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Sovereign to That, Sovereign to God

Sovereign to That, Sovereign to God

 This  morning  I'd  just  like  to  share  with  you , and  then  hopefully  you  all  share,   what  this  coming  New  Year  could  contain  for  each  and  every  one  of  us.  Now when  I  say  new  year,  I'm  actually  talking  about  right  here  and  now  of  course.  And  I  suggest  it's  this for I  feel  and  know  everything  else  is  useless.  Useless!  But  one  thing  only:  Sovereignty  to  God. Sovereignty  to  God.  Sovereignty  to  that unspeakable  power,  presence,  depth,  brightness, that  one  knows  to  be  one's  Self  beyond  any  word,  any  identification,  any  sign  other  than: the  universe  exists.


Sovereignty  to  God.  Now  I use  God  as an  arrow,  a  pointer  to  That  that  truly  is. But  we  have  to  add  something  else  in  this  sovereignty,  because  it has  probably  become  clear  to  all  of  us  in  this  life  that  being  sovereignty, having  sovereignty  for  that,  that  is  invisible  or  that  that  is  beyond, whatever  best points for  you to  That  that  is  untouchable.


Is  there  another  way  of  sovereignty, that  not  only  is  that  but  connects  with  that  in  something  that  you  can  directly  experience? It's  called  Life!   That  tangible  life  force,  free  of  any  identification  with  names, even  with  forms.  For  Life  is  a  power  and  a  force  of  the  expression  of  the  ineffable.


To  be  fully alive , fully ALIVE.  Sovereignty  only  to  Knowing  and  loving  what  we're  going  to  call  'God'  but you  could  call  it Self, but for this talk  we're  going  to  stay  just  with  'God',   not  making  a  religion  here,  just  God. 


Sovereignty  to  That  and  fully  quite  clearly  seeing  "I  am  alive!  Everything  is  life!", with  no  thought, no  conditional  nature,  no  use  of  space  or  time; just  the  great  love  of  Life  itself, sovereign  to  That,  bowing  down.  to  That.  Serving  that.  Breathing  that. Adoring  that.  Sovereign  only  to  That.. is  a  way  of  ease  that  opens  the  door  to  what  we  call  God  or  our  sovereign  nature.


I  know  it's  quite  something  to  give yourself up,  as  it  were,  fully giving  yourself  to  the  invisible, but  you  can  give  yourself  to  Life.  Life.  That  includes  the  entire  cosmos, that  is  the  activity  of  the  Invisible.  An  activity  that's  not  something  being  done, it's  just  a  display  of  the  Invisible. 


Maybe  it's  why  the  stars  can  capture  our  imagination.  Maybe  it's  why  when  we  look  at  a  mountain, we're  captured,  our  attention  is  captured.  Maybe  when  we  sit  next  to  a  quiet  stream  on  soft  grass  and  listen  to  the  birds, it  captures  our  heart.  We're  literally  being  captured, whilst  being  sovereign  to  God. 


We  believe  in  one  thought and  it's  gone,  one  emotion,  it's  gone.  To  be  sovereign  is  to  leave  emotion  and  thought  alone  and  stay  true  to  that  Knowing, that  Life  that  clearly  moves,  animates,  grows,  dissolves,  regrows  everything.  Everything. Then  we  might  hear  the  cricket  song is a  song  of  Source.  We  might  see  the  activity  of  an  ant  as  the  activity  of  Source. We  might  see  that  the  rain  is  beating  the  rhythm  of  growth,  wonder  and  magnificence. We  may  see  that  the  sun's  just  not  a  sun  coming  up  to  give  us  warmth,  but  to  remind  us  who  we  are, what  we're  in,  what  we're  for and  that  we  are  wholly  this  great  love,  seeming  to  be  a part, but  we  are  the  whole. 


So  really,  here I'm  kind  of  asking  all  of  us  to  have  a  look  if  we  can  be  sovereign  to  knowing  God  direct,  Life  direct  and  not  let  our  attention  slip  in  what  thought  says  or  emotion  says.  To  stay  true, because  if  you  look  at  this,  we  might  have  to  go  here  several  times  in  our  lives,  let  alone  in  this  core.  If  you  look  at  this,  doesn't  thought  take  you  away  from  the  present? It  invents  different  spaces,  different  times,  different  things. It  invents  positive  and  negative. 


And  then  if  you  step  into  emotion, doesn't  emotion  just  wire  all  that  up  in  a  positive  and  negative  charge  and  bring  about  untrue  feelings  of  identity? Does it  keep  washing  you  away  or are you now wholly  placing  your  attention  in  and  as  your  love  of  God  as  Awareness?  How  many  times  have  we  been  swept  away  by  a  thought  that  suddenly  has  an  emotion, and  that  wires  into  the  body  as  something  that  you  should  or  shouldn't  do.


But  I'm  sure  like  myself,  you've  placed  your  attention  in  life  direct,  sovereign  to  Now, direct.  In  touch  with and  in  the  presence  of  the  silence, the  Here - Presence.  And  how  that  has  cleared  mind  of  content, when  the  murky  waters  of  emotion  have  just  stilled  into  tenderness.  Then  isn't  it  true  that  from  the  love  of  God, from  the  love  of  That,  the  presence  of  being  here-now  in  the  Love sovereign  to  That, aren't  the  emotions  then,  like  a  brook,  a  still  stream  of  gentle  wandering?Isn't  the  mind  then  absolutely  clear,  transparent,  and  shining  with  one's  love  of  the  Absolute?


And doesn't that transform the mind and the emotions and the whole neurological system , the whole nervous system, into rivers of divine grace ? For  are  we  not  ourselves  rivers  of  divine  grace? Are  we  not  an  appearance,  a  wonderful  appearance, in  a  divine  ocean?  Then  I  ask  you, is  it  not  true  then,   to  be  sovereign  to  life,  not  thought  or  feeling,  does that not   actually  master  thought  or  feeling  with  tender  loving, tender  Knowing,  meaningful,  presence  and  openness? Otherwise  is  it  not  true  that  we  just  become  a  slave  of  thought  and  feeling, a  slave  of  what's  on  our  iPhone,  a  slave  of  what's  on  the  messenger,  but  the  messenger  of  love  and  presence  is  everywhere.


Maybe  we  could  just  look  at  each  other's  life  and  find  that  messenger  is  shining  through  our  skin, our  bones.   And  from  that  don't  we  begin  to  discern  the  transformational  process  of  bodies,  minds,  neural  systems, nervous  systems,  the  planet,  the  stars,  even  the  earth  being  rewired ? And each  other, are  we  not  all  part  that  one  warm  blanket  of  love's  presence? 


Is  it  not  the  mind  that  mistook  it  for  being  us,  through  identification  with  things,  subjects  and  objects?  And  is  it  true  that  the  mind  absolutely  ceases  in  those  moments  when  one  is  sovereign  to  the  Absolute, to  God,  to  Life  itself? Then  ask  yourself  this: "Is  it  then  not  true  that  I've  forgotten  who  I  am  and  I  can  only  remember  that that  I  am  in  loving  Source,  sovereign  as  myself? Is  it  a  thing  I  love?  Is  it  a  creature  I  love?  Is  it  another  I  love?


Or  are  they  all  wonderful,  vibrating  forms  of  that  that  I  truly  love?  When  we  put  everything  in  place, in  its  clear,  tender  place,  and  never  ever  leave  the  sovereignty  of  that, then  we're  sovereign  to  ourselves. We  cannot  betray  ourselves  or  we  betray  our  love  of  That.  But  also  we  know  our  love  of  That knows  no  betrayal.  It  needs  no  forgiveness  because  it  only  knows: all  is  love.  Isn't  that,  That  we're  being  drawn  into? And  bringing  mind  and  emotion  to  the  feet  of  that, that  we  truly  love.


Isn't  that  that  movement,  that  truly  precious  movement  in  the  practice  of The  Form, where  we  bow  down  and  bring  all  down  to  the  earth,  and  we  bow  our  forehead  on  the  ground,  and  we  give our  whole  vibrating  body  to  the  earth,  to  the  Presence,  to  Life, as  sovereign  to  That  that  is  God?

 In  the  world  as  it  is, which  is  not  to  blame  the  world  or  anything.. The  world  is  just  a  function  of  an  intelligence.  that  has  gotten  caught  up  in  an  intelligence  that  takes  pictures  of  the  moment  of  experience, builds  an  impression  of  those  experiences  and  calls  them  'a  me'.


And  without  self - knowledge  energies  build  up  that  impression  and  make  it  mobile. And  that  mobile  impression  can  only  live  in  a  mind  that  does  not  belong  to  God  and  an  emotion  that  does  not  belong  to  God. And  so  a  pseudo  figure  in  billions  walks  the  planet  with  the  self -forgetfulness  of  what  one  really  belongs  to. But  the  dream  always  collapses, most   definitely  at the point of what  some  call  death,  when  the  body  drops  away and  the  dream  is  just  seen  to  be  a  dream. But  life  is  not  a  dream.  Life  is  sovereign  to  God.  Life  is  Reality  shining  as  the  movement  and  animation  of  all  beings  as  that  One - Love.


See  it  in  the  grass,  see  it  in  the  trees,  see  it,  hear  it  in  the  birds,  feel  it  in  your  veins,  feel  it  in  your  bones, sovereign  to  That.  I  know  that  when  we  really  get  this,  we  cease  blaming  or  judging  ourselves  or  others. We  begin  to  quite  naturally  release  all  the  ideas  we  have  about  ourselves  and  other  and  Life,  which  has  turned  into  living  only. We  begin  to  deepen  warmly,  beautifully,  in  the  sovereignty  of  knowing  ourselves  and  loving  ourselves  through  the  love  of  God.

We  know  this  is  not  a  routine,  but  we  do  know  that  we  need  to  be  sovereign  to  it.  And  if  we  have  a  look  in  our  daily  lives  there  are  things  that  we  do  constantly , that  we  do  automatically.  Ordinary  things  like  getting  up  in  the  morning  ordinary  things  like  making  a  tea, ordinary  things  that  we  have  not  seen  actually  are  like  ritual  reminders  of  Presence  of  Source  as  ourselves.


So  then  our  daily  life  can  literally  be  a  ritual,  in  other  words,  an  energetic  ritual  present  reminder  of  that  that  we  truly  love, that  that  we  truly  belong  to.  We  no  longer  have  the  energy  to  keep  the  false  in  the  house  of  our  living  bodies. It's  not  that  we  reject  it  as  a  negative.  No, we  simply  do  not  give  it  presence, power  any  longer. We  become  sovereign.  We   cease  doing   robotics  of  living  and  we  bring  presence  to  every  breath, every  movement  of  our  hands  and  feet  and  most  definitely  our  heart  and  our  mind. We  begin  in  other  words  to  be  sovereign awakeners  to  that  that  we  truly  are. 


We  cleanse  and  purify  the  use  of  the  mind. We  cleanse  and  purify  the  use  of  the  heart.  We  cleanse  and  purify  the  body,  the  belly,  the  hands,  the  feet,  the  life.   We're  not  making  anything  spiritual  about  it.  We're  just  being  present  with  it,  restoring  the  power  and  the  love  of  our  sovereignty  to  the  living  presence  of  God  as  ourselves  in  the  universe.

And if you look  in each of our lives, and  if  you  all  talk  together  and  you  listen,   truly  listen,  you're  going  to  see  that  you  all  have  some  similar  circumstance  of  energy  passing  through, bringing  similar  circumstance  of  thoughts,  feelings  and  actions.  Because  everything  I've  spoke  of  up  until  this  point  is  even  the  universe  has  to  live. And  everything  you  do  or  say,  every  movement  that  you  make,  is  energetic, restored  by  Presence  or  captured  by  mind  and  emotion,


Same  for  the  universe.  So  when  I  look  'out'  in  the  universe  or  'in',  same  thing  to  this  one, I  see  great  beings.  I  also  see  other  beings  like  ourselves,  very  much  in  the  remembrance  of  what  they  are. But  the  whole  cosmos moves  as  codes  of  the  love  of  that  One.  The  whole  cosmos  moves  as  codes  of  transformational  process movement ability. But  the  whole  cosmos,  no  matter  how  great  the  system  of  Awareness will  still  be  shedding  its  ignorance  of  how  it  used  to  function.


This  is  creation.  All  creation  sheds  its  ignorance  ongoingly.  Vertically,  not  horizontally.  And  just  like  there  are  many  creatures  on  this  planet  that  eat  the  carcasses  of  those  bodies, a  whole  function  of  creation  is  very  much  like  this. Although  it  came  in  an  instant  of  light,  but  it  also  returns  in  an  instant  of  light. But  within  all  its  realms,  it is  realising  itself  and  shedding  its  old  skins. 


