8 Day Retreat Journey with B
7 - 15 October 2023
Join B on Crete for eight profound days of immensity, brightness and transformation.
Find how extra-ordinary your true nature is...recognise your doubts and fears are initiation portholes into high-frequency discovery.
Come and truly understand yourself, what you are, what the earth is, what the universe is, what this life is.
“I'll do my best to put a context to this 8 day retreat. I have deliberately chosen 8 days as a cosmological truth of our infinite nature as conscious Awareness. I know these times to be of a peak infinite possibility coming through, which has and is emptying out the belief systems of finite existence. The limitation is of mind only for we are infinite Consciousness, so we must raise the vibration of this moment in truly responding to the pure Knowing: I Am Infinite Consciousness.
Can you see, as one Master said in his fashion, that "Take no thought." simply means that nothing you can ever think about can ever be true? Nothing whatsoever! If you really got that what you would be left with is your own infinite spaciousness from which all realms pour from and return to.
Thank God we can realise we have been making it all up! That thinking is not our true nature but Presence is. What does this mean? It means when you let go of thinking only the real remains. That that has no location and yet remains the totality. Take this in. Let it do its work and relieve yourself of the illusion that you're not already God.
The retreat will be held at Kalypso Cretan Village Resort, our beautiful 'home' on Crete. You will love this amazing location and the wild beauty and ancient mystery of Crete.
Every retreat with B unfolds in its own unique rhythm – a typical day has three or four sessions and a break at lunch with plenty of time to enjoy, to explore and commune as you deepen in the heart.
The retreat will be held across the whole resort space. There will be sessions in the meeting hall at the highest point of the resort (with a spectacular view of ocean), as well as informal meetings with B in several of the resort’s beautiful outside locations. There will be spontaneous walks across the cliffs to the nearby beaches and tavernas and there may well be the occasional very early morning or very late night sessions.
COST | € 1650
• Daily meetings with B
• Learning and deepening in The Form Reality Practice.
• All meals
• Twin share/double accommodation in a resort hotel
• Up to two full day excursions (incl. transport)
Does not include:
Travel to Crete
Airport Transfers
The Form Reality Practice
B is the Originator of The Form Reality Practice, a profound movement of awakening and self-mastery that is the living embodiment and vehicle of everything he points to. Over the duration of this retreat, you will learn the full five-part sequence of The Form.
If you have learned the movement before, you will discover it anew and further deepen in the practice, for there is no end to this unfolding.
“The higher you go in frequency , the deeper you’ll come into experience.
The nature of Consciousness is always to evolve that intelligence so that one can be itself in every fragment of Reality as each and every apparent individual.
One needs new Consciousness in order to dive into the potentiality of forming that new Consciousness. The higher you go , the deeper you’ll fall into the Earth and vice versa.”
Much time on this retreat will be spent outdoors, enjoying all that nature has to offer as our retreat space. There will be walks to nearby beaches and spontaneous outings as well as one full day excursion to some of Crete’s beautiful and sacred sites. These are an integral part of the retreat, an opportunity to ground and embody what you are opening to on this journey. The cost for the excursions is included in your booking.
If you have any further questions about the Crete Retreat, retreats with B in general or if would like to speak with one of our team contact: christiane@bernieprior.org
This year we did not create a new video invitation, but here you can view the 2019 Invitation to the Crete Retreat, with impressions of the retreat space with B, the beautiful venue and Crete.