the  love  of  God.

We  know  this  is  not  a  routine,  but  we  do  know  that  we  need  to  be  sovereign  to  it.  And  if  we  have  a  look  in  our  daily  lives  there  are  things  that  we  do  constantly , that  we  do  automatically.  Ordinary  things  like  getting  up  in  the  morning  ordinary  things  like  making  a  tea, ordinary  things  that  we  have  not  seen  actually  are  like  ritual  reminders  of  Presence  of  Source  as  ourselves.


So  then  our  daily  life  can  literally  be  a  ritual,  in  other  words,  an  energetic  ritual  present  reminder  of  that  that  we  truly  love, that  that  we  truly  belong  to.  We  no  longer  have  the  energy  to  keep  the  false  in  the  house  of  our  living  bodies. It's  not  that  we  reject  it  as  a  negative.  No, we  simply  do  not  give  it  presence, power  any  longer. We  become  sovereign.  We   cease  doing   robotics  of  living  and  we  bring  presence  to  every  breath, every  movement  of  our  hands  and  feet  and  most  definitely  our  heart  and  our  mind. We  begin  in  other  words  to  be  sovereign awakeners  to  that  that  we  truly  are. 


We  cleanse  and  purify  the  use  of  the  mind. We  cleanse  and  purify  the  use  of  the  heart.  We  cleanse  and  purify  the  body,  the  belly,  the  hands,  the  feet,  the  life.   We're  not  making  anything  spiritual  about  it.  We're  just  being  present  with  it,  restoring  the  power  and  the  love  of  our  sovereignty  to  the  living  presence  of  God  as  ourselves  in  the  universe.

And if you look  in each of our lives, and  if  you  all  talk  together  and  you  listen,   truly  listen,  you're  going  to  see  that  you  all  have  some  similar  circumstance  of  energy  passing  through, bringing  similar  circumstance  of  thoughts,  feelings  and  actions.  Because  everything  I've  spoke  of  up  until  this  point  is  even  the  universe  has  to  live. And  everything  you  do  or  say,  every  movement  that  you  make,  is  energetic, restored  by  Presence  or  captured  by  mind  and  emotion,


Same  for  the  universe.  So  when  I  look  'out'  in  the  universe  or  'in',  same  thing  to  this  one, I  see  great  beings.  I  also  see  other  beings  like  ourselves,  very  much  in  the  remembrance  of  what  they  are. But  the  whole  cosmos moves  as  codes  of  the  love  of  that  One.  The  whole  cosmos  moves  as  codes  of  transformational  process movement ability. But  the  whole  cosmos,  no  matter  how  great  the  system  of  Awareness will  still  be  shedding  its  ignorance  of  how  it  used  to  function.


This  is  creation.  All  creation  sheds  its  ignorance  ongoingly.  Vertically,  not  horizontally.  And  just  like  there  are  many  creatures  on  this  planet  that  eat  the  carcasses  of  those  bodies, a  whole  function  of  creation  is  very  much  like  this. Although  it  came  in  an  instant  of  light,  but  it  also  returns  in  an  instant  of  light. But  within  all  its  realms,  it is  realising  itself  and  shedding  its  old  skins. 


Where  are  we  now shedding  our  old  skin?  This  is  my  question  today. I'm  endeavouring  to  put  it  in  a  tangible  way,  because  I  have  spoken  to  many  people  recently  because  it's  quite  obvious  to  me, maybe  it  is  to  you, that  there's  a huge  pressure  of  undoing,  where  deep,deep  unconsciousness  is  coming  up.  Macrocosm, microcosm,  you  can  see  it.  But  in  order  to  know  yourself  that  actually  it's  not  you  that's  undergoing  that, but  the  entire  creative  worlds,  remembering  what  or  who  they  are.  And  we  are  That. The  part  of  that,  and  the  whole  of  That.  That's  the  in -breath  and  the  out -breath.  And  yet, paradox,  we  are  so  much  more. 


