There is no such thing as a man and woman when the love light that I am speaking of is met. When love’s light meets it is the end of man and woman. In that moment there is no man and woman...
There is no such thing as a man and woman when the love light that I am speaking of is met. When love’s light meets it is the end of man and woman. In that moment there is no man and woman...
We all have a Knowing-ness of ‘more than what we are living’ in our experience of life, because we have identified ourselves with the body-mind. We limit ourselves and we create boundaries and filters around our heart that protect us from the immediate experience of Real Life...
When we begin to bring our whole attention to our knowingness and we respond within the core of our heart to what we know, that whole-hearted response frees and liberates consciousness. If you do not whole-heartedly respond to what you know is true, you actually fear that kind of freedom...