A short piece from a day seminar with B in Japan - Excerpt & Audio
Let me show you an unusual dream... It is called your life. 'All this' is an unusual dream. One day you will wake up from this dream. Maybe Now! In fact, whenever it will be, it will always be 'Now'.
A beautiful piece from a skype conversation with B - Excerpt & Audio
Does the Deep need a name? Does the Deep play a game? If the Deep is not playing a game then what's playing? If we are to further our conversation and if you are to move the evolution of your surface form and evolve what you are, then you can't look at anything as 'somebody'. You have to see 'somebody' is part of the game, because otherwise you will be constantly drawing conclusions. Because as a self that's all you do.
From a Recent Livestream - Excerpt and Video
On retreat you notice that what makes a retreat so amazing is that we open up as one Being in one body, forming and moving. Instead of joining others as bodies we move into each other's realisation of Being. We become a deeper movement of a powerful Being and it is embodied; not several bodies but one body of movement as you and I as embodiment of Being on the level of humanness.