Two Meetings with B at the Christchurch
Body Mind Spirit Festival 2017
2pm Saturday 11th • 1pm Sunday 12th
Meetings with B are a profound opportunity to bring Greater Awareness to your Life in all its facets from the microcosm of your personal life to the macrocosm of universal existence. B’s unique and deeply enlightening perspective and his heartful invitation to open to greater Love in all things will ignite your heart and Being from the inside out.
In talks and workshops with B you may touch upon all areas of Life – relationships, sexuality, work and creativity, parenting and children, all brought to an awakening heart of Conscious Awareness.
B travels the globe extensively offering talks, seminars and residential retreats. People around the world come to B as they are waking up from the dream and conditional belief of a separate sensed self.
B is the Originator of The Form Reality Practice, a profound practice of awakening which you can experience at the Festival. He is also Co Founder of She Universe.