Over the next months, B is offering online group meetings for a maximum of 8 participants.
Engage with B directly in real enquiry. This is a space to really shine a light on the most raw and real challenges showing up in your life right now and open the deepest response within.
Such a gathering of merging hearts and pure witnessing for each other is an immensely powerful field for the most intimate profound revelation to take place.
B will speak briefly at the beginning and then open to questions and conversation with you. Please come with the themes, sharings and enquiries you wish to bring and explore.
• The cost is $65 NZD per person. Partner attendance is an additional $35 NZD
• Sessions will be held on the Zoom video conference platform.
• You will receive the audio recording after the meeting.
• Booking closes 12 hrs before the meeting. (Please contact us at info@bernieprior.org to enquire about booking after this time.)
“We yearn to be the pure connectivity,
the pure connection that just IS.”