Where  are  we  now shedding  our  old  skin?  This  is  my  question  today. I'm  endeavouring  to  put  it  in  a  tangible  way,  because  I  have  spoken  to  many  people  recently  because  it's  quite  obvious  to  me, maybe  it  is  to  you, that  there's  a huge  pressure  of  undoing,  where  deep,deep  unconsciousness  is  coming  up.  Macrocosm, microcosm,  you  can  see  it.  But  in  order  to  know  yourself  that  actually  it's  not  you  that's  undergoing  that, but  the  entire  creative  worlds,  remembering  what  or  who  they  are.  And  we  are  That. The  part  of  that,  and  the  whole  of  That.  That's  the  in -breath  and  the  out -breath.  And  yet, paradox,  we  are  so  much  more. 


But  have  a  look, has  it  become  known to  you  that  trying  to  escape  what  you  don't  like  to  feel,  leads  to  more  of  what  you  don't  like  to  feel? But  just  being  present,  entirely  open  as  what  you  are, seeing  and  knowing  as  a  being, embracing  each  breath  with  the  same  sovereignty  that  we're  speaking  of  now. Regardless  of  how the  breath  feels  or  how  the  mind  thinks. 


Something  far  more  precious, a far  more  golden alchemy  is  happening  for  all  beings.  Then  one  has  no  need  to  seek  a  spiritual  experience  or,  as  it  were,  escape  from  what  seems  to  make  me  feel  not  so  good.  Because  somewhere  we  have  the  intelligence that to  escape  the  not  so  good  only  leads  to  more  opposites. To  be  in  'what  is',  is  to  be  sovereign  to  God,  that  that  you  are.  And  only  then  comes  forth  the  very  essence  and  wonder  of  the  Love-light  we  already  are and  we  begin  to  thrive,  come  alive.  Because  we're  no  longer  against  what  one  might  call  forces.  We're  actually  just  simply  sovereign  to  the  love  of  God  and  know  no  opposite.

So  have  look  this  most  definitely  a  lot  happening  in  our  lives  at  the  moment.  Our  tendency  is  just  to  look  into  this  me, what's  happening  to  me.  But  why  not  look  into  the  pool?  Why  not  look  into  the  ocean?  Why  not  look  into  the  stars?  Why  not  see  it  all  as  a  singular  movement? Its  appearance  may  be  a  little  different.  but  it's  the  same  alchemy  at  work, rebuilding  the  cells  of  the  universe  to  mirror  what  really  is, because  it's  infinite  light that  pours  the  universe,  grows  it,  kills  it,

 restores  it,  relives  it.  In  a  breath!  So  if  you  look  at  this, you  might  find  that  the  star's  positions  at  the  moment  are  really  doing  some  work but  are  not  the  stars  sovereign  to  that  One?  Are  not  the  planets  sovereign  to  that  One?  I  see  everything  as  a  limited  self -concern  about  me, but  it  actually  does  not  really  exist  only  in  our  imagination. 

So  if  we  look, thought,  emotion,  sovereign...  just  keep  bringing  it  over.  You  can  go  into  a  thought and you're  going  to  be  there  absolutely  for  eternity.  You  can  go  into  emotion,  you're  going  to  get  tangled  and  tangled  and wingled and  wangled.  Or  you  can  just  step  into  the  sovereignty  of  Being  knowing, the  love  of  Source.  And  everything  stops,  because  there  nothing  belongs  to  mind, nothing  belongs  to  emotion, nothing  belongs  to  anything.  It  all  belongs  to  itself,  sovereign - God.   Not  just  silence  but  majesty.  Not  just  silence, but  palpable  depth.  Not  just  silence  but  humility.  Not  just  silence, but  friendship.  Then  come  back  into   what  appears  to  be  a  body  and  appears  to  be  mind,  what  appears  to  be  emotion. Does  the  mind  move?  Do  emotions  twist? 


Or  is  something  with  no  measure  being  known  that  weaves  the  universe  without  doing  anything  other  than  being  present?  And  from  Presence  don't  you  go  "Wow!!" and  from  Presence  don't  you  go  '"Yeah  let's  do  this  this!" and  from  Presence,  don't  you  go  and  assist  another.  And  from  Presence,  don't  you  give  somebody  a  hug.  And  it  never  involves  emotion  and  never  involves  the  mind, but  it  ignites  the  mind  from  Source  and  it  ignites  the  emotion  from  Source.  From  that  only  wonders stream,  universes shine and  are  unafraid  to  return.


So  just  have  a  look  at  this  moment  as...  there's  a  palpable,  cosmic whirlwind...  as  if  higher  dimensions  are  dropping  in that  don't  separate as  the  third  and  fourth  dimension  does.  And  each  of  us  in  some  way  or  other is  feeling  this, knowing  this.  And  I  want  to  ask  you  a  crazy,  crazy  thing  to  an  apparent  human  mind.. What  makes  you  think  that  an  ant  doesn't  go  through  this?  What  makes  you  think  a  blade  of  grass  doesn't  go  through  this?  What  makes  you  think  a  tree  doesn't  go  through  this? What  makes  you  think  a  mountain  doesn't  go  through  this?  What  makes  you  think  even  the  sky  doesn't  go  through  this?  You  begin  to  see  things  with  a  whole  different  perspective  that  might  actually  bring  awe  into  your  attention where  you  lay  hold  of  a  power  that  you  can  only  call  gracious. 


In  fact, if  you  look  deep:  ineffable.  And  there's  nothing  that  moves  in  this  world  that  doesn't  sing  its  song  or  speak  its  experience.  it  falls  in  love  with  being  sovereign  to  What  Is.   A  real  time of profound  alchemy.  I  find  it  ....looking  for  a  word  I  scan  the  universe  and  scan  the  universe  of  humans...I  discover  only  those  that  are  so -called  awakening are discovering  the  vulnerability  of  the  transparency  of  being  sovereign to  the  mystery  direct. And  somehow  the  universe  is  calling  those  such  beings  to  allow  their  protective  layers  to  be  dismantled, to  dissolve, to  come  on  fire or  just  joyfully  fall  off  in  the  Openness  itself.


In  your  experienced  does  this  ring  true?  Sometimes  forces  within  you,  appearing  to  be  you,  fight  the  inevitable  transformation  of  self. The  return  home  to  that  that  one  has  never  really  left.  The Paradox is:  free  your  heart  of  the  false  image  you  have  of  self  and  other.Come  back  to  the  great  mystery! Mainstream  media  cannot  do  this  for  you  on  your  iPhone  or  on  Netflix. Only  you,  being  love  with  others who  love  the  revelation  of  what  one  already  is,  is  a  field  beyond  your  mind's  wildest  dreams.

But  remember,  one  foot into that  field, it  will  take  your  legs  and  your  hands  and  your  whole  body  into  it.  As  if  it  is  a  monster  devouring  you! Or one  foot  into  that  field graciously  and  un-expecting  anything  will  warmly  invite  you  in,  to  discover  the  wonder  that  is  really  you. So  really,  today's  greeting  is  truly  about  having  a  rest  of  what  on  your  own your  mind  will  conjure  up is all  happening  to  you.   But  when  you  commune,  it's  just  simply  what  is. And  becomes  more  wondrous,  sovereign  to  the  love  of  God,  without  any  religious  connotation as  true  you.  And  layers  of  experience  that  somehow  one  still  holds  dear  as  comfort  zones of  memory  and  identification, in  this  time  right  now, they  no  longer  serve  us.  We  cannot  throw  them  off.  Now  we  must  love  them. to  the  core  of  their  disappearance,  by  clearly  seeing:  we  do  not  need  that  anymore. Thank  you  friend,  and  goodbye.   Thank  you  for  serving  to  levels  of  what  you  once    believed in, are shed.  Any  mental,  emotional, wild  activity  you're  having  in  you  or  with  others  are  just  simply  this.

 A  universe  in  movement  dissolving  what  it  no  longer  needs.  You  are  the  universe.  Read  the  stars  if  you  must.  Be  careful  who  you  listen  to  out  there.  Listen  to  your  own  astronomer,  your  heart.  It  is  like  a  dedication  of  love  and  presence  for  this  breath.  If  you  look,  the dying  only  struggle  because  they  try  to  hold  on  to  the  known. But  when  the  dying  let  go,  they  enter  a  greater  mystery,  which  their  loved  ones  around  them  cannot  go to  unless  they  too  die  to  the  known.

Somewhere  here  we  all  woven, a  tale,  a  story  to  reflect  on  life  as  it  is  now  for  each  and  every  one  of  us.  I'd  like  to  encourage  you  to  share  that  together  and  discover  the  wonder.  But  in  truth,  you're  really  only  sovereign  to  God  and  love  for  it  is  what  you  and apparent others  are.

 Give  each  other  space,  presence  mostly,  and  the  humility  of  truly  hearing.

transcript December 24, 2023


Satsang  2023  -  Gems

Satsang 2023 - Gems

“Whatever your dilemma is …You are its medicine.
Whatever is going on…You are its alchemist.
Whatever is going on…
You needed that to point you to your next,
beyond your current boundary.
You needed it.
You brief infinity You! “

"We are abundant in the absence of location. 
Location makes us limited

Find that that is deeper than a location;
it speaks as music to the heart, 
It speaks as a sound to the universe, i
t speaks as a knowing of direction.

Location gives you only a tiny fragment
of what you appear to be,
but you are the appearance of the cosmos,
multi-dimensional in nature,
shining in a reality that isn’t dimensional
but is the pure One.

For the One shines in all dimensions
but remains One, remains Reality." 

There’ll just be flowering….

Love has the ability to let all experience pass through. Where compassion is, love is. Where others are, the knowing of one presence is. The being that stays whole in verticality is a being that understands everyone's journey. But a being that can remain vertical and lie down in the horizontal is a new human being.. because that being holds opens the doors of a vast Universe ready to flower in what appears to be a human.. in such a way that humans will no longer get emotional, which is wiring a separate sense of self into an active body-mind. Humans will be deeply felt in their being, streaming other dimensions of higher vibrational fields into human relationship. Totally different. We won't take thought, it just won't be here. We'll have no need for it. There'll just be flowering.

Everyone of us has to discover this for ourselves, whatever this is. What we were looking at today, just endeavouring to make this clear.. You cannot love that that you're not free of. Now we were putting that down to the body-mind; you cannot love the body-mind if you are not free of it.. the way thought passes through, the way emotions pass through.

If you are identified with 'you have to have that thought or not, you have to have that emotion or not', you're entangled with something that is uncontrollable because there is no need to have control. It only responds to you being free of it. It's quite natural being free of a thought or emotion and yes you have to experience how that can take place in your awareness, then the body-mind is altogether different and something new shines through what appears to be a body-mind.. a mind that is open in greater purity, and emotion that has returned to bliss and depths of feeling. An entirely different kind of human appearance that's no longer entangled in needing to control anything whatsoever. And then in our own innermost silence, we come upon how the Cosmos is a tremendous flower and the body is a tremendous flower and the breath is a tremendous flower. Flowers don't repeat themselves. Flowers actually express what is here and now and we call that nectar. And everyone of us really is looking for the nectar of its own flower.

231228 SpontaneousSatsang Wisdom Is Free of it All -

Never arrive intact...

Even for us to have this conversation this moment is put together like this ( clicks fingers. I am intact and you are intact and it speaks to itself and we are That... never not intact in being intact.

We must not be intact, we must fall apart to even be able to come and speak together.

Your hands are doing it, the fingers are doing it, the cup is doing it, the walls, the flowers, the ants and my shoes are doing it.

You will no longer be localised and yet the location will be all together different.

Spaciousness speaks to itself forming itself only in this moment and the entire cosmos even the unseen levels.

And now they form and now they evaporate and now they form and now they evaporate and that's the incredible, glorious, marvellous truth.

It can't be comprehended as something you can get to the end off but you can know it now!

Satsang 29 Oct 2023


The entirety of creation is here right now in its fullness shining bright and already active.

So when you see, we see, something to the mind that appears to be in the future, cause the mind only sees things in past or future, you begin to see its now, you already have that new house, you already have that new car, you are already abundant, you are already full, you are already That. It’s so super clear when you really get this, it's so super clear even if you don't get this.

You are manifesting the cosmos here and now, in the same manner anything that is called for arrives because you are that. Add one thought that that's coming in the future and you've stepped down into a lower level of mental idea of yourself. You are able to be in it from a point of perceptible knowing.

Satsang 29 Oct 2023

A Holographic Design

You are a holographic design. The larger body is pure energy, sometimes in the east called Shakti.

What we tend to formulate ourselves as we walk these lives as if we are a solid body but we are a holographic body full of the movement of light and energy full of cosmic information, full of divine knowing.

Its only the brain in its limited functionality until enlightened that turns that into the five senses, you pay more attention to our senses than what we deeply are.

Satsang 29 Oct 2023

Love is not a Feeling
Love is not a feeling....Divine Love is not a feeling . It is a pure knowing without pattern. In other words you can't look through it through a mind that still needs a physicality, still needs the five senses. A mind that still needs the five senses - you can't know this. It's limited . You have to go beyond the senses. 

Q: It's almost like making Love is not an experience. 

B: No, it's what you are!  

Q: In making Love there is a knowing of Light moving ..

B: Yes that's the fullness. Fullness is when consciousness itself pours into the cup of pure energy or Feminine Principle When She overflows with what He pours in, that's the Invisible made manifest and She loves that because in her overflow she actually begins to open to what He is beyond anything that you can name...and that ends up in Her cup. 

This Creation has to have a Canvas

This creation has to have a canvas and that canvas is called mind , but really from the Knowing or perspective of highest mind  or Pure Self mind id actually no-mind because it has no content that belongs to anybody and rom thereon it is like a spills out in various variations of the one appearing in frequency , energy, manifestation now. Manifestation is not something that is reality  manifestation is IN reality which is pure being non-being, which means there is nothing that is manifest that appears to have duration. That is the mind . The human mind  or intelligence makes it looks like there is duration in being someone . There is no duration! It 's a collection of identities , a collection of experiences to someone that actually never appears or even has a personal experience. It's memory! No memory no self . No memory..pure consciousness, pure aliveness, pure brightness ..Pure YOU ..and from that there is  then the downloading of invisible levels of pure light appearing as opportunity in the here and now ..But those opportunities never arrive for a person. They arrive only for itself..for I AM the Self. 


Where Light Comes From

I know whatever I Am has to keep it pure in a direction that is not a pattern . So, I am drawn to those that are beginning to discover they're not a pattern . They're openness. and in such openness clearly on this level there is pattern but one who is transcending patterns and transforming pattern can remain openness. because this is faster than light what we're talking about here. 

Light keeps you in the world. Knowing light keeps you in a container . Where light comes from can't be contained and that's a different light. 

From Egypt - Sep 2023

From Egypt - Sep 2023

“The smallest shift of consciousness brings greater abundance for all.

Just the smallest shift is so much.

We’re looking for something big outside, whereas a a simple shift inside …

...a simple shift inside, shifts the shape of our Awareness and how it forms .

This is what I would like to look at and study and investigate with you as we

travel into the temples and down the Nile.”

Hathor Speaks

recorded inside the Hathor Temple in Dendera Egypt

I’m in the temples in Dendera in Abydos and right now I’m in the temple of Hathor. And although I’m standing in this temple I’m not giving you a conversation about Egypt.. I’m inviting you to have a conversation with yourself about who you are and is there just three dimensions of you or are there far more? 

And is one’s job in one’s life to fill out all those higher and deeper dimensions and transform the ones that we’ve not made conscious? Is that what this really is about?

So, it’s a beautiful temple but really for me this represents what’s within us all and what our life can be actually about.. the invisible made visible in the here and now.

And of course, that presents challenges when we have an outside society and an inside society, called my mind, still presenting as old images of ourselves. Are you ready for that, that has no image? Have you seen that What You Are actually has no image but how from that no image spaceless spaciousness comes creation, instant, vast, rich and full?

And even experiencing that as Consciousness, how deep can one go, how deep can one return to, how profound can one manifest this moment without doing a thing other than being present and aware, fully alive?

Infinity can't know itself if it doesn't experience finite-ness. 
You have to have finite to know your infinity. 
So, occasionally you have dropped out of the infinite for you
to know the Infiinite from an I-centre. 

Don't mistake what you are as not infinite. 
You don't have to make it up. 
You are infinite 
But you need to know finite forms… that is your infinite Self. 
Don't get mixed up. 
You're perfect. 

After Visiting the Bent Pyramid of Dahshour

I saw  that the bent pyramid wasn't  that they didn't build that shape anymore because of the weight ..that was not not it .That's a third dimensional intelligence speaking that is stuck on history and templates of the known. But we're not working on templates of the known!

 Even the cartouches in all the tombs, they're not templates of the known. They're the wings of the Spirit. You don't go in there and marvel ( I am suggesting ) at the art and vibrant colours, I suggest that you are  marvelling at the ability for them to move you directly as a being, as a brightness, as an openness. 

 Check it out! 

If you really  feel these cartouches, they propel you into what they call the afterlife, but that is just another dimension of life. 

 So that bent pyramid is able to bring down or bring out or move a totally different frequency of cosmic ability and cosmic participation than the straight pyramids. It's just totally and absolutely different.  In the same manner as when we on this journey,  begin to look at ourselves free of image and we loosen our brain, our mind and our body from the images that we 're told we need, to be ‘us’…

It's literally images, like the cartouches, but you have been told to believe that they're You.

But really you want to fly, you want to excel and know the power and the wonder that you are .You want to be able to move throughout the universe and in the beyond in this dimension or any other dimension!

 These are real things.

 I don't actually believe that the pyramids were for pharaohs. They were transportation vehicles for beings . Whether it was Atlantis or whether it was Lemuria ..they were transportation vehicles.

 But this next dimension of life ..I am suggesting the transportation vehicle is 'us'.

Loosen the shackles of beginning to share beyond your image. 

Otherwise ..most of us  have been together for some years now , doing whatever we're doing , but would you like to change society a hell of a lot more ? 


So is that change in society or the society you have made you belong to inside? 

So the society you have become needs to transform. You need to know yourselves, we need to know ourselves,  I need to know myself  endlessly and that's the breath of Now.  

 Does that make any sense as we're moving along here. 

I mean this is what I live for, This is why I love meeting people like yourselves because I feel a real calling to keep helping others to call themselves, so that we can  all keep calling each other to really discover our divine power, because we're all creators. 

Listen to the audio here

No Distance in What You Are

Don't  put any distance between what you are knowing.That's your mind ..

Your mind creates distance. But the distance is also sacred because otherwise you couldn't know who You are. You look at another and you can know who you are. The purpose of duality , if it is real, is to show what you are.

 Because when you are in what you are you can't know what you are because you're infinite. You have to step out of infinity and play the game of being finite to know what infinity is ..without beginning or end . that the cosmic divine game . You're not distant. But your mind makes the infinite into sense perception..but have a finer perception than just the sense ..otherwise you will get identified wth all the forms, all the imprints that have made  you believe you are a particular someone ..No, you are God in human experience in cosmic experience. That's what you are. So Ptah really brought you that but right back here and now ..the solar energy on her crown, the divine body of her universal body ..all in the  moment.Then you get to really experience the streaming of what you are.  It is a totally different perspective to have of life because you are not going to but any distance between what you are and your mind will just stop and when your mind stops you are the fullness....what is actually here.It will seem that you are coming in and out of that fullness but that is just a play. As you are realising any level of you is not opposite can go into the deepest darkest corners ..gone! Not to fool them with light ..just to experience them That is another aspect of walk fearlessly into it all. 

When we are too busy without mind , we miss the shifts that are already made. Then the shifts cannot  illume our humanness because we are still identifying with structures of control , which is nobody controlling ..they're just structures of's like the cosmos is spinning but that's control , in other words it is a way it has to move. It's a way ..everything is a way but the mind gets  hold of that way and turns it into: that's the way I must always be ..that 's the problem. You have to experience the entirety of life .  That involves forgiveness , prayerfulness, gratitude in particular, wonder! Even those desperate moments are gifts . Places you can't access without allowing that desperate moment to actually be realised it is a porthole. 

I realised why I came here the other day . This was a few weeks ago and all these police and everybody came and the doors shut completely and I had to pay to go it ..and then they wouldn't open the door. They said " You've got to open the door! ..and so I opened the door ..whoever this is opened the door, so we could walk in without having to pay ..I am not talking to pay money ...but in prayer in frequency and experience her fullness. 

She is absolutely here and now present ..and that is the gift She is giving us all. 

Listen to the Audio here

Let the Temple Take Away Your Luggage

I am just  asking you to keep dropping this idea that you're a particular somebody. 

Just let the temple take away your luggage. Leave it .

That's fine. They won't sell it , they'll just throw it away. Just get that sense. 

Did you see that  when you came out of that temple you were so much lighter of  feet, lighter of heart, lighter of  mind. 

Don't use the thought process. Kick it out, particularly in the temples. If it brings up a memory for you just ignore the memory, because with memory you can't enter these deeper places of your birthright ..memory can't enter only pure open You can enter. A very powerful place Karnac temple..

You will definitely find shifts and if there is anything you need to just completely let go of in your life ..this is the place to let go of it. 

So really endeavour just to  relax from the need to think about ..the past comes up just rather than talk about the past, exchange your knowing of what you are opening to. That's far more beneficial and as you do that you are entering those wormholes, you are  entering those vortices of the new that bring manifestation, however it is going to come into the physicality. 

Because the physicality  is just a breath,  Just a breath! It is like wind comes from nowhere and goes to nowhere but nowhere is profound .. 

Listen to the Audio Here

Going Beyond Time Space Ideas

( recordings starts mid sentence) .. not a picture in society not a picture that your brain has taken but it's You sharing from another place. And if you look at these temples, that's what they're doing. They're shifting the axis of you believing you're just a human with history… time-space ideas. 

But maybe the human or the hue-man/woman, (it's a frequency), the ‘hue’ has a meaningful movement amongst the movement of space-time from beyond space-time. Space-time is that, that gives form to the information beyond the idea that you're someone of space-time. Are you someone or some being that's beyond space-time? But the only way you can know what you know from beyond space-time is to come in space-time because it reflects to you what you are and where you're coming from. 

Certainly in terms of the temples.. but yesterday the light temple what I was pointing into is; we see a thing like we're seeing a thing here but what if you look out that window, and you can just quickly glance out of that window at that mountain, what if you were looking at that mountain and for you that mountain is actually speaking to you?

Now, another level of your mind might interpret 'the mountain is speaking to me' because that's the way it works in a third dimension. But what's actually happening is; the mountain or the level of the mountain as a being is you and you are receiving what you know on a different level or different vibration of coding. 

When we speak like this, it's quite difficult at first to let go of this idea that you've got to listen for your history box. You've got to tear your history box up or at least just leave it alone. And everything that we've been taught at school is absolutely pathetic and quite honestly useless. All that is producing is robots, so that energy can be stored for the few. But that's not a problem, that's just the way that this works until we open all that up because it's not someone that's doing that, it's us that's doing that on this level, we've got to evolve it. 

So, even where I'm coming from now, I have to really remain being nobody to even speak the way I'm speaking. If I think I'm a somebody, if I make an image of myself, this would just stop. So, in many ways we're learning to completely dissolve the image of ourself. That's why I love JC. First thing he said, 'do not make an image of me'. Of course, everybody thought he was talking about him, no, he was talking about me. How many ‘me’s’ are there? There's only ‘me’ isn't there?.. there's only 'I'.

So, when you look at that mountain, it's perfectly good that you might say that, that mountain is speaking to you because on some very different manner and frequency it is! It is speaking to you and I've had mountains speak to me. Believe me I've had rivers speak to me, I've had all manner of beings speak to me but I know that they are levels of what I am and I am levels of what they are because there's only one functioning here.

The usual frontal lobe doesn't get this but it won't get this because otherwise this third dimension won't be able to form forms that can vibrate the higher frequencies of knowing and self-reflect, self-know and self-understand. That's what's going on here. It's us as awareness or as consciousness that has to let go of the images that are produced in this body-mind when we've been taught to function as if we're a particular someone, belonging to a particular culture, belonging to a particular sex, a particular religion, a particular higher class, lower class, middle class, or that we're dumb..

So, if you look at the mountain, there's nothing that's not speaking back to you as a reflection of the domains that you're called to enter. You're called to enter vaster you. And here then, this is like a centre, which all other realms can download what they are for reflection back out into the Universe. 

