Highlights from B’s Tour 2019

Love Brings You Fully Incarnate

Regardless of what takes place on this earth, most of us aren't actually incarnated. We're not fully incarnated. Love does this. If you truly discover Love, eventually it will bring you right down into the body, to feel the entire pain of humanity.

That's what Love will do. Love between anybody…You go up, don’t you? It naturally lifts up and you'll find that the Heart is always ‘above’. It's vertical. This verticality goes ‘up’ but it also means it comes ‘down’, although the paradox is that in verticality there is no such thing as ‘up or down’, Thy are just pointers. 

The Heart goes way, way, way above and if you keep coming to your Heart, the Heart will bring you right down, down, down into the forms, down into the earth, even down into the unconscious, the subconscious. Love will bring you right down into it all and then Love will lift the unconsciousness, the pain up. Everything from high above down into the earth, until the earth is completely, wholly, one with the Heart, one with the High, all the way into the deepest levels of possibility. Until it is seen that ALL comes from the Heart, every single drop of life that is not settled. It is all One single whole movement.


The Rise Of A New Humanity

I think it is quite rare to find a man fully incarnate, fully into feeling every single drop of this moment, however deep it might go. I think it's still quite rare to find a woman that's completely incarnate, where she is so blown open to the majesty of what really is Here , knowing that Love is healing, that Love is a total giving. It's in it all. Not needing anything. When we have such a fully incarnate man and a fully incarnate woman, we will see the rise of a new humanity.

It’s Wonderful To Fail

It is wonderful to fail. It is wonderful to be torn apart. No one is doing it. It is wonderful to completely fall apart and to not put yourself back together. Let the deep mystery, which is what we really are, do it all. It is wonderful to lose your phone number, where you think you live, the places where all our thoughts and feelings keep holding us as if we are ‘someone’ walking around when we ALL are actually the Divine moving. It is through death, through failure, through falling apart that we actually really come alive.

Born to fall apart

We don't have to keep putting ourselves back together. We are born to fall apart. Eventually you realise that when just a bit of you is falling apart, the more of YOU, who you really are, opens up. It opens in the death of believing you were ever a ‘something’ that you could take in your hand, look at it and say: “That’s me.”

There is nothing your hands could ever hold that could tell you what you are, because you are not a static thing. In existence you are a dynamic play, a wonderful wild play of the Deep and the Unseen

We get so interested in seeing known forms because we are taught that we are ‘somebody’, but we are actually nobody whatsoever. We are not a body, and yet we can move through in Being-ness. All bodies are made of the light that we are, the light that ‘I Am’.

It is quite wonderful actually to fall apart and not need to hide that you are falling apart.

If your Heart matches the Being-ness of another Heart, you will definitely meet in Love. That is what really pulls you together. 

Stand Up

Most of us tend to relate from and as the known, yet we are all dying for the fullness of Love. But the fullness of Love requires you to die to the belief you are a particular someone related to linear events. You are the vertical. Linear events are simply the vertical lying down. Stand up!

In Conversation with Man -

Q: How do you see the body? What is the body, actually?

 B - The body is only ever what you want the body to be.  Whatever you want to be, the body will be that. If you need pain, the body will give you more pain. If you want more things, the body will bring you more things. The body will be whatever you believe you are. What you believe you are, you will embody and you will become.

 And you will draw a woman or a man to help you embody whatever you believe you are. That is the only way that you will ever find out whether what you know you are is Real or not, because the Real will not die and does not suffer. Only the false dies and suffers. If you are suffering there are false levels in your sense of self, but the Knower of those false levels is Reality itself.  That is the light of You.

By the way, to incarnate, you will have to come through a woman. Maybe a test tube, but either way through a woman. You'll have to come through. 

Q: Are you talking about physical woman or are you talking about the earth?

 B - That's a good question. If for a moment you put down any idea that you ever existed before this moment, you will be Pure Seeing. When you purely see the body, you see more than a physical appearance.  

