The Calling,
Infinitely More Than Usual
An invitation to join B LIVE online for an interactive video conferenced satsang. Participation is possible from most devices (phones, tablets) with a broadband internet connection.
A profound opportunity to enquire deep, to open as Awareness beyond the one you believe yourself to be. B's ever-present invitation to enter the essence of all things will ignite your heart and Being from the inside out!
SUNDAY AUGUST 25, 8pm (UK Time)
There are three price options for this event:
• Concession price for students and unemployed. Concession pricing is also available to Teachers of The Form and Heart Group Members.
• Standard price of $15
• Support option of $30 if you'd like to further support B’s work
Concession - $5
Standard Cost - $15
Support - $30
“Our opportunity is always, always, always to breathe the ‘non-local’ into the ‘local’. The ‘non-local’ wants to breathe this locality, until every cell is a universe, until every word is cosmic wind, until we see as Light itself, unhindered by the belief that we were ever born or will die.”