If you imagine a mirror for instance.. you look into a mirror, now the ordinary mind just sees an image. But if you next look into a mirror, you look into the mirror and do you know what's coming back?.. vast light information. You're looking in but your frontal lobe is making an image of light. Get to see that! You're looking in a mirror, your light's looking into a mirror and what's coming back is the mirror of that light and that's called Creation. Of course, this is happening here as well. We're manifesting mobile forms of bright, full, awareness called 'I'. 

And somehow on a level of terrestrial intelligence, such as Earth, terrestrial intelligence, that's evolving the terrestrial life. But really, you're extra-terrestrial, super-terrestrial, transcendental, all terrestrial realms, that's what you are. So, the moment that you look into a mirror, that's coming back and that forms the moment. 

So, to sit like that with Sekhmet this morning and Ptah.. he/she really was about,:'there's only the stepping of now'. You might have got that sense when you came out of that temple.. that you were so profoundly present and so there was a great sensitivity to everything! But that sensitivity wasn't sensitivity to the things. The things are the manifestation of the sensitivity to the light as abundance of you. That's what you were becoming sensitive to.

So, you'll be walking differently because you're moving as another field and the manifest body is suddenly a different kind of divine matrix of energy just because you dropped more into the direct knowing of your completeness somehow. Are you following? So, you look at the mountain and it's speaking to you as You but you could have a conversation with that.

But we've been so taught that you do this, you do this, you do this. I've moved away from that a long time ago. I didn't move away I was just taken somewhere else. But I can speak about it now. 

 So, with Ptah, she'll be showing you that you're not the reflection in the mirror, you're all that it can reflect, you're the mirror and more. And you're building a sense of self in looking in the mirror, which is the Universe. The manifest Universe is the mirror of what the Universe is, beyond its manifestation. Light, energy, profundity. That's what you are. I call that She. Today we're calling it Ptah. That's what you are. 

 So, have a look over these past few days and the temples as we've just been travelling.. this is where meditation definitely comes in and I would suggest to you the practice of The Form.

Meditation, the practice of the Form has you utterly stopping and not just parroting what the mind informs you . it's just the mind’s job is to feed you back whatever you put into it.  

The mind not used, in terms of historical reference, only shines you back to you and everything that you enter into. It manifests how that looks here in the third dimension. 

But in other dimensions, you'd have to go into it. What does that mean? Quite simply that means have an utterly fresh perspective of 'now'. That's you travelling to the vortexes that I was speaking about..


Whether you know this or not, you're creating this moment. And exactly how it looks is a download of how you put you together in reflection in this third dimension.
Do you reflect from fifth, fourth?

Do you reflect from higher realisation?

What do you reflect from?

Is your mind getting that clean, your heart getting that vibrant, that you're no longer listening to the boss outside.. you're listening to What You Are inside and you can hear that from others. 

A real shift, without you needing to kind of zoom off somewhere, a real shift is perspective, perception. Deeper perception has you having a different perspective of What Is, so, you're literally in another place. But here the other place is sense perception, sensual, here, alive, energetic, deep maybe. But here, your higher perception manifests exactly as how things are here. In fact, you might see this room for instance in its particle vibrating formation and not so solid.  

Those who've ever had a trip on drugs might recognise this. I've never had a trip at all, only God has ever tripped me and I'll tell you what, I'll have that anytime over anything. 

Have a look how.. and you can reference temples if you like but then reflect to third dimension.. see temples not just from the third dimension but how they spoke to you, what you were knowing and can we practise letting go of 'I think'? Rather than 'I think', you can say 'I know', or just be blatantly honest, 'it's like this, that's how it is'. Wash those levels out that weaken you into believing that you've not got this right. There's nothing to get right! There's no in between that you need to have. 


 When You Open More ..No Gain No Loss

Q: Yes, today I saw in one of the rooms I went into, when the light came down through the little square holes, that it was just the whole place was just an astral teleport. That's what I saw it as it was really clear. It was like, oh yes, this is what they did, this is what we did and just go in and I actually videoed it with Glen and I just turned into white light when I moved towards it. It was extraordinary. And I've always believed that so it was fantastic to actually walk in there and just be very clear that these people went there as if it was like a big station somehow and off they went ..past, now and future all happening at once. So, that was very exciting.  

B: Also, as Cath speaks, you'll hear that for yourself, that's a shift. The shift is from a perspective of body-mind-time-space orientation, 'suddenly I'm light'. But light is not what you've not been! It's the background to what you've just become. So, can we just look at this a little bit. So, the background to what you've become doesn't alter or change. It has access to the entirety because it is the entirety prior to any sense of formation, prior to any vibration. 

So then, when you look at what you've been saying here, the thing is this, and I would say this is kind of a real crossroads, even maybe an eye of a needle.. when you're making those shifts, when it's clear that there's some shifts, be cleaner and clearer that the somebody has not become light.. be cleaner and clearer that what you were on the third dimension has not now become something else.. you've just simply shifted the field of You as Awareness into another dimension, which is already present here right now behind the background of appearances. 

Why am I saying this? I'm saying that the moment that, that shift belongs to you on the third dimension, you're going to suffer because the third dimension, your brain in particular, will make an image of that and start transmitting that image throughout your life. What does that mean? That means you've just invented death and a very painful death because as the body drops away, holding all those owned codes by someone who doesn't exist, you're going to experience loss. 

We experience loss only because we have experiences and the third dimension if you're not the loving master of yourself, the third dimension will make an image of what you've come into and it thinks it owns it, so, you've grown on a third dimension but you've not, you've grown directly as you revealing you to you and on any dimension you move into, that will shine. 

So, the third dimension will make an image of this if you're not clear that you are not of space and time so you'll experience loss. But the moment that those higher levels open and there's nothing there to own them there'll be fullness. Any real opening that opens to the fullness, there's no gain and then there's no loss. There's no loss because there's nothing to gain. You've simply slipped into another profounder frequency of you so there's no loss.  The old way on the human level is that, "oh you have this, you've got to keep it". You can check it out. It's kind of natural on this level to own things but that's going. That's the old reptilian mind. 

So, when you open more but you fully open more, you've got nothing to lose and you've certainly have not gained nothing but you are definitely shining.  Do you see? That's your original freedom. Beautiful.


 Lost Friendship with Beings

Q: So, you just said, the lost friendship with beings and that really resonated and yesterday at Dendera when the walk into it was like walking down the isle and it was very sacred and there was a sense of going to a marriage ..a sacred union. Then I dismissed it and said you're going there with your mind.., stop that and then in Luxor last night, the light and knowing the beingness and then coming to Ptah today was the sacred streaming of Divine Love and knowing that's all there is. And that's the friendship with beingness.   

B: That's beautiful. You've just reminded of what we were talking about yesterday. In this 'now' space or any higher dimension has its counterparts in any level of the Earth. And any level of the Earth has its counterparts in any level of the Cosmos. And any level of the Cosmos and any level of the Earth has its counterparts in the unseen. That's called Trinity. Put the Trinity together, that's self-realisation. It's really kind of that easy but we have to give up this idea we're missing something. We're absolutely missing nothing. We're it!

Perspectives & Perception

What we're looking at then over these past few days, we're looking at; how have my perspectives changed, how I see things, how I function, what have I seen? But also has that happened through: the perception of What Is has shifted? Do you follow what I mean? 

Look at perception. Look at these things. Perception and perspective. Have a look because it's good to mirror to you where you're now from, where you're now coming from. And whilst you look at that there's the release of the image that you've made of you. And if you look around your life right now, particularly your most intimate circle, somehow, you've trained your most intimate circle to feed you your own image of you. 

And when you stop doing that you might get feedback that you've changed because suddenly, you're no longer asking for the old image of you, in fact you're not asking for an image at all. Maybe there's a wobble that you think, 'oh I need some enlightened perspective from you guys, don't you realise I'm enlightened now?' 

 There's lots of little shifts that take place until it all kind of sorts itself out and you realise, 'well all I can describe is I Am That, this is What I Am'. 


A Journeyless Journey

When we're on a journey like this,
when you know you're on a journey-less journey
to discover what you already are, and it doesn't have a duration to discover it,
you're literally, practising recognising What You Are with every breath. 


If you go into one of these temples, and if you go into too many of them and you don't even realise what you are, what the temple is, what all this is, your mind is going to get absolutely thoroughly distracted very, very shortly afterwards. In fact, you have no cognition of anything that's real anymore. So, what I'm really interested in, what I really love is people that really want to discover what they are without any effort. 

But the first place for this to come without any effort is; you have to effortlessly see when you're following the mind somewhere out of this moment.

The House of God

Having said this.. when you do this (B demonstrating the House of God), some of the practice that I call that there, the House of God, but what that is, is all the elements coming together. If you go into the Māori culture, they'll tell you the elements are in feminine and in masculine. They don't just say there's elements and they're all elements, no, there's the feminine elements and there's the masculine elements.

So, when you do this (House of God), you're literally recognising everything is in the pure Consciousness of that because that literally is the I Am. I AM THAT! That's what that is, I AM THAT! If you did this, close the fingers, there's no elements, there's no existence. There's, no elements, there's no manifest existence. The moment you open your fingers, there's manifest existence and each centre of the body is an initiation point or an expression point, or a point of deepening possibility. I'm going to call it in the network of the Cosmic You, in the network of Cosmic You.

Why I'm saying this is how forms of pure-awareness literally begin to manifest because the one who is distracted is the imagined you. When there is no distraction, that is the real You but that real You has no centre.. that real You has no centre.

So, when you do this, literally do this (HoG open), you become fire. You're, "oh there's fire, oh there's fire".. No! You become fire.. you become fire, you become fire, you become fire, you become.. you don't just embody it, you're totally that. Inexplicably you are fire, inexplicably you are water, inexplicably you are ether, inexplicably you are earth.. not someone who embodies it. Do you follow what I mean?

The distraction will say, "oh, I've just become fire". No, you are fire. The distraction will say "oh, I embodied water today".. No, that's the distraction. I'm just pointing out the distracted mind and the real present 'I' listening to these words now. That's what I'm pointing to, so that's that. So, you become the elements. 

Consciousness and manifestation are what arises within profound Awareness.

You are fire

Walking the Nile, you realise there is not an element that has not come out of the core of one's original nature. This is something realised here, whoever this is, the elements come out of Awareness, come out of Consciousness. They are literally powers and activities of Consciousness itself. You following?

So you are fire.. really feel that! You are fire, you are air, you are water, you are ether, you are earth. Really start of kind of drink this. So then, certainly in the practice of The Form, we may discover we don't go to another realm, we don't go to another dimension, it's already intrinsic in What We Are. It opens because I AM THAT! They open simply because I recognise WHAT I AM. That's the I AM. Just to let go the I AM back there.. you're recognising there's not an element that's not What You Are in manifestation. You're recognising there's nothing that's not in Consciousness. 

Consciousness and manifestation are what arises within profound Awareness. So then, when you begin to get this, it's not that you're becoming something and there's still this separate imagined self left.. no, you completely recognise that all the elements are in What You Are so you must be that element and the same for realms and the same for beyond. 

So, this is a complete change of knowledge, knowing and consciousness because you'll begin to recognise where the information is from, let's call it the human terrestrial intelligence that gets kind of upgraded by you recognising it all comes from original nature. 

So, when you leave all the old thought patterns alone and when you're willing to let those thought patterns move through even though there may be some attached ideas to them but you realise that's just energies, and you're practising completely being open, and that's what they call purification.. Not purification of you but purification of the existent 'I'. In other words, everything that's been added to that, you are releasing. You've played the game of separation.. you're owning up that you are Source. Do you see what I mean?.. that's what you're owning up to, that you are Source.

 That will change how you see, how you speak, how you relate. It will change. It will also change people around you.. people that are ready to vibrate at a higher frequency, you'll draw to you but you'll also draw to you, as it were, through those people, levels that you've transformed. They'll be very much apparent. But now you're learning to see that, actually there’s no need to go anywhere, I AM THAT. 

So then, when we visit the temples, the temples will simply open up the frequencies of your 'next'. That's the only way I can put this.. the frequencies of your 'next'. Those temples will open up because the temples represent the concentration of your daily life. There's far too much distraction in humans.. daily news, Netflix, you name it, politics, it's all an absolute distraction to keep your power and intelligence in an identified position. Do you see what I mean?.. positive, negative. 

 You're learning to let go of that completely, and you're learning to.. instead of saying ‘I think’, you're going to say ‘I AM’. Totally different. Even the 'AM' will begin to vanish and even the 'I' will begin to vanish and you'll be less interested in what we're actually doing now because when you're THAT, what else is there to go and experience? It will simply come to you. The Deep will simply come, it will simply come, it will simply open. 

The Form

So, as you practise The Form begin to see the extraordinary vehicle..of even of your hands. Look how you use your hands. What if these hands are vibratory keys to dimensions of possibility that now are yours as awareness so only you would let those hands move from your deepest knowing?


When you pray. do you pray to someone, do you pray to a higher frequency,
what do you pray to if you pray?..
or are you kind of using vibratory codes to meet or marry higher resonance of you.
It doesn't matter where you go in the Universe, you're going to meet yourself.
Really doesn't matter where you go, you're meeting yourself.
Really doesn't matter where you go.

Higher levels of you are simply higher vibrations of that, that you already are. You're already multidimensionally participating in the entire creation process. Everyone is.. it's here but we can find ourselves, the thoughts and feelings based around historical reference points, it's quite something to let go of all your references. Most people after a retreat, they open and then they rush right back to their references, in fact they go and get them. 

The practice here is; release the reference of time and space.. all that's taken care of.. you'll still know where the bathroom is, the body will, you'll still know where things are for the necessity of this three-dimensional form, but you're learning to open other doors of you that are already present here and now in this timeless moment called now.  You're learning to do that. 

Hopefully you're going to learn to have conversations with that. And rather than the need to check out whether the other person agrees with you, it really doesn't matter that they don't agree with you and they may not even bother coming to needing to agree with you. 

All there is, is listening.. All there is, is merging.. All there is.. is dancing.. All there is, is unfolding and flowering. That's what higher vibrational beings do. It's not about whether your conversation is true or not. Actually the conversation is; can you come in to what I am, can you come in to what the other is, can you be the same one together. That's the highest conversation in discovery. So then, you're able to vibrate to another. You might not even say anything.


The Form

When you're practising The Form, see that there's never a moment when what appears to your body, is not an appearance of profound emptiness. But also walking in that emptiness, you're manifesting every dimension of you right now. 

The mind clouds what you are.. we're learning to do what Jesus said basically "empty out this mess". 

So, when you practise The Form, you're entering somewhere. When you look, you're entering somewhere, we're turning ourselves inside out. 

So, when we go into the temple, what is it that you know more than what sense perception tells you? Sense perception is the manifestation of so much more than what you see with that level of perception. You're called to have deeper perception and knowing.  

You never need to check out what you do in this life ever again because it's manifesting just because you are already this. 

 "The real challenge in this life, in these times:
finding comfort and security in uncertainty.
How safe can you choose to feel amidst the unknown
and habits dissolving fast?
Habits meaning old ways that used to
tell you who you were
but no longer can do that.
You have to discover directly who YOU are."

Water in the Cosmos is energy, it’s a flow.
Scientists already know there’s a flow in the Universe and flow on land is the ocean.
The Cosmos is an ocean. This is an ocean.
The Cosmic Ocean is here as the oceans but also as us,
once we realise what we are.

When You See The Stars

We look at the stars but we think they are ‘out there’. If you look at a star, that means you’re in it.

Really take this in. If you are looking at a star, and you’re still enough,

it’s not that you’re looking at it, it means you’re in that system as awareness in that moment.

You’re bringing awareness to that system and because you have a form, it’s a form of manifestation of that system. This is what this is.

 So, have that in mind. When you’re looking at the stars you’re actually in that system and the body is the vehicle that makes that manifest in the presence of your awareness. This is what all this is about what we’ve been experiencing in the temples.

 Big smile here. Welcome, brothers and sisters of the Cosmos. Welcome.

Finding Security in Uncertainty

I just have a few offerings for you to contemplate what I’m about to say. I’d like to have some good quality time together, at least a couple of hours to integrate, to understand, to delve in, to truly see, to recognise what we are and recognise what is leaving us.

It is like, you must recognise for what it is time to go.. a thought, a feeling, a way, a habit.

This is the real challenge.

I’m always only saying this, I’m not telling you, but is this the real challenge?

Finding comfort and security in uncertainty?

How safe can you choose to feel amidst the unknown and the old dissolving?

 That for me is the real challenge of awareness appearing as a human life.

The real challenge is this life, in these times is finding comfort and security in uncertainty. How safe can you choose to feel amidst the unknown and habits dissolving, fast? Habits meaning old ways that used to tell you who you were but no longer can do that. You’ve got to discover You directly What You Are.

These are times of uncertainty and I could tell you from my own experience, your mind will only choose the known, it will not like uncertainty. In other words, an open space where’s there’s no signs of habit to support the old way. What supports the uncertainty is the knowing only of What You more Deeply Are and its discovery and how that moves as a real life.

 inside the sacred chamber of Mandulis temple

Tour Guide: Mandulis was the Nubian god.. a bird with a human head. It’s Mandulis temple but here you don’t see any pictures of them. When I told you about the Egyptians controlling or affecting the Nubians with their religion. So, you’re building a temple to your god but you cannot show your god in the sanctuary. The house of god. So, you show Horus instead. And Horus here is Mandulis, for them. So, in the other worshipping, Horus and Egyptian delegation come in “yes this is Horus, not public you know?” But for them and their beliefs this is not Horus, it’s Mandolas, our god, son of Isis. They are showing Mandolas as the son of Isis. Life force.

 B: But you call it god and another name for that which I’ll bring later but it’s not a program.. we’re all fields of soul or pure-being and here we are now. Some beings don’t need an image of themselves. They know that they vibrate in the formless spaciousness of any form So, for me when you said that, that particular god doesn’t need to have an image.

 Tour Guide: An image.

 B: No, because it’s already drawn in the hearts of those people that know the formless state of being. It’s beautiful being here. Look at this energy, it’s like wow, it’s like big hugs. Celebration and yet depth. It just won’t stop running in me.


 Uncertainty is Divinity - inside the sacred chamber of Mandulis temple

There is a lot of feminine energy in here.

So, some level of frequency is about nourishment in this place. It’s about nourishing the highest possibility of every individual in the Cosmos. It’s really strong. It might look like it’s for a Pharoah or Rameses but the representations of your own possibility, your own queendom, your own kingdom, your own power as a being, like the small self. The small self is a creative expression of you discovering that you’re eternal.

It's very full in this place of becoming a child to be fed by the Cosmos, to become the Cosmos, to feed another.. that transition, that transformation. Very seeded cosmic energy in this building and this light. Absolutely wonderful that we’ve come here because as old as it looks, it’s incredibly young. It really is so young, so ancient. Let it vibe in, and fed by the great feminine but also being shone on by the great masculine in the realisation of Source as yourself.

So, a lot will happen here. Parts of yourself are no longer going to be fed in the habitual limited idea of yourself. What’s being fed is your higher aspiration, inspiration and connection. And how that will manifest, you don’t know. But if you do know, that’s just the mind. You don’t know.. that’s the uncertainty. The code of uncertainty is a code of divinity.


Uncertainty is divinity.

Uncertainty is divinity because nothing then can manifest or move as not one with the profound. Nothing! All a movement of universal birth, death and possibility as a continuum of expression. It does not know any end this place, it does not know any end.

And I can see it’s been shifted, if you look at that star system, it has been shifted up the access to another point. It’s like shifting up something in your leg, up towards the veins nearer your heart. It’s just been shifted into a place of great potential for more beings. That’s what this shift is. Make no mistake about this. You’ve come to initiate, no matter what you’re going through or who you think you are, you’ve come to initiate this place.

Profound! Beautiful. This is very much a bow down and standing up different. Bow down and standing up different. Very much. Wonderful to be here with all of you.



 See you’re bowing down to your new innermost life and its unique expression because you’re ready for the end of habitual movement. You want to flow like a river without any dams. Enjoy your connection with it

If you don't open those unknown doors, you won't have the new consciousness to be able to transform what will definitely come in your space, what will definitely come to be transformed. 

Opening doors..

I don't know if any of you have heard of The Mother , who was with Aurobindo?  She used to say that you've got to imagine that you can open doors and just open and let it pour in. This is kind of like it is. If you don't open those unknown doors, you won't have the new consciousness to be able to transform what will definitely come in your space, what will definitely come to be transformed. 

Right now, stars come to be transformed in what awareness is. Right now, Universes colliding and ending come to be transformed in What You Are as Awareness. That will be the same as some very maybe painful circumstances that arise in your life, we're taught that's a circumstance arising in our life that's something about me.  

But what if that's just a microcosm of the macrocosm.. so energies dissolving in the Universe going down black holes so that new life can come out the other end.. What if situations in our life are exactly that? You following what I mean? 

So, this invites you to truly see beyond this idea that you're a particular someone as a spot on the planet Earth in the Universe rather than the Self that's shining this.. and to discover that.

So, when we come up against something.. maybe mental, psychological ends up in a relationship way because all that, that I just spoke is a relatedness between us all including the stars, we begin to get invited to pull up, bring down different powers, different frequencies, to really not just tap into our abundance but to see that we're abundant. 

When Yin Yang comes together

And I was going to just show you a picture that I took and I pointed it out to a lot of you in that last temple when I asked Mahmoud what this piece is because I saw it as.. he said it was the goddess of earth or creation and she was intimately holding the shoulders of God or Consciousness. I wept, it was so tender, so tender. And she invites him to fully come in. And he had her hand around her to fully come in, but also to fully bring her into him. You could have said that was really Yin Yang.

When Yin Yang comes together everything that's been lived is going to vaporise. Everything that is of no value because you've lived the full value of this moment is going to vaporise. That's when you begin to see whether you've had attachments to who you thought you were and attachments to security, based around the idea that your humanness will never ever depart, but it does every time you go to sleep! 

 Truly today has been a very incredible day in my heart, particularly what we all together anchored, let's just call it heaven and earth in that temple, so vibrantly clear to me. This is crazy but I'm sure we're in those hieroglyphs somewhere. I don't know but we're on there somewhere and it will be found at some point.. peoples that came of light and consciousness to earth a temple in its new place on this earth. This is what we're doing in daily life. Are you clear about this?

 You'll need more energy from that, more energy from your old ways of being and new energy from the depths that is abundantly what you are. This is what's happening. And, my part in this is to not only keep learning and discovering what this here but also to help point that to people that what seems to be going on in your life that's so unpleasant and uncomfortable is actually an incredible power that invites you to enter the new and discover how that is. Now, I have no idea how you feel or hear this transmission but it is a transmission and it's not from a someone!

Certainty is criminal, certainty is terrible, certainty is dead! It's Dead!
The uncertainty is alive, the uncertainty is a spaciousness ready to burst something brand new for each and every being. Your mind wasn't just made to stay in the smallest of subject/object, of time spheres. Your mind is to shine what you first are as a living cosmic divine being.

So, it really is my yearning to see all of us that we come along like this. To shine, to flower, even amongst what something in us might be saying, "this is terrible, this shouldn't happen". That's definitely mind. It all happens in this Cosmos because that's how it grows. Funny thing that.  

Have a look at how many temples we’ve looked at since we got together. Just have a look. No need to count them but just feel how many temples we’ve visited. I’m heading somewhere and I have no idea where.. but this is how I’m going to find ‘where’, because ‘where’ is not distant. I am ‘where’. You see how the mind, when anyone says, ‘I am aware’, the mind looks at that person as if they have their, ‘I’ that is aware. We still now, even this group it’s something that’s automatic. I’m not saying spontaneous, it’s automatic to still have something in this human machinery, that when someone says ‘I’ we think they’re talking about themselves sitting over there. Can we see just see this for a minute? I have no idea where this is going, I just know I’m going there because it’s great. That’s the only reason.

So, this ‘where’ I’m going, am I going somewhere or am I the ‘where’ that goes nowhere and through the ‘where’ that goes nowhere, which is called now, it seems that everything happens, if we look. And whatever ‘where’ or ‘here now’ is, does it move in what seems to come out of it and identify with it? Now, what we’re endeavouring to do here is be really fresh. Again, I have no idea where I’m going with this and yet I know where I’m going because I'm going nowhere. This is really simple but it's extremely powerful once awareness, ‘I’ begin to even touch upon this because it's the end of suffering.

Where did you go? Automatically I went here I went there. Is the ‘where did you go’ a dream of appearance no matter where it is? ‘Where’ doesn't go anywhere but can ‘where’ be aware of the dreams or of dream? Now this is very, very subtle and I'm asking you to keep looking deeply on this because I'm not trying to con anybody, I want everyone to kind of look themselves yeah?

