The Revolutionary Evolution Of The Form And Its Practice For A New Human Life.

This online event will be Part 1 of The Form Reality Practice, guided by B. The session is specifically for anyone who has ever learned Part 1 of The Form, any practitioner as well teachers of The Form.* This is B’s invitation:

“ I believe you're all ready for the new consciousness of The Form and its practice. I know all of you that have ever practised The Form and come to me are now ready for a profounder meaning and understanding of the practice and how that applies to a radically new consciousness and life expression, a new humanity

So I invite you all to a session with me of Part 1, where you will learn to shift your awareness into greater depth of meaning and understanding of the practice in your life and how that applies to these present times on a universal scale, right down to the human and back.”

26 June 2021. 8:00 pm NZ time

The meeting will happen via Zoom.

Click here for your local time..

Please register via the button below and the log in link will be sent to you via email.

  • B will be offering online teaching of The Form soon. Please express your interest in The Form Reality Practice courses to: