Respond to Knowing

Respond to Knowing

When you truly begin to love the ‘nothing’ that you come from and you begin to serve that ‘nothing’ in terms of serving your God-essence, you serve humanity. ‘Nothing’ inside registers in the mind as absolutely nothing. In the soul it registers as a finer knowing of eternity...

Your Original Face

Your Original Face

When you look into the bathroom mirror you expect to see someone there. You! Or at least who you "think" you are. The truth is, when you look into the bathroom mirror, you do not see "you" but a form of "you”, for you are "awareness"...

Enlightening Your Self-Structure

Enlightening Your Self-Structure

What you are learning is clear, clean detachment of the self-structures that are constantly yakking away. You are letting them yak, but are having nothing to do with them. It is a profound practice that you begin to live...