 So, is ‘here’ is now absolutely timeless? No time. We're not doing something spiritual here please, I'm just investigating and endeavouring to get nowhere. So, is ‘here now’ completely the end of suffering? I'm asking you. You have a look. Why? Is being ‘here now’ not and action but a knowing what I am? It’s a knowing. And is there anything else that’s knowing? Does somehow ‘knowing’ turning from something that’s present as the now, now, if the mind gets hole of it, does ‘knowing’ turn into knowledge?

I don't know if you know this. Knowledge is the known. Knowing is the unknown. It's fresh. I'm not asking you to agree with me. No, no. We're investigating it in our own spaciousness or whatever this is that is listening and that is speaking. Yeah? It's essential we get this.

And certainly, as we dance the Form, it becomes more direct, our experience. Is our deepest experience now?


Can you experience the past? Or is that a function of memory? So, a function of memory is that the now? We’re just looking, just gently, not racing anywhere at all. So, is the Cosmos or everything that we see in sense perception, is it the activity of now in that it just spills out of the now? It doesn't belong to the now, it just spills out. And if it was left to spill out, awareness would get more interested not in where it's going to spill out but how does it spill out? What is it that’s spilling out, and what from?

 Yes, I’m speaking absolute mish mash rubbish, I’m speaking that, that you won’t hear in schools. I'm speaking more directly to what you, we, I am as now. It will make no sense to the linear perceptions of an identity that is actually an identity that's false.

 It's just a picture, but it contains the energy that awareness gives it. So, if we value an image,

if we value anything in time and embrace, we empower it. But if we leave the image alone,

if we leave this moment, we see this moment is the mind game of time. If we just are truly now, whatever is spilling out is fresh and new and alive. And whatever this is, this body, it doesn't record it and make it a someone and an image. It could be called fullness. It could be called bliss, it could be called nothing whatsoever and yet it could. I don’t like to use the word but I’m going to. It could be called love but not a love that has anything to do with past or future. That is now.

So, back to the temples. We’ve been in some amazing temples that somehow plugged in as the now to the cosmic picture and I suggest as the cosmic picture to the Earth. So, somehow the connection between the cosmic picture and the growth of the Earth and the now. It's a funny thing when I speak like this because I can see where it's going but it doesn't belong to time-space or the future. So, what I'm pointing to is now is overflowing.

 But to understand or to come to the fulfillment of now, awareness must not follow where it's going, otherwise this mechanism will begin to identify with it and make it an image and suddenly, as it were, awareness or whoever this ‘I’ that is listening now, as it were, I’m going to use the words ‘get stuck’ but I don’t mean get stuck.. stays in a labyrinth of the outflow, stays in a particular precision where it could enjoy the totality if only it stayed now. It could become the flow.

 It could have a vehicle that doesn’t identify with experience but realises the experience is now that is what I am. Fullness. I’m not taking emptiness, I’m talking, fullness. And I’m suggesting to you that when fullness, when full awareness, as it were, as practiced not following the flow out but being the total flow, this body-mind is unlimited and will never get in a groove. It'll get groovy but it won't get in the groove, it won't get stuck in an identification.

 And back to the temples. When you were experiencing the temples, were you experiencing them as distant, as other, or was the frequency pointing only back to you as the fullness from which all this spills out? Are you the one on those walls encoded? Are you the one who has released yourself into Eternity, realise you are eternity, which is not time or space or distance or past or future? Are you that eternal one?

 And somehow all those cartouches and those walls and the power of that place, is it you on that wall realising that now, now? Is that ‘I’? I get a little bit excited by this but is that what I am? Am I able to explore everything that spills out relentlessly without personal identification, without getting stuck in a groove, without having to realise the falseness of an activity that seems to be located in a particular me, when the activity is abundantly the all, as the only one?


Keep hearing that, no blockages, fresh, new, nothing to follow because it's all spilling out of what I am and in that whatever it is that I am that is eternally now, which doesn't imply space-time or even this idea, moment, no, in this moment. Listen to the word moment. It’s still time, it’s still time. It’s still an identification of something that’s fixed.


So, I’m really asking you, as we’ve been coming into these temples and into the pyramids, was there anyone else that built that or is that the eternal now? Can I say I am that? Not that, I am that, I am the eternal now. When you begin to really see this, everything that was fixated as a fixed position, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically, begins to just fall away. And from there whoever I am learns the mastery of that, that pours out of out of what I am. Mastery simply means this, very simple; never moving away from the now as what I am. Never. That's mastery. Never misidentifying with anything that is an appearance in space or time. I can, as it were, look. Remember the Form?

 I can look way out beyond all space, all time, and I can look whoever this I is, I can look, and I can say, as I look at the Cosmos or as I come down to Earth, I can say, all that is the activity of now. I don't know if you find this wondrous? Now, all that is the activity of now. That is the activity of now. And whatever that is that’s going on in the activity of now, there’s not a single level that’s not discovering that it is the activity of now, now, no matter what’s going on. Everything is shining, moving as the activity of now.

Now, I’m suggesting to you, like the Form, I’m suggesting to you that when that happens it changes the intelligence. We never now look into the mind as something in the brain, we begin to discover that mind, and if we look at some of the icons, maybe in the Christian religion, I’m just pointing towards that, or maybe even in Buddhism, but that field that’s often depicted in some of those paintings, is mind. It’s the radiant mind.

 And it doesn’t just stop here. It’s an egg. It's literally a radiant egg of, I'm going to call it divine, in other words, shining bright ‘now intelligence’. So even now, one can sit, seemingly being someone, and realise that someone is the outflow of this no one. And in very much the same way, those everyone is the same one appearing as everyone throughout the Cosmos.

 The language everywhere in the Cosmos, in the divine world, is one language only. Now! One language only. So, become aware that, actually, for us, I'm suggesting this to you, it looks like we are out here, and the sun is out there, and the stars are out there, but I'm going to ask you something, if you can see this, that actually what I am, what we are, is all in a radiant field here. A radiant field here.

 And there’s nowhere, where I am, that I can’t enter that field and realise every level or expression of that, that I am, nowhere. And not just, as it were, individually but collectively, I can realise I am the cosmic expression. I can realise I'm a cluster of stars. I can realise I'm the Earth and all it is. I can realise the Earth, the stars and the heavens, now, in this field I am. And if we follow that field, we find its root is in the heart.

But if we could be convinced that there is such a thing as space, time and memory, that events happened to me, then I will stay, as it were, in the outflow and some dimension not knowing the vast flow I am.

 See it's more about the transmission than the words I say, isn't it? It's more about what one picks up than what the words say. Another level was of ‘I’, there are no words. This is a dream of the now. But there are myriads of dreams of the now and the now is never identified with the dream and the now is never caught in the dream. But the now is dreaming everything but it doesn't know all this is the outpouring of its radiance. And yet it finds this ultimate truth through ‘I’.

Anybody does not call themselves I? So, then you must be that. You must be that. So, the mastery is always now. So much now that whoever I am may as it were become aware, there’s other words to use, become aware when I identify with a sensation in time-space in a projection in a protection in an identification with particular experience.

 But if I look, look very finely, the only experience is now. Now this is a strange thing, because this is a ridiculous thing I'm going to say. But I'm going to say it.

 When one has truly experienced the depths and brilliance of now, truly experienced that as What One Is, so there's no experiencer, you really know what now is. You really know what now is.

 So, I truly know, whoever I am, I'm not confident at all. I'm that. Very clear, that the depths of nothing, light came from that nothing and simply spilled out and filled the field with radiance. And within that radiance is the activity of the now with no beginning and no end. And whatever I am, is free to enter it all and never ever be trapped in any identification.

 So, out of this now, myriad of worlds of light, out of this now, a bang of that light into creation.

And that is now. And there is no time no space within it and yet within it are tears of experience. Either tears of experience yes, or tiers of experience. This is a tear t -i -e -r of experience but this is a very different kind of tier because this also has a lot tears this tier. I don't know if you know that? Misidentification. So then, the now is eternal and I am That.

It sounds crazy to say; to stay present as that, you’ll flower and you'll realize the flowering of the light of consciousness as one's true sel. But you will also flower into compassion, for the myriad of worlds that waken to the Self because this is what happens in worlds that definitely pass away, every world that's passing away and they're all passing away, evolves.

 It's like the salmon returning to the river from where it was spawned. It all evolves. So that each realm begins to vibrate at a different pitch of realisation. And the strange thing about what I’ve just said is there is not one single world that is not present in each and every one of us, to be explored here and now only.

 This is a funny thing that you'll have to find this yourself. Often you might not get any help with this at all. In fact, I don't think you will. There's nothing that's happening in your life that is not an initiation into a higher vibration. You are teaching yourself to transform the Cosmos directly as the Self. You are teaching yourself that.

 You are teaching yourself as the Self to enter all the outflow without getting lost in image. You are teaching yourself how to remain being the radiance in all the worlds that you will enter until you can speak to each world as your Self and you can embrace each world as your Self. You’re a radiant, compassionate, full, brilliant Self. That's what's happening. It's eternal. That doesn't imply distance, space or time. It's now. That's what you're learning. And there's nothing that happens in your life that's not a teacher for that alone. Nothing.

Have more intimacy. Let people in your pain, in your dark spaces, let them in your bright spaces, let them in everything, enter together what this eternal now truly is,

 You're not trying to get out of it, no, you're realizing what you already are within it, which just happens to be within you, so there's nowhere to go because you have no need to go anywhere other than I realise.

Where are you now? Now I'm saying as you get really honest with, where you are now, there is a different outpour, not because you've changed something simply because you're more intimate with what you are and you're more intimate with yourself.

The more intimate you are with yourself, some guy called it ‘know thyself,’ the more intimate you are with yourself and whatever its activity is, the more intimate you'll become with what you absolutely are and then without need of change everything changes and new levels of eternal experience simply begins part of your experience as that, but you have to discover that.  

 Remember what I said about the temples? Have you just been reading yourself on those temples? Did you write those codes, so that you would look at yourself in apparent streams of time to realize, "Oh, I Am That!"


 I appear as human, we appear as human, but human is a hue of the whole Cosmos and Source encoded.
The potential of each human is to realise the stars, the Cosmos, the Self, the Source, the Beyond..
All forms of living Awareness with no beginning and end. 

Be Like Water - Guided Meditation

So, let's close our eyes and just for a moment let your hands be really perceptive, however you want them, if you want them turned up, just let your hands be receptive and let your toes be receptive but we’re going to start with our hands simply because the hands have been made more conscious as consciousness. Also bring your attention to your heart.. and we’ll keep our eyes closed.. and notice how black it is regardless of how images appear in the mind, how black it is..

But let’s endeavour not to name anything. I might use a name just to point towards that, that has no name. Things like

I might use a name just to point towards that, that has no name. It's like form and all the forms we’ve got used to have no name.

They are not forms on their own, they are vibrating forms of Awareness. Forms of Awareness are not objects. 'Forms of Awareness' is Creation. Look at the Universe, it's not an object, it's Creation. It's not an object split into parts, it's flowing in the water of Awareness. Liken Awareness to water, feel like water, but see Awareness is, as it were, water.

So when I speak Im not speaking as someone to someone, but directly as Awareness.

And notice or find that Awareness is the looker, or pure seeing knowing. Become pure seeing knowing.

 And notice how it simply becomes more and more subtle, just through the being knowing itself.

Feel a sensation, just feel with no name, be with no name, experience with no name. Very very subtle, knowing that used to know something, but now is literally knowing nothing. There's a fullness about it, a directness about it.

 Become water. Now without trying to get anything let your hands move, let them lift. It's like water is knowing, feeling water. Awareness is knowing feeling awareness. It's not heading anywhere, but there's clearly deepening, expansion, aware.

Notice how the centre dissolves. Notice the breath and Awareness softens the water, softening the water, complete surrender of a centre.

The knower becomes knowingness, no centre, all the Deep.

Just for a moment imagine you are the womb of all life. You are able to see and know as Awareness streams of new life streaming, but in Awareness, going nowhere outside of Awareness, for Awareness is whole. Maybe like a baby in the womb with experience of new water of creation. No name, no subject/object. Pure creation

No knowledge, it simply means no time-space, no one to know, but knowing.. Water.. that water is endless water of life.

No body, no mind and yet pure knowing, knowing.. And from that water, light and colours come forth like electric colours full of life.. the kind of life that builds galaxies, the kind of life that builds star systems, the kind of life that builds worlds upon worlds open, formed in fullness and yet you remain water. Feel it.

