Article: A Knowingness That Doesn’t Know Objects
Article: A Knowingness That Doesn’t Know Objects
Article: When You’re Ready To Hear The Depth Of You
“The dance of the Form opens in us a way of movement that
doesn't actually belong to time-space.”
“The idea of the practice of The Form is to realise What You Are as Presence.”
“The ‘tuning in’ moment at the beginning of The Form, is the remembrance of You as Presence.
Not a remembrance in terms of a memory, but in terms of immediacy. I am immediacy. Immediacy means I am the Presence in which the entire cosmos of Being moves, as the outpouring of the Beyond. That's Presence.”
The Presence of YOU Beams the Entire Cosmos.
The idea of the practice of The Form is to realise What You Are as Presence. That's the very first moment. The tuning in is the realisation of Presence. Not the realisation of some presence over there, but the realisation that What I Am is Presence.. not presence coming from a somebody but Presence. Nobody. Presence!
So the movement of ‘tuning in’ is: "My God, I am Present, I am Presence". Note that in the moment of Presence there is no thinker, no doer. There is no one doing anything in any level of your Presence, nothing, and the so-called body or the manifestation is manifesting instantly Presence.
Then we maybe make a little bit of a mistake, we begin to move and lose our Presence.
We associate through our mind. Movement now belongs to a thought. That’s because the thinker is a movement of the past. If you look, you cannot think about anything other than what you have already experienced. You cannot think about Now, because thinking carries an image of an experience and an energetic imprinting of intelligence.
Thinking has you stepping back into picture-isations of movement. You picture your self in the past, then you lose temporarily a state of Presence, for You are not an image and there's no image that can carry the image of You. You're a free radical.
Any thinking is always on a linear level, an image carrying an energy of experience of your particular like and dislike, your polarity. It doesn't just carry your 'like' as a positive, it has to carry your negative too. The images of You are charged with negatives and positives, but the Presence of You is not charged whatsoever and yet the Presence of You beams the entire cosmos.
The Tuning in Moment
The ‘tuning in’ moment in The Form is the remembrance of You as Presence. Not a remembrance in terms of a memory, but in terms of immediacy. I am immediacy. Immediacy means I am the Presence in which the entire cosmos of Being moves, as the outpouring of the Beyond. That is Presence.
We can walk about during our day and I'm endeavouring to show you that everywhere you walk, no matter where you go, you are forming it. Memory forms the same charge of you in the way you once walked, so nothing is new because you're walking in old ways.
Plants are vibing at the level of Presence purely because they have no self-reflection. There can only ever be the instant of Now because they have no reflective capacity. They can't be bothered to be anything other than a plant being a plant.
The whole of nature is vibing at levels of instantaneous living abundance, with no self image. And when we walk along amongst nature, why we may love nature more than being with somebody, is because plants don't carry a memory. They carry only the living energy, the profound energy of living in this instantaneous moment of aliveness. Life is an immediacy of a movement of Presence.
Transforming Thought
A key essential within the practice of The Form and most definitely in life, is the transformation of thought.I talk to so many people and what I see, mostly is their thought activity but not their living Presence. because it has been forgotten or is not moved.
The opportunity that The Form gives us, the practice of The Form, but indeed ‘form as such’, is that you’re shown that there is no need to think. Life is not a thought, living is, but Life is not a thought. Life is an immediacy of a movement of Presence and somehow that creates everything. In fact stars, planets, universes, people, beings.
See how much you use thought to converse, to communicate, to explain. You're not using the ‘muscle’ of your divine Beingness. All you believe you can speak about is through thinking expressing something more than a thought, but you cannot. Because the moment you use thought, you are impressed by the energies and the intelligence that you made and gave permission to express what you are as a thought but not as a being.
Yet when you were first coming up, this level immediately expressed ‘What You Are - Being’ and it's that that you loved. It's not until you began to think, that this level produced only the dualities of thought perception aligned to linear comprehension. You cannot comprehend Who You Are because you're bound like a knot in thought and feeling and formed mental and emotional activities.
Then you might go and sit somewhere and practise ‘not thinking’. You might want to scream and shout and you might end up in a great deal of pain because all the imprinting since the moment 'I began to think ‘will bring up the images of the return of these energies. Images of that that you're actually thinking, not realising that your very pain and disturbance is the thinking process, because it's not What You Are. It carries the imprints and images of time and space of all beings that ever, like you, endeavoured to come up to this level and this level danced the dance of aliveness.
You can go and sit and your biggest difficulty will be not to think, because of your practice in thinking. Buddha found this. Sit and all the mirages and images of since time begin to come up.
A Living Stillness Movement
You can go and sit anywhere and endeavour not to think or you could simply, truly make a pledge to your soul, to your heart to remain present, to practise Presence until Presence is not a practice but a living stillness movement of What You Are. That's what The Form is.
The Form is not a practice where we're moving around as if we're someone. The Form is a practice where we totally lose all self-image of ourselves, totally lost in the Presence of Being. And Awareness then may find that a level of Pure-Being becomes engaged, because the level of Pure-Being cannot engage a thought-system, it can only engage Presence. So in that moment of the real practice of The Form, Awareness finds it has no need to think to know, it has no need to think to move, it has no need to think to be alive, there's no need for any of that whatsoever.
