Love’s Apocalypse that always was, truly is and forever will be…

“It has taken me some while, until having breakfast on this Christmas day, before I could say anything about the retreat. I have looked and looked and looked. I could say a million different things. I could open up deeper higher dimensions and speak from there. I could go into my own life experience and come up with something to say, but all actually leads to this: Death!

This is a card that I picked up as I sat for breakfast this morning, a quote from Buddha:

“Let come what comes, let go what goes and see what remains .”

I am going to leave this here for you to ponder as I ramble on a little more…

The truth is, Death will never stop saturating Life. It is Death that brings everything to Life for Life isn’t a continuity. Life is infinitely alive and flourishing NOW.

It doesn’t belong to a body. It doesn’t belong to somebody. It doesn’t belong to everybody. It is Itself, renewed totally in the moment by its sacred Love-partner Death .

People have grown to fear death because they have identified with a false God: ‘the known’,  but look at how tenderly fragile the moment is when not perceived through the known. How alive is this Awareness saturated as Life through Death?  Nothing needing to continue, no way, no pattern, no image, no-one.

As terrible as this might be to the structures of the known patterned mind, this is a bright burning light of instantaneous Love and gorgeousness and unspeakable aliveness.

No support from a believed universe or a believed cosmos or believed other dimensions but thoroughly soaked in Death, alive. The pure unborn state is truly already ablaze as Life itself with no beginning and no end .

Impermanence is our true state-less state where pure perception, like a shooting star across the black night sky of the cosmos, becomes our reality, direct. Then there is nothing to look for, nothing to go and find, nothing to lose but there is unfoldment without beginning and end.

Is it true that nothing is yours as a someone but everything is yours as the no-one? Is it true that everyone dies, including yourself? But what is alive will never die but shift-shape into new forms of expression without much of a do? Is it true that the feelings of pain and loss are terrible but in some way are as much part of a full life as the light shining free in the core of your heart?

So is this moment then finally about not pushing away Death? Not pushing away change? Not pushing away the inevitable loss of everything that is known?

But isn’t it also the way that when the dark night passes through, whoever I Am is in a new place, whatever I Am is shining, knowing more deeply consciously alive?

Somehow I have just outlined the ground of this retreat …the total letting go of all our lies that life needs to look a certain way for us to be free, held together in a belief system called ‘me’, mirrored on the outside in what we may call ‘the world’. “

Join B and friends from around the world over and into the New Year .

The sessions will be held via 'Zoom' online video conferencing and are a unique and face to face opportunity to actively engage with B.


All session times are announced in NZ time - click on the date/link below to discover your local time.

PLEASE NOTE: ***There is no session on 1 January.***

We have done our best to set times that work for as many time zones as possible, but it may be that there is one early or late session for you, depending on where you are.

Wednesday 29 December 9.30 am NZ Session 1

Wednesday 29 December 8.30 pm NZ Session 2

Thursday 30 December 8.30 pm NZ Session 3

Friday 31 December 8.30 pm NZ Session 4

Sunday 2 January 9.30 am NZ Session 5

Sunday 2 January 8.30 pm NZ Session 6

It is possible to have such intimacy with one’s own being, that you realise I AM That. It’s a real realisation. You cannot miss when you as Awareness have realised your core essence.
— B