And from the water comes shapes of that water, tones of that water, vibrations of that water, colours of that water moving, shifting, shaping, living forms of water, Awareness. Maybe one knew this as an infant everything was water. Flowing, breathing, merging and emerging, experiencing only water in its depths of vastness, and how water can flow inside its own water to anywhere in its ocean.. even be in more than one place in the water and experience each level uniquely and yet all is water.

Somewhere in the water of humanness this still is encoded in all beings. It’s no coincidence that this planet has a great deal of water and the body has a great deal of water. And notice how the water can shift into a shape that vibrates as the whole and yet is able to communicate with other shapes vibrating as the whole.. and yet still remain water.

Feel it however you want to feel it. Soft and yet alive, easy and yet wild without beginning or end. Water communicating with itself without exception. And notice how those shapes or islands of experience emerge from the water. See the emergence of that island emerging out of the water, that became a hue-man island out of the water, still water, an island.

Feel its shape, know its fluidity, know how it could see the stars and yet the stars were of its water. It could see others and yet others were of its water. No idea of any separateness at all, again become the water, leave the island alone, become the water. And notice how the island shifts and re-emerges as new water. Feel the connectedness with all other islands in the ocean.

 How the possibility exists as water knowing the level of intelligence of the hue-man changing in a sphere that’s somehow, it’s called the brain but it’s a sphere of water. Two spheres, two seeming halves of one whole permeated with water that’s form and formless, all simply a pure idea. That’s all this can be, a pure idea of form and formless and yet water.

 Feel that with the hands.. and feel this island of hue-man-ness in an instant become altogether new. And its newness comes from remembering it is water, remembering all islands in its ocean are water itself. Feel that vibration differently from what you might call my body, see your body as an island in the ocean of the Self which is what one already is.

Your whole body is tuned to the whole Cosmos all moving as water. See how you can see and know and experience the body realign in the shift of water as Awareness into a new understanding without beginning and end of what this water is as life.. if I am water, I am the life. See how your body now an emerged island of water knows exactly the same as the ocean, the mind exactly the same as the ocean, the nervous system exactly the same as the ocean.

Water transmitting new codes of the vast deep ocean, enabled as it were, to wash clean any levels of the island that can identify with subject or object, not as a problem, but as beautiful healing water. Realising I Am Now, what other name do I need? I Am Now. Realising on the human level now may be translated as ‘I am only this moment, I am this moment, I am the Now.’

Build this island called hue-man, radiate its tide. The images of success washed clean. There is no need of success for I am brilliant, I am clear, I am deep, I am vast, I am bright. See as water, one can experience the multidimensional levels of this island called hue-man, changed by the shift of Awareness as water. Seeming levels that seem to be stuck or locked are washed away. They are like ice crystals that the water simply meets and ice crystals melt and new water begins to live as new islands, new depths, new oceans, new life.

If I could even as this water pluck stars out of the deep sky by awareness and they simply come to this island to express the stars, water appears on the island of hue-man. All this is wild beyond the hue-man beautiful now, deep and real, nothing else is needed. It’s all here. I am That, that is here. Feel its fullness.

 Watch it, how the island of hue-man is running water and what appears to be a head to a toe, from a toe to a head running to codes of deep higher reality, streaming the island  And this island of water invites itself throughout the Universe and the world turns in to this island.

Notice how this island can speak and say; ‘I am in a new place in my own water, I am in a new place. I am the new place, not fashioned by knowledge of experience of time-space. I am in a new place, my own vast, no need of a centre, water.’

Sometimes I may even be in wonder of this open place that is absolutely new and watch the old mind in the intelligence of the humanness, dissolve to be united with this new place.

 I ask you to turn your palms up, eyes closed and bring our hands very slowly, slowly up above our heads.. a wide open offering above our heads and notice as water, the water.

Slowly let that water, those hands in the same way fall down through what seems to be a fixed body. As its hands come down to a wide offering to Earth, the Earth is taking on the most high water. She opens to the most-high water. Go down in her, down in her, down in her.. down in her is the entirety of Creation that will ever be or ever have been. Down deep, down deep, down deep into her cavern womb of utter acceptance of what is.

Explore that and opening water. We have seen how water goes into the deep Earth, into the smallest cracks, into the tightest spots and becomes the shape of the water, Earth’s endless caverns and still remains water and yet takes the shape of her deep caves.

 Long breath. Slowly come up.. do not miss one single level of her coming up as she gives herself back to the Beyond in celebration and the meeting of all waters that become the body. Way above the head, see how all intelligence opens and opens and opens. What was once a body is now an island, a cosmic egg. So many levels of living possibility. Bodies like a star stretched in the sky of water, in the sky of Earth.

 Hear your own breath. Is it your breath or is it the breath of the ocean?

 ‘House of God’ above your head, remaining as water. And that ‘House of God’ is literally the ‘next’ for this island, the sky into the Earth and Earth into the sky, this is the ‘next’ in the island. Bring that through your mind to your heart. Let it shine, let it shine with the heart. Gently at the heart, let it shine. I shine! I’ve no need of any other island. I am self-effulgent, self-illumined, I recognise that I am the ocean. 

Bring that down to your belly, hands on your belly. Recognise the ocean is Her.

A tender, sweet moment beyond all space that always shows itself to itself. Everything changes but it’s always water.

 Islands shift but within the water. Awareness alive already complete. In the same way we learn in what appears to be a level of this island of hue-man, to shift our awareness, which shifts the colour, which shifts the island into a new place of the ocean directly known, directly felt, all I can say is I am That!

Now this island of humanness is alive with vast codes of higher reality.. that what I Am is brought into this level to bring alive from this island of hue-man-ness there is this prospect of potential.. And invisible worlds now vibe the hue-man-woman-life.

I appear as human, we appear as human, but human is a hue of the whole Cosmos and Source encoded. The potential of each human is to realise the stars, the Cosmos, the Self, the Source, the Beyond.. All forms of living awareness with no beginning and end.

 But on this level of form, the ocean, the human, as the ocean, can bring up, bring down deeper higher realities and marry them in the heart centre.

This is how hue-man evolves, to experience fully this moment of life beyond the images stuck in the body-mind system until they're no longer stuck. But meet the ocean, melt and then in a moment re-crystallizes new life, only to melt again so re-crystallizes new life.

 How do you see that in what appears to be your life? I would suggest each one of us has come to a place that we can say differently, able to do water, able to be the island, able to be human, able to be totally one with the Cosmos and the Divine.

 Notice now, how different the sensation of the body is. The choosers still may be there. You only discover as Awareness to choose the same old safe habitual spots of the island, rather than transcend and include.

 Where do you now see all this? In truth, did you ever leave yourself as a self, or is it all in The Self?


B: Who would say they have touched on something new? Who would like to endeavour to express that somehow or other?

Q1: Throughout the time here, various questions that I’ve asked and various things that you’ve said, it’s reflecting on me that I have a feeling that I need to let go and know my capacity is far greater than that. So, the feeling of self-limitation, I’m letting go of that.

You also talked to me about surrender and again that is another phrase that is a word that’s saying ‘yes’. Rather than try and control everything and do everything and grow in a particular direction. Yesterday, I myself contemplated on water and how water flows and the power of water and the life of water and water throughout the Universe. So, for me today’s session was very, very relevant and enabled me to go deeper and let go and open more.

 B: Yes. Notice I’m using water as an analogy for Awareness.. not as water.. for Awareness. But as water in the manifestation, you can see water will take the shape of anything and it won’t say ‘I’m not going to take that shape’, it takes that shape. Then it discovers what that shape is as water. But then water seeps into things. It seeps into it and not only takes the shape of it, it becomes it and then there’s a marriage of the water and the shape. Do you see what I mean?

And then if you notice how water then, as it were, naturally extracts itself from both the shape and the object and it ends up back in the sky, as it were. This is awareness no longer attached to an idea of having a centre wrapped around a particular sense perception experience or of a somebody. So, water does that. Water can be water, it can be ice, it can be steam. It even goes even further than just steam it can be invisible. So, that is an analogy to see how water can take the shape of something and yet seem to just be the shape of it but not actually be it. But then if you look at water it actually becomes what it’s taking the shape of.

 And then if you if look at it again, then it also evaporates as if it’s carrying that information into the ethers as if there’s multidimensional marriages going on in the Universe but then there’s more than that. What’s more than that is, I Am the Self, I am actually beyond the Universe. It’s my game, my play.


Q2: I was saying doesn’t water, that essence create the form, shape the form?

 B: It does both doesn’t it? You can have a look, you can see how all the elements are at play in what we believe is solid form but all the elements are very much in tact right now, but this is the shape of those. But who shapes it? Is it awareness that all this comes from and all this returns to? That’s what we really want to look at. So, you can free of the subject object nexus that makes you controllable from a limited perception of you, of your mind or from apparently others but others are simply a mirror of what you’re doing or what you’re becoming or what you’re knowing. There is nothing that is not already what one is. That’s another thing you have to look at.

 Q3: That experience with the music when I was transcending up the layers today and it was like beautiful waterfalls of light and higher octaves. I see music in that way or music comes to us, through us in that way and there’s really, really high vibrational points out in the Universe and becomes light and becomes sound and the music comes from there. So, I see .. I wrote an album called ‘She’ once and today I remembered how that album came through. It was through the same visualisation that we had today when these just beautiful waterfalls of light and colour just coming down as a cascade of musical notes comes into orchestration.

 B: But also, we know like scientifically or just personally, we can know that all colours are simply shone through the prism of light awareness. You know.. light is before the colour as it shines through the prism of ‘I’ it becomes everything, which to me it says ‘I must be the creator, I must be that, that creates’.


Q4: I find more that, what the exercise is, the spaciousness, when I close my eyes, I’m not my body, I’m just this vast spaciousness and with this awareness and it’s pulsing and yes just that awareness. And so, it’s only when I open my eyes it’s ‘oh I’m here’. So, when I was sitting with G and B it’s like well there’s two people here but there’s not two people here it’s just like talking to myself, aspects of the me-ness. So, just seeing that, not having the separation and saying ‘Oh yes this is just me reflecting back to me and I can express my form and they can express their form but it’s aspects of this spaciousness.


B: There’s something I would like to bring there. It’s around our conversation yesterday and it’s this.. there’s something in us, and a belief system in us where we believe we’re actually somebody with a centre, we seem to be able to expand in things like this, we seem to be able to do that, we seem to have knowing and we can experience higher frequencies, higher dimensions, higher lights, we can do that, those that can do that.


But then when it comes to something that seems to be a personalisation of something that we seem not to be able to do, or a part of us that doesn’t seem to perform the way we think it should perform, we never address that.. say it might be some relationship problem, we never address that directly as what we deeply are, we address it from the human perspective of space-time. We never actually go to awareness and discover what that is in our ocean.

So, often we come upon something in relationship, doesn’t matter what in relationship to, but it could be the masculine and feminine and we seem not to be able to enter awareness because something is us says ‘I don’t want to lose that, I don’t want to lose that’. But in awareness, if you go to awareness, you’ll see, ‘hold on a minute, I can’t lose anything and I don’t gain anything. The idea of loss and gain is absolutely absurd in What I Am. There’s no loss here, there’s no gain here. There’s nothing I can gain, at all. I am that, that I’m seeking for in every relationship and everything.’

 So, the practice of surrender, the practice of intimate surrender to what you actually know is you being what you first are and not what you last are, as some great being put it. And then the answer comes.

So, yes we can reflect to each other but can we solve the dilemma of current relationships, can we solve any dilemma in the ocean it came out of? Is that the truth? Then it means I must not become a someone for that to dissolve, which means to resolve in my own awareness. Never have I been somebody, never has there been another, never have I not been what I deeply am, never! That's the illusion. You follow what I'm saying?

 Now I suggest when you come back to that because let’s just called it like a pyramid, you come back to that and that streams everything you need to know from the highest vibration right down to, right down to form. But there's something with form we have to understand and we have to see that form forms and then disappears. You have to understand that it keeps passing away. Form forms and disappears yes?


So, the more you attach to density, the more you’re going to have difficulty with your sense of ‘I’ and other. The more you attach to density, yes? You have to realize this is density but it comes out of the ocean. So, you have to return to the ocean for this to redissolve, resolve in awareness. All resolves only in awareness, not in a body, not in a mind, not in some complicated idea of who you are. It resolves that.. you understand resolve? The resolve is in awareness, not in your skins, not in your layers, not there. You tried it, you tried it, you tried it, it doesn't work. The resolve is in what you deeply are, that's where the resolve is.


