Venue: LightHouse Ljungskile Vällebergsvägen 10B | Ljungskile
Contact Toryn: +46 (0) 736-542876

When someone calls your name who or what answers? Are you the same one answering or changed?Or do you see your name is the vibration of now, the deeper entrance into Reality itself, that that you truly are! Are you really a process or a total instant? Questions like these and more we shall explore! Life changing questions that lead to one’s true fulfilment!

Over the weekend you will learn parts of The Form Reality Practice, a movement prayer and transmission of Reality to consecrate right where you are at any moment in space or time to be the very temple of deeper knowing realisation and possibility.

Every meeting with B is unique and can be attended independently, yet it is powerful to attend all events as they become a continuous flow of ever-deeper personal/impersonal unraveling and revelation.

You can book all events via the button at the bottom of the page .

Time 29 & 30 August 7:00 - 8.30 pm &
Sat & Sun 31 Aug & 1 Sep 10.00 - 17.00

Contact Toryn: +46 (0) 736-542876