“There is a road that literally encircles where I live. It’s called Summit Road and it is the rim of an extinct volcano. It is almost a circle, but you can’t get all the way around it. If you were to go all the way around it, you would drive into the ocean. A true summit road always ends up in the depth of the ocean.
If you want to complete the circle you will need to dive into the ocean. The thing is, the moment you dive into the ocean you are no longer familiar to who you once thought you were, because now you are a No-one. There is no one but Pure Knowing to know what truly is. Basically, you are realising You as timeless Awareness.
But the moment you as timeless Awareness, step onto land, you assume the forms of mind and activity. It is then that time seems to appear. Timeless Awareness somehow has localised itself to know itself.
You can’t complete the circle, and if you really look, you will see that the circle is a spiral, a spiral of galleries of realms or regions of unseen potential.
It can never be completed for it is the infinite expression of the Beyond.
Come and join me in this Course in Being as we walk Summit Road, on our soul feet and discovering what we are solely for and how we can soul-ly move and soul-ly know.
Not in an endeavour to manifest, because that will naturally take place, but to realise in real ways what it is to be a Being fully living its summit and still discovering and walking its infinity.
It will be quite a mystery to be on this journey-less journey together because we don’t know what we will find, but we know that it will be deep, real and new.
All that is real and natural will open giving us the highest possibility to realise the Self as ourself and to actualise the Self as our life on planet Love.
We will discover pure ways of Being and Knowing and grow greater abilities to understand our Self appearing as the universe. Profound abilities that literally unify in our direct growing experience body, mind, beingness and beyond. The new human will begin to appear and yet we discover our Home is beyond it all. Truly leap into the Beyond beyond!”
“What is the summit? It is the highest point of clarity of Awareness, in which realms of unseen possibility begin to form. From the experience of this we begin to understand what we are, what we belong to and how it lands in this seemingly formed expression.”
Format :
This Course in Being is an ongoing journey of ever-deepening discovery and realisation. Over a period of four months, we will grow a timeless field of Truth-Reality, a living continuum of heart and soulful communion that will be a golden thread enlightening the substance of your every day.
The course consists of two weekend intensives, fortnightly Satsang, the weekly ‘Sunday Live’ sessions, elements of The Form, as well as ongoing communication in a forum solely dedicated to this.
The retreat is fully interactive and you will be connecting and sharing with other participants.
This is a course within your daily life and it’s understood that you may not be able to attend every session. Come to all the sessions you can make. All recordings will be sent out straight after the session for you to listen when you can.
Course Schedule: (all times are given in NZ times)
Opening and Closing Weekends:
24 Oct: 9 am & 9 pm
25 Oct 8.30 pm Sunday Satsang
27 Feb: 9 am & 9 pm
28 Feb: 9 am & 8.30 pm Sunday Satsang
Fortnightly Saturday: 9 am
7 Nov | 21 Nov | 5 Dec | 19 Dec | 2 Jan | 9 Jan | 6 Feb | 20 Feb
Every ‘Sunday Satsang’ between 24 Oct & 28 Feb - 8:30pm
25 Oct | 1 Nov | 8 Nov | 15 Nov | 22 Nov | 29 Nov| 6 Dec | 13 Dec | 20 Dec | 27 Dec | 3 Jan | 10 Jan| 31 Jan | 7 Feb | 14 Feb | 21 Feb | 28 Feb
Sessions will be held on the Zoom Video Conference platform.
Enjoy some of the beautiful spontaneous expressions from the recent 8 Day retreat..
“Quietly rested within the heart right Now, it becomes clear that ‘I’ am the only constant there is. As dimensionless Awareness you’re never not ‘Here’. Within the streaming of one’s awareness though, there are many fields and also the fields of beyond. They are ALL present Here, which is Now.”
“Move the heights of the bright realities of Being you are awakening to, down into the depths of your embodiment. Enliven every aspect of your life’s moment to moment expression and then sit back in the armchair of your Being.”