But  have  a  look, has  it  become  known to  you  that  trying  to  escape  what  you  don't  like  to  feel,  leads  to  more  of  what  you  don't  like  to  feel? But  just  being  present,  entirely  open  as  what  you  are, seeing  and  knowing  as  a  being, embracing  each  breath  with  the  same  sovereignty  that  we're  speaking  of  now. Regardless  of  how the  breath  feels  or  how  the  mind  thinks. 


Something  far  more  precious, a far  more  golden alchemy  is  happening  for  all  beings.  Then  one  has  no  need  to  seek  a  spiritual  experience  or,  as  it  were,  escape  from  what  seems  to  make  me  feel  not  so  good.  Because  somewhere  we  have  the  intelligence that to  escape  the  not  so  good  only  leads  to  more  opposites. To  be  in  'what  is',  is  to  be  sovereign  to  God,  that  that  you  are.  And  only  then  comes  forth  the  very  essence  and  wonder  of  the  Love-light  we  already  are and  we  begin  to  thrive,  come  alive.  Because  we're  no  longer  against  what  one  might  call  forces.  We're  actually  just  simply  sovereign  to  the  love  of  God  and  know  no  opposite.

So  have  look  this  most  definitely  a  lot  happening  in  our  lives  at  the  moment.  Our  tendency  is  just  to  look  into  this  me, what's  happening  to  me.  But  why  not  look  into  the  pool?  Why  not  look  into  the  ocean?  Why  not  look  into  the  stars?  Why  not  see  it  all  as  a  singular  movement? Its  appearance  may  be  a  little  different.  but  it's  the  same  alchemy  at  work, rebuilding  the  cells  of  the  universe  to  mirror  what  really  is, because  it's  infinite  light that  pours  the  universe,  grows  it,  kills  it,

 restores  it,  relives  it.  In  a  breath!  So  if  you  look  at  this, you  might  find  that  the  star's  positions  at  the  moment  are  really  doing  some  work but  are  not  the  stars  sovereign  to  that  One?  Are  not  the  planets  sovereign  to  that  One?  I  see  everything  as  a  limited  self -concern  about  me, but  it  actually  does  not  really  exist  only  in  our  imagination. 

So  if  we  look, thought,  emotion,  sovereign...  just  keep  bringing  it  over.  You  can  go  into  a  thought and you're  going  to  be  there  absolutely  for  eternity.  You  can  go  into  emotion,  you're  going  to  get  tangled  and  tangled  and wingled and  wangled.  Or  you  can  just  step  into  the  sovereignty  of  Being  knowing, the  love  of  Source.  And  everything  stops,  because  there  nothing  belongs  to  mind, nothing  belongs  to  emotion, nothing  belongs  to  anything.  It  all  belongs  to  itself,  sovereign - God.   Not  just  silence  but  majesty.  Not  just  silence, but  palpable  depth.  Not  just  silence  but  humility.  Not  just  silence, but  friendship.  Then  come  back  into   what  appears  to  be  a  body  and  appears  to  be  mind,  what  appears  to  be  emotion. Does  the  mind  move?  Do  emotions  twist? 


Or  is  something  with  no  measure  being  known  that  weaves  the  universe  without  doing  anything  other  than  being  present?  And  from  Presence  don't  you  go  "Wow!!" and  from  Presence  don't  you  go  '"Yeah  let's  do  this  this!" and  from  Presence,  don't  you  go  and  assist  another.  And  from  Presence,  don't  you  give  somebody  a  hug.  And  it  never  involves  emotion  and  never  involves  the  mind, but  it  ignites  the  mind  from  Source  and  it  ignites  the  emotion  from  Source.  From  that  only  wonders stream,  universes shine and  are  unafraid  to  return.


