You Are Called Through All Your Distortions

You Are Called Through All Your Distortions

A short excerpt in which B speaks about distortion..

When I say distortion, there's nothing bad about it, it's just that what You are is so fine and pure that as the innermost comes all the way through to the outermost, the vibration is pure and in existence it fluctuates which gives rise to the phenomena of the universe, to the stars, to the planets, to the phenomena of being somebody. It individuates Oneness into frequencies of Beingness evolving the Universe as itSelf - that's You and I. 

Total Failure

Total Failure

Some wonderful pieces and quotes from a satsang during the Bristol retreat 2018 where B speaks about ultimate failure...

What if total failure is absolute surrender?” Even the surrender you are trying to succeed in is a failure. Failure is surrender and surrender then is the complete letting go of everything needing to work for an illusion. Reality doesn't need anything to work. It is already Real.

Prior To Crete

Prior To Crete

Mini Video Clips

Crete Postcards

Seamless (1).png
_Discover that the unseen is tangibly known within your direct experience of Awareness knowing it knows._.png









Crete Invitation Video

You can turn on subtitles in German, Italian or French.