WEEKEND SEMINAR - Saturday & Sunday July 6th - 7th July 10:00 - 5:00pm
Local Contact: Bjoern 07854701877
A profound opportunity to enquire deeply, to open as Awareness beyond the one you believe yourself to be. B's ever-present invitation to enter the essence of all things will ignite your heart and Being from the inside out!
During this weekend seminar you may touch upon all areas of Life - relationships, sexuality, work and creativity, parenting and children, all brought to an awakening heart of Conscious Awareness.
“We are not blinded by the light - we are blinded by the known. Your Freedom is in the Unknown. ”
Every meeting is unique and can be attended independently, yet it is powerful to attend all events as they become a continuous flow of ever-deeper personal/impersonal unraveling and revelation.
If you are unable to be there for the whole Weekend, it IS possible to book the days individually.
Cost will be £60 for each day if you pre-book it here and £70 per day at the door