Awareness then begins to discover that the levels of the body-mind, the brain, the self, the person are re-formed. Mostly those structures are rebuilt in Presence, not by thinking, not by someone, not by a self or a person. We suddenly remember as Awareness. We spin back to the beginning, where we remember, not as a memory, but as a direct immediate knowledge, because I Am That, that this sphere only ever took the shape of our Pure-Being. And when we are Pure-Being in this level as Presence, this level will naturally shape-shift to levels of Beingness. Given that Being is infinite and increasingly deeper, as Awareness remembers What It Is, the sense of self and person begins to take the shape of the new place of Being one has evolved in and life changes.
Be the Presence…
The opportunity The Form gives us is to really not just be Presence as a word, but to BE The Presence. As you move, you begin to see that Presence is moving and when Presence moves, form shifts shape and begins to take the shape of the shift of Awareness. Awareness shifts deeper into What Awareness actually is on deeper levels and deeper dimensions and only AS Presence are we able to know the deeper shifts that take place as our own very Presence deepening.
You can sit and try to stop thinking or you can be wise and just investigate, 'is thinking What You Are'? And if you begin to see thinking is not What You Are, you'll be knowing that as Presence and the whole thing begins to turn around. It's really like that.
Awareness somehow is fearful of being without thought, but without thought, you're purely What you eternally are, the glory itself, the wonder itself is What You Are. Then strangely enough when the body-mind function is changed by Presence, thinking has a place, because now it doesn't belong to a thinker. It's not a movement of a centre, it's not the movement of a ‘somebody’ moving as polarity.
It's the movement of Presence-knowing what thought is, not associating with thought as an identity but as an instrument, as an object. I am moving an object I am not a thinker.
I see so many people wrapped up in thoughts. Thought, thought, thought, thought. It's just a thought, but a thought that carries immense energy, immense energy simply because energy follows attention, follows Awareness and builds what Awareness is being in this sphere of life forms.
It can be quite something when you really get this, it can be that the thinker can be overwhelmed by the very thought, ‘I am not a thinker’ or Awareness hearing this truth, loving this truth immediately becomes present or Presence, Real Life.
Exploring What I Am
When dancing The Form just habitually, which is NOT practicing The Form, I don't explore ‘What I Am’ or realise or enlighten myself as What I Am because I'm still moving as if I'm somebody. I must lose my self to know my self. Then I won't suffer. There may still be vibratory fields moving in certain ways, mentally, emotionally, psychically, physically, but I won't suffer. I may actually have the brightest smile amongst it all, because I'm realising What I Am, and this What I Am is not separate from others because What I Am is all-inclusive.
Move and Be Nobody
Your practice of The Form, treat it as if you are sitting next to a river just watching the river flow, or sitting watching a candle flame. Keep your attention as the illumination of Presence. Move and be Nobody. That's how you discover What You Are. That will have you not only knowing your self but mastering the self levels through Presence and not through energy, just with Presence.
You can think, but if you think you're the thinker you're trapped! If the thought is simply in this vast space of Presence, then you could say 'I am on the creative level of ‘What I Am', but you could then step from being the creator to being Beyond.
It's really the magic that you are. You're not someone doing something, you're already it and you've already done! And You as Awareness can move amongst all that is already done. But because it's vast and it has no borders, it's called Eternity.. otherwise you're always simply dealing with the body as history, patterns, not this, which is the influence of the Infinite One with multidimensional levels of pure-mind and beyond.
So in Presence, the Beyond, comes down. This is why we call this the chalice. As the Presence comes down, then every level of the Presence is available to embody. It's like a cup that's carrying every level of the Presence. Then the body that used to be the pinnacle of your experience is now the arrow that's piercing itself of its illusion that it's somebody.
So the dance of The Form is like sitting under a tree or on a stone next to a river or on top of a mountain, the blue sky in front of you, or next to the ocean or sitting next to a daisy blowing gently in the summer breeze.
It's your attention only on That within You as Present-Knowing, not the object.
The object just centres your attention into the centre-less place of pure- Present-Knowing. Otherwise we move about our daily life as a thinker and not as the knower, who only knows the light of its own Knowing. Presence. You can move your Knowing as the Presence of Knowing, and it will arrive forming. You come up and you touch on this, because this place is Reality for it's part of You.
You are Reality; you touch it and it forms you.
Return to Presence. Objects are illusions in terms of the thinker related to an object. Objects that arise in a thinker are mirages. What arises in the knower are real forms of bright Presence. They never ever disappear for they are already One in the Deep. Deeper levels of What You Are as Presence are brought here to this level of forming. This is your only experiment. You're bringing All That You Are, gathering it together in Present-Being and bringing it to forming.
You're experiencing other dimensions of You, other dimensions of You on the facets of the diamond You are. Sometimes you can discover many places all at once and here they coalesce into a knowing of more than That, that passes away. There's no choice in that. It's You loving being What you deeply Are as Presence and you're able to be mobile as Presence.
from ‘What is is that Sings’ - Additional Session Easter Retreat 2020