Q5: It's like it's going into all the nooks and crannies and I'm really enjoying that freedom of just doing the movements of where the body wanted to go and it's definitely.. what's new is just it coming right down, really right down in a really new place, which I’m knowing I’ve resisted that downness. So, that’s what was coming through. So, I just want to get really low now on the floor. It just feels really good.

B: Yes, because ‘right down’ is let’s say all the conditional codes still reside in hidden places but you have to get down to them. But you can only really get down to them if, I suggest, you’ve got deep enough, you’ve got deep enough while going high. Otherwise, you’ll come down and you go ‘oh no, no, no, I can’t do this’, whoop!. So, you’ll stay up here. So, this, will definitely disappear as something that’s most high as you come down. But it always remains what it is, pure living awareness. But it seems to get wrapped up in identification, patterns, which are, as it were, covering what you really are.

You’re uncovering yourself in the body. So, you’ve got to get right down into her and whatever you have to touch on, that can only resolve in you as awareness. It can’t resolve in any ideas of what you are as a man or a woman. Oh, it went dead silent then. That’s also an idea.

 Everything only resolves in awareness, not in a man or a woman. It resolves in awareness.

But somebody tell me ‘oh you'll be a man’. I've been like no, no you need to check it out. Both woman and man, both the masculine and feminine is all coming out of awareness so go there. So, that's good to hear you're getting down, getting down.

Q6: Yes. The thing that opened intense moments I would say is the you mentioned this a couple of times on this retreat but the freedom to move anywhere, a freedom of awareness to flow, you know like water. And then you were just talking about.. because it's not free in condition.. like that’s actually kind of a definition of conditions and then not exactly free if to meet something but this is free but it's free in awareness.

 So, in other words, have that be primary, have that, which is what you were just saying. That's that that moment of freedom opened up..

 B: The thing is, although what I'm going to say is not correct but I'm going to say it; can one then operate or function from what one discovered is already free, can one function or operate from what is already free, or does the function and operating of that, that is already free exclude you as an identity? It’s functioning operating. You’ve just got to realise it. It’s functioning and operating already. There’s the stars, there’s the Cosmos, there’s everything. It’s already functioning and operating. So, it’s here, nowhere else, it’s here! It’s not in some deep space, it’s always here. This is here.

 So, to live that, it’s not only realised inherent freedom but it’s no suffering. There’s no suffering. Suffering is the belief that you need all this.. No!.. you don’t need all this. This is what one is expressed to enjoy, to be in, but without leaving what you already are. Do you see what I mean?

 So, it’s all yours but you can’t own it because then it becomes a complicated mass-ness mentally, emotionally, psychologically and everything else possible. But it is all yours, but it disappears. What doesn’t is What You Are. Check it out. No matter where you go, What You Are always remains.. deep dreamless sleep, deep meditation, always remains.. Awareness.


And yet Awareness can travel into its own solar system and find more of What It Is as Awareness and even like in Astrology, on my maps I can find on my map as you saw, I can point it up from the Earth and it brings out a star system and it’s like; well, you’re doing that, you’re the one that’s joining those stars together. That whole cosmic field that’s displaying another galaxy, that’s your ‘next’. You look at a galaxy, that’s already you looking back at you. We don't seem to be able to get that in because our story on the earth has been so unappointing to you, not being the power of it all, but you are. So, when you look at the stars and you might go; ah, look at that's joined together, that's a whole cosmic body of You.

And that landing here, is not going to make you, as it were, ‘I’m a cosmic body’ although you might pretend that you might do that, but it makes you more relaxed, more, more sublimely real, more open, more able to directly participate in everybody's life because there's something that's landed in you that's the higher, deeper You. Do you see what I mean? So, choices, you might not choose anymore. You might not have to choose. It's just here, here, here. It might be an occasional choice. It just happens. It's happening.

Yes. Any other, anything else that you would like to share?

Q6: Well, the running into the, I ran into the core condition of, the core contraction of not free, not free to go.

 B: I'd like to go somewhere with you and I'm not going to tell you where I'm going to go. Are you okay with that? Or you can say, no, tell me where you're going to go before you.. What do you think? What do you think? Okay, I'm going to go into, I'm going to go into your, your family energetic field.

Yeah. Your brother is in the process of dying. I don’t know if any of you know this but there’s nobody in this room that’s not definitely dying on a physical level. You need to acknowledge that. But what’s really dying is, on this apparent physical dying, is everything that you’re not, so, it can be filled up with more of What You Are. Because this form can only, as it were, vibe and hold a limited amount of What You Are.

 But on this planet, you’ve got star systems. You might see a star system but that was a star system you were just looking at as a body, as a friend. And sometimes you might have a friend or somebody you look at and for you it’s a star system and then they’re drinking double-shot lattes. It just could be a moment that the star is shining through that person and two stars are having a conversation. Even God levels having a conversation. Just stay with that for a moment.

 Well, if you have a family, an apparent family, you are a constellation, a star system. That’s what thou art, that’s what you are. Beyond that of course it all funnels down to source code but that source code has come out as a star system and your brother and your mother and you at some point or other, are returning to that star system. And you’re going to know what you actuated whilst that star system was expressing as a family circle. Really. Now you can do that now.

 Like for instance, I didn’t budge and it's not that I'm proud of this. I didn't budge a centimetre when I heard my mum was dying. Not a centimetre. And she was, you know, here she is. Yeah. Here, you know, literally, she thinks I might still need that to know her. But she just said to myself and my sister, don't come back, don't, don't, I’m okay. I'm not going to go anywhere. I'm going to miss, don't come. But my sister was like, she was with me in New Zealand. I must go and see mum's dying. She doesn't need you. She's already here.

 Check it out. She's already here. In fact, if you die before you die, you're in a place where all your star system returns to or even more. So, something more going on here than most people will ever enter. You'll get called New Agey or whatever you get, maybe. So, you can be, and I would suggest you already are, in the place where your brother will come to. You don’t need to answer this, recognise it. Recognise it.

 So, you may or may not go and sit by his side, you may or may not but you’re already holding his hand in in another place. Absolutely, clearly. You’re already holding his hand in another place. And there may be, when you pass away, there may be someone in your family holding your hand or not. But I'll tell you with this, everyone in this room is going to hold your hand. Everyone in this room is going to hold everyone's hand. And just say, ‘come’, done. You're in a new place. Die now. Die now.

Then you won't make choices limited to a body mind. You literally change the Cosmos. That's what you're doing. You're changing the Cosmos. It looks to your little mind that you're not, but you are. You're all star-seeds. Right? Or you're just fodder for limitation. You're all star-seeds. So, you're holding your brother's hand, I would suggest already. In fact, now we've invoked this in this room, there's nobody in this room that's not holding space for your brother to pass into the beauty and wonder of what he is. No distance of that either.

So, it's kind of like that. And each and every one of us is going to have to go beyond our family star system to realize the one family that is cosmic and universal. It all comes out the heart of the ocean of awareness, which is why we did what we did today. There's nobody that is not family. Nobody.

B: We have time for a form practice. Yes, we do. There’s somebody here who would like to share their experience.

Q7: In that field, I felt a lot of like.. so it was like being loosened up and in that a lot of oldness or old images or old just dissolved. So, at the same time I want to dissolve resolve.. so it was a two way movement. I guess there was a lot of dissolvement and at the same time deeper I could say like blackness in deeper forms that I was a bit not afraid of, but you know, like what is this? Not what is it, but so it was a two-way movement.

 B: Before you go on, just so we don't lose it. When there's fear, which we all know it's false evidence appearing unreal, that's a fragment of the self. That's not you. That’s a level that you’ve not yet met in what appears your humanoid. You haven't met that level. But that fear is not yours as mine. It's collective. That's the collective fear of the loss of anything, whether it's a thought, a feeling, a body, a mind, a thing. That's the collective idea that there's loss here or gain here. There's no loss here. There's no gain here. There's only God here.

That's what's really here. The one I truly am is already here. So, on this level where this comes down, and as it were, it seems like the pyramid to come, this level where the highest light and frequency without fragmentation, without fragmentation or even distortion comes, and the one becomes many without distortion.

 Distortion, the distortion, which is not distortion, is in the lack of the capacity of the terrestrial mind which is human for us to comprehend the wonder and greatness of it all. But only the soul can marvel at the wonder and greatness of it all, not the mind. But the soul must marvel at it all, and be it all, and then mind naturally changes. Mind changes when soul recognises itself or is the Self. Soul is the same word as saying being. Being and soul is the same thing.

So, then within this multi-dimensional sphere, which is really on this level it becomes holographic, and if you have a look there's kinds of transparencies about the levels of you. You might notice that a level of you comes over here, and a level of you is over here, I don't know if any of you, you know if you've seen shots, if you've ever taken pictures, and you can now on iPhone, you can now separate the images, the layers. Well, that's what this is, this is layered.

 So, as it comes down here on this level of mind, from which sense perception seems to appear, because it's an appearance, it's not solid, it feels to be solid only for this level, because otherwise manifestation wouldn't serve the point of light. This manifestation serves the point of light which is there is not one level of light no matter how dense, is not the Self. It’s all the Self.

 So then, in the terrestrial mind, here, the terrestrial mind has been created to jigsaw puzzle together. Do you see what I mean? And I would say from.. I can’t give it a date. So, somehow like all these apparent pebbles on this beach, somehow, you’re supplying information of a life lived, fully and completely or partially. That’s these pebbles here. And they are the cells that are vibrating in the human.

So, a baby doesn’t come in with any of this. A baby’s cells vibrate on a divine cosmic level, they don’t vibrate at a conditional level later on. That comes into a child when you see that child scream and yell when it says “I don’t want this, I don’t want this”. It means; I don’t want to come into this conditional realm but it knows it has to as all this is consciousness.

So, that level of the mind where the fear arises, discover where it is awareness. It will come and often it’s reflected in the field through how you or another relates to you.. your Mum, your Dad, your friend, the guy in the door, it comes back to you and that's the level that you're enlightening from, that, that you know you are. But it’s not your fear. It’s false evidence appearing real in the cell of humanity, big time at the moment.

I don't know if you know this big, because we must, we must see all these images that we've made of ourselves. See? You’re beyond image. So, just discover that level that you're dropping down into and make it conscious. That's what's happening.

It's definitely not your fear. It just appears to be your fear. You've got to know yourself to know you have no fear. You're not born and you don't die. It’s attachment to the idea that you’re a body-mind that makes you fear. When you realise this, the body-mind is a gorgeous power! Absolutely a gorgeous power. So, although it appears to be your fear, it appears to be all our fear. It's actually non-personal. Making any sense?

 And on a high higher, let's call it on a fourth dimension of plane, fear will also be extra-terrestrial.

 Q7: What do you mean by extra-terrestrial?

 B: I mean other levels of you are not the appearance of you here and now. Other levels of you are participating in the Universe or the Cosmos. Other levels of you are appearing as what might be called aliens. Other levels of you. And other levels of you are gods. And another level-less level of you is the Self. And more than that. See what I mean?

 This is a uni-verse. A song of the one and the whole. So, you don't have to go to fourth or fifth dimension to be what you are. I'm trying to point towards it as, you bring that level down by recognising. You recognise a fifth dimensional consciousness which is oneness. Recognise it but then be it. You have to recognise it. You're not going somewhere. You are, as it were, recognizing it in the in the ocean that you already are.

 But then you might experience it and to your mind it might look like you're going somewhere. But this is what is what's so wonderful about this universal hologram. You as the Self can travel anywhere within the dream of Creation and you can change anywhere in the dream of creation by being pure light awareness. But you won't need to change it. It's just that it changes because of your frequency. Same here. Things change here because of the frequency, frequency that you remain whole and true to what you deeply are and leave density alone. In other words, it's not wrong, but just don't identify with it.

 Q8: Can I just come in? Something just dropped as you said that.

 B: Sure.

 Q8: That the frequency the term means the frequency and more frequently we acknowledge who we are..

 B: Not implying time-space movement.  

 Q8: Hmm?

B: Not implying time -space movement. Not frequent as in backwards and forth, but frequent as in acknowledging, acknowledging the frequency of ‘now’, which is whole which is real which is already that, that I am. How much you stay as that until you don't have to say that because I Am That.

 And rather like a moth to a flame, all the parts of small self, head to burn in the light of self-realization. There's nobody in this room that's not going through that. Whatever's going on in your life that the moth’s flying into the holy flame of You and that's resolution. You're collecting all the parts since you appeared to have birth.

 But there's a bigger picture in that you're collecting all the parts of the whole cosmology and realizing that you're the Self that's illuminating all of this creation because you created it.. after all you’re God.