21 May - 18:30
Salvatore Brizzi, publisher of ‘Love Without Duality’ in Italy interview and introduces B in what will be a profound dialogue on the themes of man, woman in true partnership.
The event will be in English with Italian translation.
About Love Without Duality:
Love Without Duality encompasses both the highest vision and possibility for man and woman on this earth and the ordinary, extra-ordinary everyday living of it.
Our pull to be together in love and intimacy is essentially a Divine Calling that propels us beyond our individuality into the heart of who we really are. In the deepest place our intimacy is about the love of God, Truth or Source within each other and in all things. It is a place of universal alchemy - utterly sacred.
To engage this and only this depth within your relationship is to align your life with its highest purpose. Your union then becomes your pathway to Self-Realisation.
The book is a compilation of excerpts taken from discourses and conversations with B Prior. It springs from a timeless enquiry into our original oneness nature and the profound meeting of mysteries embodied as humanity. Ultimately a journey that takes us beyond gender and identity into the living of Love that has no opposite.
B’s complete Brescia schedule:
21 May - 18:30 Salvatore Brizzi presenta B Prior
22 Maggio | Satsang 20.30–22.00
l'ass. Culturale Scuola Armonia H. Strickler,
via Don A. Racheli 17–Rovato
For Info and Bookings Giulia: cell 333 281 9945 mail: eventi.ilgrembodigaia@yahoo.com