Living Your Being Into Form
Empowering your deeper potential in these times of change
Such an opportunity is given to each and every one of us on this planet! What appears as disturbance is really an invitation to return power to our Heart, to re-make humanity from a deeper level of authentic, original innocence. In this we will not only know the power of Love, we will be the Essence from which that power flows. We are re-designing, re-imagining what a human is. We are preparing for the One who is really here, re-forming our selves and humanity in the wonder and mystery of what we really are.
Meetings with B are no ordinary affair; they are an expression of Life’s highest Calling for you to return to Source and to become a vibrant authentic expression of ALL that you are. Around the world B speaks about Awareness, Consciousness and profound Awakening whilst living in the world. He explores all areas of Life! Relationships, sexuality, work and creativity, children; all brought to an Awakening Heart of Conscious Awareness!
Participants are invited to bring questions of heart-felt concern and relevance in their Life.
All events will be in English with Greek translation.
Please note* Every event with B is unique and it is recommended to attend more or even all events as they become a continuous flow of ever-deeper personal/impersonal revelation.