If we relate that to man and woman and if you are drawn to woman to reveal the divine in her, in you, in this, then when you see woman, you see more than woman, more than a physical form. But the physical form is the display of the divinity of the light that is the Feminine. Within that light you recognise YOU, and you are not ‘someoneO and you recognise Her revealing you. She may recognise you revealing Her, until you both realise you are the same one. What is the fight about?

 You only ever fight when there is two of you. When you are really seeing and knowing dissolved, there is not two of you, there is no fight. The fight is just to reveal the separate ideas. That's what the fight is for. You can give up the fight prematurely, then you are still fighting inside.

 When you see, free of a sense of self, you are seeing a deeper unseen level of Awareness that is now available to stream, to form, to have relatedness from and with, into this life. The deeper level means the very Awareness and Knowing that you are seeing and hearing this.. You are in another place whilst being ‘Here’. Your sense of self is altered. No longer are you having father, having mother, having religion or having any condition. You are free of conditionality.

You respond as that up to the surface, no matter what happens in your sense of self. Your sense of self changes quite naturally. You don't need it to change but it will begin to change. And you will realise that change, because you realise you have access into the Unseen and it is wonderfully formed.

 The moment you relate that away from your Heart you build a relationship to the power of that form for a separate sense of self. The moment you keep that relatedness only into your Heart, for your Heart as Being, then your self transforms and the deeper levels fill up the cup of this body- mind. Then the surface body always forms where you are coming from.

Sometimes you are not completely coming from the Deep. There are some edges in your sense of self that are not integrated in this level yet. Sometimes you will catch that and you'll feel it inside your body, inside whatever this is. When you learn to allow that feeling, because you might not like it, and your frontal mind might just say: “You idiot, you idiot!” or whatever it does and whatever it says. If you can leave all that alone, then even the pain of failure turns into bright openness. Because it is not about what you have done but from where you now come from, and everything can shift in a millisecond. Your mind will tell you that you are losing something. But the Deep and the High tells you there is nothing to lose and you begin to realise the brightness that you have always been.

You will find you don't need to think to know. You don't need to feel to fully be alive. Everything is transforming because of your relating to where you are coming from. The body forms where you are coming from, and that includes ‘outside’… apparently there is ‘outside’. And none of this is coincidence. All this is a singular movement for Self to realise itself, actuate itself and return.  

You must fully get down into the mud, to incarnate fully in a body of Living Presence. This is not a lofty idea. It is really here. 

Thailand - Love Brings You Fully Incarnate 190411

Chasing The Light 

Many so called awakening beings are chasing the light, but the light is going to be found in the shadow. The new gifts are in the shadow and the shadow awaits Awareness to be consumed by the light within the shadow. It is an initiation, rather like discovering that whatever as Awareness we have awakened to can only live in entering the shadow and the light within the shadow awaits for an entirely different embodiment. 

It is that shadow that strips Awareness naked of the known. From the nakedness of the known we can feel very, very vulnerable as we reach out to grab hold of the known. And then there is shame and guilt about grabbing hold of the known. Fear comes for not seeing the shadow's invitation that is actually taking you as Awareness into what you deeply realise and you deeply know is Love. It takes everything from you that you could ever identify with. You can hang onto doubts and fears but they are actually calling cards of the Unknown and the Unnameable. 

Where all our old visions of what we thought we would need are collapsing, burning , crumbling and the known cannot support that transition. ..If you turned to the known it would just bring more guilt more fear and then you have to re-discover yet again that guilt and fear and shame are the calling cards of the Unknown.

You might cry out: " I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! and then you hear a call in return ..."not knowing is the Good, is the Real, is What You Are. The old vision can collapse. What you imagined you needed can fall apart, mentally, emotionally, socially, actually ...You are Awareness. You are the light of Awareness. That IS what we are and we  are only ever looking for what we are. Is it here as you go into a cafe? Is it here as you go into Stockholm. Is it here as you go into a relationship.? is it here as you finish it?. Is it here ? Is it here ? Is it here? You may even hear right now how the mind is fighting this. Minds cannot come here but YOU can. You are Awareness. You are the light of Awareness.

