Join B in Ko Phangan for 3 Satsangs and a 7 Day Man & Woman Retreat.
Meetings with B are a profound opportunity to bring Greater Awareness to your Life in all its facets from the microcosm of your personal life to the macrocosm of universal existence. B’s unique and deeply enlightening perspective and his heartful invitation to open to greater Love in all things will ignite your heart and Being from the inside out!
In talks and workshops with B you may touch upon all areas of Life – relationships, sexuality, work and creativity, parenting and children, all brought to an awakening heart of Conscious Awareness.
Evening Satsangs with B - Tuesday 18, Wednesday 19, Thursday 20 April - 8 pm
Serenity Villas Haad Yao, Koh Phangan
Entry by Donation at the door