8 Day Online Retreat
Join B for this profound online Immersion
or join on site in New Zealand
Watch B’s invitation to you
What if you could hit ‘RESET’ and clear all your sub-conscious illusions that you are limited?
What if you could just let go and all is erased and returned to complete simplicity and innocence alive?
You were born with unlimited potential. It is time to remember Who You Are and live a wonderful life of fulfilment.
Events may have shaped your thoughts and feelings. Events may have shaped your family your culture. Events may have shaped the land mass but events do not shape YOU. In truth all events, all movements happen because of What one first IS; Eternal Presence of Openness, that that moves stars and moves universes just by Being its Self.
These are extraordinary times. This is a total RESET; the greater ability of Awareness, not just to remember Who You Are, but to BE IT amongst the living forms in what is discovered is a Cosmic Life and an extraordinary life for Awareness awakening in the human realm. You are the Love you seek and you can love ‘other’ as that Love.
Events do not shape who we are, that’s an outdated belief-system. Events give us the opportunity to realise what we deeply are beyond any event and re-invent our self.
Does this point to the power of What You first are to shape this moment from deeper connectedness and belonging?
Discover the power of Presence that reshapes the shape of life into the shape of your Love. Then you're not going to just hear birds singing, you are going to BE Life singing as the very Presence that fills up this moment with extraordinary ability and capacity.
These times are parallel with the many profound changes that have taken place on this planet. Changes that will completely change civilisation. This is an utterly new movement of the unknown. Can you see this? The attempt to live as you once lived will just bring about further pain and suffering, distraction , dissatisfaction. This needs a new source of Beingness for you to TURN INTO.
Like no other time people that are really called are turning inward to truly realise themselves and to find the Source of their original nature; the still point of The Self, not as the means to run and hide but as the return to Love and Life.
“In this gathering of hearts truly turned towards the deepest Calling of these times, we will discover the greater possibility that already exists just beyond our small idea of our self. We will discover our unlimited potentiality to bring about a new life, a new human and a new relatedness to the cosmos, reflected in the microcosm of our embodiment.
We will truly know ourselves and spiritualise the body-mind. This potentiality has always been here but now these times point to the grand mastery of RESET; the great Return to Love. “
This online immersion will be a timeless field of awakening and, a Truth-continuum that will permeate and utterly transform your life. The retreat format will be a weave of satsang, heart sharing, inner and outer tasks given by B, elements of The Form Reality Practice and spontaneous surprises.
We will enter and discover the reality :
that there is only Light creating, animating and evolving forms and ‘I Am That’
that the Light of Awareness is the ground of all existence and the source of Beyond and is directly available as one’s pure Self-knowledge
that our entire life is a matrix of Light of the highest possibility and profundity realising its Self.
that you and I are actually living eternal beings, not governed by space-time but are Source-power, Source-love and Source-expression.
That we do not have a beginning or an end – that’s an illusion.
For anyone in New Zealand (or if you can get here from anywhere else) the retreat can be attended on- site with the community in New Zealand. Please contact us if you are interested in joining us here!
“The moment you head towards the heart and you come from the heart you are an immediate RESET, which means you’re introducing profound meaningful change to this human self.
The moment you go to you heart you introduce to your self the end of control or the end of what as Awareness you used to relate to as your real experience.
The moment you’re in your heart you’re introducing a change in your self and in how you relate both inside and outside until inside and outside become one singular relationship of being true or being innocence. You’ll return to innocence.”
Retreat Format:
There are sessions that will suit both hemispheres as well as day time and night time sessions. The retreat is fully interactive and you will be connecting and sharing with other participants.
This is a retreat within your daily life and it’s understood that you may not be able to attend every session. Come to all the sessions you can make. All recordings will be sent out straight after the session for you to listen when you can.
The field created will be a thriving continuum in which everything unfolds perfectly for each and all of us. Watch your life turn into a vibrant living retreat space.
Sessions will be held on the Zoom Video Conference platform.
“When you are in your heart, your sense of self aligns with what the heart truly is, the door to the Great Being.