So  just  have  a  look  at  this  moment  as...  there's  a  palpable,  cosmic whirlwind...  as  if  higher  dimensions  are  dropping  in that  don't  separate as  the  third  and  fourth  dimension  does.  And  each  of  us  in  some  way  or  other is  feeling  this, knowing  this.  And  I  want  to  ask  you  a  crazy,  crazy  thing  to  an  apparent  human  mind.. What  makes  you  think  that  an  ant  doesn't  go  through  this?  What  makes  you  think  a  blade  of  grass  doesn't  go  through  this?  What  makes  you  think  a  tree  doesn't  go  through  this? What  makes  you  think  a  mountain  doesn't  go  through  this?  What  makes  you  think  even  the  sky  doesn't  go  through  this?  You  begin  to  see  things  with  a  whole  different  perspective  that  might  actually  bring  awe  into  your  attention where  you  lay  hold  of  a  power  that  you  can  only  call  gracious. 


In  fact, if  you  look  deep:  ineffable.  And  there's  nothing  that  moves  in  this  world  that  doesn't  sing  its  song  or  speak  its  experience.  it  falls  in  love  with  being  sovereign  to  What  Is.   A  real  time of profound  alchemy.  I  find  it  ....looking  for  a  word  I  scan  the  universe  and  scan  the  universe  of  humans...I  discover  only  those  that  are  so -called  awakening are discovering  the  vulnerability  of  the  transparency  of  being  sovereign to  the  mystery  direct. And  somehow  the  universe  is  calling  those  such  beings  to  allow  their  protective  layers  to  be  dismantled, to  dissolve, to  come  on  fire or  just  joyfully  fall  off  in  the  Openness  itself.


In  your  experienced  does  this  ring  true?  Sometimes  forces  within  you,  appearing  to  be  you,  fight  the  inevitable  transformation  of  self. The  return  home  to  that  that  one  has  never  really  left.  The Paradox is:  free  your  heart  of  the  false  image  you  have  of  self  and  other.Come  back  to  the  great  mystery! Mainstream  media  cannot  do  this  for  you  on  your  iPhone  or  on  Netflix. Only  you,  being  love  with  others who  love  the  revelation  of  what  one  already  is,  is  a  field  beyond  your  mind's  wildest  dreams.

But  remember,  one  foot into that  field, it  will  take  your  legs  and  your  hands  and  your  whole  body  into  it.  As  if  it  is  a  monster  devouring  you! Or one  foot  into  that  field graciously  and  un-expecting  anything  will  warmly  invite  you  in,  to  discover  the  wonder  that  is  really  you. So  really,  today's  greeting  is  truly  about  having  a  rest  of  what  on  your  own your  mind  will  conjure  up is all  happening  to  you.   But  when  you  commune,  it's  just  simply  what  is. And  becomes  more  wondrous,  sovereign  to  the  love  of  God,  without  any  religious  connotation as  true  you.  And  layers  of  experience  that  somehow  one  still  holds  dear  as  comfort  zones of  memory  and  identification, in  this  time  right  now, they  no  longer  serve  us.  We  cannot  throw  them  off.  Now  we  must  love  them. to  the  core  of  their  disappearance,  by  clearly  seeing:  we  do  not  need  that  anymore. Thank  you  friend,  and  goodbye.   Thank  you  for  serving  to  levels  of  what  you  once    believed in, are shed.  Any  mental,  emotional, wild  activity  you're  having  in  you  or  with  others  are  just  simply  this.

 A  universe  in  movement  dissolving  what  it  no  longer  needs.  You  are  the  universe.  Read  the  stars  if  you  must.  Be  careful  who  you  listen  to  out  there.  Listen  to  your  own  astronomer,  your  heart.  It  is  like  a  dedication  of  love  and  presence  for  this  breath.  If  you  look,  the dying  only  struggle  because  they  try  to  hold  on  to  the  known. But  when  the  dying  let  go,  they  enter  a  greater  mystery,  which  their  loved  ones  around  them  cannot  go to  unless  they  too  die  to  the  known.

Somewhere  here  we  all  woven, a  tale,  a  story  to  reflect  on  life  as  it  is  now  for  each  and  every  one  of  us.  I'd  like  to  encourage  you  to  share  that  together  and  discover  the  wonder.  But  in  truth,  you're  really  only  sovereign  to  God  and  love  for  it  is  what  you  and apparent others  are.

 Give  each  other  space,  presence  mostly,  and  the  humility  of  truly  hearing.

transcript December 24, 2023

