1 - 13 October 2017
Watch the introduction video above or click below to watch in a different language...
“The purpose of Life is to realise the Deep,
manifest it in BEING and BE IT!
Then this world is no longer about what already exists.
It is about You,
what you are as Meaning.
The constant unfolding of the Unseen,
Pouring Love.”
Join B on the beautiful, sacred Isle of Crete for twelve timeless days, diving into All That You Truly Are and beyond. We will again be at Kalypso Resort, our stunning 'home' on Crete. You will love the beauty, wonder and mystery of this ancient island.
You are called to move a deeper place of Being into sense perception. You activate that by being deeply clear as to What You Are and what you belong to. The Truth is there is only The Self, radiant, full totally Self-realised in its own radiance. There is no one who is not in that river from that ocean.
Return to Your Heart, parts of you are coming home to be dipped in your gold.
Walk amongst the dualities of life being non-dual. Singularly inspired by The Self. Feel it, it is Here Now. You laugh and may also cry and you laugh, because this is all a game - there is only God everywhere.
Related Videos:
The retreat will be held in English.
German & Italian translation will be available as required.
For all other nationalities a good level of English language proficiency is advisable.
The Form Teacher Training
13th - 14 October
After the retreat you will be eligible to join The Form Teacher Training Program by attending the Training Day on 14th October. Existing teachers, please book in advance...
The Cost €1750
Special circumstance plans are possible. Email: crete@bernieprior.org
• Daily meetings with B
• Learning and deepening in The Form Reality Practice.
• All meals
• Twin share/double accommodation in a resort hotel
• Two full day excursions (incl. transport)
“You are coming to fruition. By being here you are saying: “I am ripe for Self-realisation - I Am That I Am”, and in that you acknowledge all Being is that One . It’s a game - you cannot pull out of it, you can only be True in it.”
A Day on Retreat
Every retreat with B unfolds in its own unique rhythm – a typical day has three sometimes four sessions and a break at lunch with plenty of time to enjoy, to explore and commune as you deepen in the heart. The retreat will be held across the whole resort space. There will be sessions in the meeting hall at the highest point of the resort (with a spectacular view of ocean), as well as informal meetings with B in several of the resort’s beautiful outside locations such as the Amphitheatre or the Terrace. There will be spontaneous walks across the cliffs to the nearby beaches and tavernas and there may well be the occasional very early morning or very late night sessions.
In the presence and transmission of B we can only predict the unpredictable!
“You are on the return. You, Awareness, are returning to immediate Is-ness, moving, knowing, forming - yet unborn. ”
Much time on this retreat will be spent outdoors, enjoying all that nature has to offer as our retreat space. There will be walks to nearby beaches and spontaneous outings as well as two main full day excursions to some of Crete’s beautiful and sacred sites. These are an integral part of the retreat, an opportunity to ground and embody what you are opening to on this journey. The cost for the excursions is included in your booking.
If you have any further questions about the Crete Retreat, retreats with B in general or if would like to speak with one of our team contact: crete@bernieprior.org
What The Participants Say...
"I learned staying in my heart, receiving in the heart, communicating with the heart. Everything my eyes beheld taught me things beyond words. We are limitless beings beyond body, we were born in different places with names for this lifetime, and we met regardless of gender, age, and occupation. I am grateful for the precious time we shared together. Receiving the Form, dancing the Form, I as an individual disappear. Beyond time and space, I become a part of quiet and soft movement, and I feel the breath and pulse of the Universe. Nothing is there, but I am connected with everything. The Form takes me to beautiful quietness that is nothing but love."
-Saki, Japan
"I know I know. Awareness - open softness. Love for my self and all in the Universe. B teaches with incredible Love and honesty and also so much humour. I just love his teaching."
- Monica, Norway
"This has been a retreat of incredible depth - sweet profound intensity and depth-days of Pure Love I felt a vast space open, a space of infinite delicacy and tenderness. I now know behind the patterns, behind emotions and thoughts a space from which all things arise. The world can now no longer be seen and met on the surface but only in and as the Heart."
- Sonia, Italy
"I am knowing that Awareness streams through this body from the infinite. I am knowing realms of Reality beyond this body. Nature reveals my Beingness, opens my heart to greater depths. I see beyond this personal life, this body, this humanity , all is in the stream of the infinite One. I am knowing the stream of change on many levels opening up, walking through the open door B’s unending Love. The direct transmission of Truth and Love holds us in the arms of the Divine Consciousness with such grace and humour."
- Tere, UK