That is what we are and we are only looking for what we are. Is it here as you go into a cafe? Is it here as you go into Stockholm. Is it here as you go into a relationship. is it here as you finish it . Is it here ? Is it here ? is it here? How do I enter ? Which door is it ? It is HERE in not knowing . It is here in being consumed by not knowing. It is Here. 

The willingness to hear that and surrender to it in its ugliness , in its terribleness, in its screaming and its shouting and levels of the old branches saying: “You need to stay with this or with that. This shouldn't be happening.” They are all doors into ‘not knowing’. Not knowing is wonderful, not knowing is terrible. Not knowing is beautiful, not knowing is freedom.

Somehow in not knowing we match our Pure Being perfectly - we Awareness. No need to find the door. You have discovered you are already IN it AS it. Suddenly just as all the need for doors and finding the doors falls away one discovers perception, rightness clarity, living-ness in the body is HERE. 

In true awakening you will always be taken to completely surrender everything you have known. And everything cries out " Don't do that!  Don't go there!” Inside it cries  and outside in our society, in Hollywood and on TV and everywhere else. When you have really seen through that then all your guilt and shame is seen to be only a door in the return to and AS the Beloved.

Revisioning happens. Not a revisioning that belongs to ‘someone’ but that is very alive in paint and colour and the in-depth feeling of being divinely human. Everything begins to live. One look towards one of the old branches and it will seem to all collapse, because it cannot move with any touch of the past or even of the future. A revisioning happens in and beyond one's heart. It is the Beloved revisioning its new form. 

Healing then is our return into pure aware Knowing not needing to know. True healing takes place in such sensitivity , in compassion for the human-ness , the feeling of it and the willingness to feel it all passing away, allows what is deeply next to arrive. 

Old and New

I am doing my best not to use words 'old or new' . The new is the rehashed old. There is no 'new. ' There is only YOU; Pure Living Awareness. The 'new' is another escape modality. You're already bright, you're already shining . you're already free.  It was the known that was chaining you. 


There is a usefulness in comfort  but you don't need it for YOU. Get to see how that really works. You have to drop it all. It is like the Tibetan sand mandala . You are just going to get blown away as a body-mind. You are going to get blown away by What You Are. When you realise that NOW, then forms naturally reform the next level of You. Our societies are geared to keep you in the known. That's why we're all so dead.

It’s A Non-personal Earth

When you truly awaken you can't walk down the street and stay separate from others' pain, even if they are just rushing to work with a pretend smile on their face. You can't walk into a supermarket without collecting what needs to be transformed. It is a non-personal earth and yet it wonderfully individuates Love into beings Being-human. You have to stay with this, otherwise you are just going to lose your life. You won't find the joy that is your natural state. You have to experience it all ....even the unpleasant-ness.

Truth puts us where we are and yet I, the One who is listening, AM the Truth.

Stockholm 190805

Going Home

‘Going Home’ doesn't imply distance, doesn't imply you are going to do it tomorrow. Going Home is doing it Now, honest to Now. Your mind will say going home is a distance, is tomorrow or the day after. No, going Home is being true Now and going home will always bring exactly the circumstances that you need to be true to Now and to not leave them to another day. That is ‘going Home’.

So that you can drop your old habits, your old fear without any shame or blame or guilt. You can drop them and move into the Unknown, because that is where your mystery is. Your body or nervous system will shake in this, that you could dare to not listen to how you programmed it. This will bring about real healing and you will need to know yourself, not from the old perspective that someone is to blame but from knowing your Self to forgive yourself and end all the judgments. If you can forgive yourself, you can forgive another as yourself. That allows that energy to fully come Home, free of judgment.

