
From Salvatore Brizzi’s newsletter about "Love Without Duality" and why he chose to publish it

This book is written by B Prior, a realized being in the range of Non-Duality, who has been published in Italy for the first time. We decided to  add it to our Non-Duality series called “Antidote” in that we would like this 'line of thought' to be spread in Italy along with the manner in which he transmits the Self; which truly stands apart from both “the usual”... and the main exponents of non-duality.

To approach Bernie means to undo the analytical part of one's mind; because anyway….and  in any case… he’s going to do it. You cannot read this book with the intent of getting 'some esoteric pointers' or 'spiritual techniques'.  He embodies the feminine energy, and does not therefore encourage your analytical abilities; on the contrary he allows you to access a vibratory vortex that includes the activity of the heart. It is therefore indispensable to enter an openness and receptivity that allows you to absorb his energy at the level of the heart and not on that of information

But let's allow the texts to speak for themselves:

 “In the manifest universe, all that truly exists is the union of the profound Masculine and Feminine moved in One Self, one body. To discover this in your relating within, to discover the other is within you, and be awakened in two bodies is the kind of enlightenment most people have no idea about.”

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 "In fully embracing all movement, you can realise beyond your body-mind identity that you are love. That is the Feminine - the realisation of God through all that is, is the Feminine realm."

"In this synthesis, a real human being is born, one who is evolving in a profound and vertical way of consciousness, coming from nowhere and going to nowhere, yet with profound direction and vision in this human life. This is the destiny of every man and woman, to evolve consciousness, to evolve relationship, to evolve humanity."

"The calling of man and woman is a powerful sacred domain of transformation. It is the real possibility of flowering the heart, opening and clearing the mind and discovering a mystical love in our union. This begins to cleanse and heal, not only the man, the woman and the partnership, but cleanse and heal our societies, our culture, our earth. We have incredible power hidden asleep within us as man and woman. The invitation of a real calling is to discover this power, to unlock it and create with it a new human being, a new radiant life on earth."

"In truth all there really is in existence is the yoni and the phallus. This is the Masculine and Feminine energy. You, as Being, are climbing the shaft of light whilst you are enjoying more of the feminine fragrance. Every part that you climb begins to demonstrate in form more of what that frequency is, until through the love of God, you both reach the most high. You cannot speak about this; it is unknowable."

"From this point comes a flow of nectar that comes all the way from the highest mind in both man and woman, and radiates the purpose of life on earth. All forms begin to glow." 

Read the contents with attention and decide whether this book is right for you