The Fear of a Full Life

You are frightened of the energy undoing and the result of that energy. It throws you into the Unknown. But that's what you ARE! We ARE the Unknown and that Unknown moves as Love. Love is not the known. Love is the Unknown. The Unknown is the fullness that you have always wanted and the Unknown will start to pull out the thorns that you have kept inside yourself. The pain that you want to have in you as an excuse NOT to be more than what you believed the pain caused. So you are holding onto a pain as a thorn in your side and you want that thorn to stay in there because it gives you an excuse not to be original. The excuse to say: “I can't do this because that will happen. I can't do that because he or she will leave me. I can't do, I can't do I can't do” You leave that thorn in your side giving you an excuse not to fully live. You have to pull it out. You have to look at it and when you look at that thorn you will have all these images arise. It is like death. “He did this, she did that…” You are looking at these images and then all of a sudden you realise “Oh ! it all has turned to dust, it is not there anymore!” and you are free.

You can leave it all in there or you can begin to live a full life…

Leaving it in actually means you are not part of the deeper change of all human beings. You are saying "Hey humans, you still need to identify with your pain , which means we are all going to suffer over the next million years and have unbelievable wars, just because you ( each of us ) left that thorn in our side. We are a cell in the body of human and yet we are the whole body of humanity. So anything we hold onto ends up in the play of all life . If we can heal, everyone can heal. 


Pain is not Pain

Q What is the thorn you speak of?

B : The thorn is the pain of experiencing life in a human form as if you are the victim of circumstances but actually you are to discover that all circumstances are the power of your Light . The thorn is the belief that you are not the power that manifests all experiences. But You Are. 

Pain is not pain. Pain is a collapse of an old idea breaking down and the energy no longer having an image in it . Jesus spoke of this! The pattern has all these images in it. Images and energies that make sure give you the information that you are an image .  You are not an image. You are Pure Light. That's why Jesus said:” Do not make an image of me ." Anyone here refers to themselves as 'me' ? If you are 'me', stop making an image. The pain is that when you are being true the image is breaking down. That image breaking down is not just your image of you, your dreams , your hopes and so fort...They are all images of humans since time began . We are the same One. So it IS a lot of energy.

Pain is is the breakdown of the cells personalising in a self image. There is a transfiguration of energy and that is what you feel. You feel it and as you feel it and you are still holding onto an image, you begin to refuse that power, your power.


A Golden Age

A golden age is when all humans that are now on the earth have awoken to their original nature. Where they don't need a self image for they are The Self, One-ness. You don't need an image. Images are in time. In Presence, what image can you have? You cannot have an image in Presence because there is no movement in past or future. Keep seeing this,  if you don't think, how can you have an image?

The mind will say: “Well how can you get things down?” 

It is an illusion that you think that thinking gets things done. Sit still and you will see that birds sing, trees blow in the wind, all manner of universal movements happen without anybody thinking about it. Your body works  on its own. You don't have to say:" Excuse me I have to keep my heartbeat going! I am very busy! It just happens. Then you discover that you are actually a response of Being . You don't need to think - it all just moves.

Is Pain Needed?

Q: Do we ultimately really need pain to release all those false conditions?

B: No we don't. Pain only happens because we lack full response to what we know at our heart and we hold onto our self image. When you start to heart fully laugh at yourself then your self laughs with you and there you have transformation. Everything relaxes. Pain is simply your disagreement with your own self - knowledge…you are not living it.

If you agree with your heart, there is not going to be any pain. If you disagree with your heart you are going to have plenty of pain. If you live your heart you are not going to experience pain even if others experience pain. Their pain is that they are disagreeing wit their heart. If they agreed wit their heart and not with their thoughts they wouldn't suffer. 

The distance between a thought and your heart causes pain…until your head sinks in your heart. Then there would be no pain. Verticality happens then. The heart begins to be the ground of the tree of life and now the mind is the movement of the light of the heart. It is entirely different. 

 Q: So you can clean your past without pain?

 B: Yes, but you must respond fully to the knowledge that is in your heart, otherwise you hesitate and within that hesitation you are back in time and space, where you cannot do anything but suffer 'times and spaces’.

Pain is not always what the mind interprets it to be. Pain can be an image, a vibration that there was great suffering at some point in my life and it was a terrible moment when I died a thousand deaths. It was so terrible that at that point you had to close everything down. You had to close it down. What you actually did was you held it with a clenched hand, with a promise that you would bring it back to feel it when you had a much more stable deeper consciousness. You made this promise because that image and that power is there. Whatever it concerns, even if it concerns other beings, they are still in your clenched fist and you made a promise..YOu said: “Right now I don't have the ability to completely know what this is and let it go but I make a pledge that at some point from this I am going to grow and I will be able to bring you home and set you free in me. “ Somehow you know when that time is. If you know when that time is then be honourable and set it free. You WILL feel it but more than likely you actually won't feel it the way you thought you would.


What Really Took Place In The Opening?

Q: I had an experience in the past of opening up and things destabilised and a lot of darkness came up. When the darkness came up after that experience, it really threw things off course for me. Now there's a hesitation of opening up too much.

B: There are a lot of notions about what we awaken to. we have this belief that I as a name awakened because we are so believing that we are our name. Our name holds together all the constructs of separation. It holds together all the constructs of belief systems.

When there is an opening, it's quite natural that it just happens. Did you do it? Did you do birth? Are you doing breathing? Are you doing heart beating? Or is it just happening?

When there's an opening, we have not really enquired, what really took place, as if it took place in a time. That's our conditioning.

It's actually here right now, this opening. It's actually here right now, this opening you're looking for. You are this opening. In fact, we are Openness. Another name for that is Awareness, Spaciousness.

I point you to see what was it that place? Even now we're listening as Awareness. Our ability to listen is because of the Light of Awareness. Light is Knowing and it knows Being Aware.

This opening is Now. Be really curious about what took place? Investigate. Really look. Did that happen to someone or simply somehow all the obscuration of thoughts, feelings, space, time simply fell away and Awareness brightly found its own bright freedom?

The darkness happens to everyone that I've ever spoken to who has had some kind of opening. There seems to come darkness. It's not darkness, it's form - condensed light, light contracted in a greater possibility of manifesting what light is, what Awareness is, unspeakably so. Was it dark? Or is that your ability as reflective Awareness confused that you are a human intelligence. But you are a Divine Intelligence. Step down, you'll look through the lens of your old self.

So often after such an opening and being so used to certain ways - thought forms, mental, emotional, psychological, physical - there's quite a mix going on because you've just set more than an atomic bomb open up in your life. It wasn't that you did that, you just awoke. What you as Awareness awoke to was more than the familiar. So what was so wonderful and still is, that you, Awareness, who identified with so much forms of experience separated as if you're a 'me', 'someone', you awoke to not a formalised clockwork Awareness, you awoke to an unfamiliar Awareness. In truth, Pure Awareness with light streaming forming more unseen than there is seen such as the Cosmos. There's much more than the Cosmos and that's vast enough. It's all in this 'I' and beyond the 'I', who is listening to these words now.

That light is still opening and you'll have been through a great deal, probably more than likely chasing the light. Why aren't I feeling that good anymore? How come I've had openings but life's become terrible. My God! I'm now suffering more than I did before I realised what I am. But that's simply because you must know yourself, your self - the jigsaw of ideas obscuring that you are Bright-full Eternal Awareness. You must know your self and you must not avoid knowing your self. But then who is knowing this self construction? First, it's 'I am knowing I Am.' A little bit deeper, the Am being form, an intelligence or the Light that's knowing. And you just keep going deeper. Life is giving you the ability to realise beyond your usual state of affairs and turn into the Unusual, just like you were when you were a young child, but with awakened living bright Awareness. It can't be manufactured.

In many ways you were simply given the opportunity to transform all your forms you've identified as your self. But You are your Self. You are the Self that is eternal. This [self] is a living mirror that will pass away. You'll be needing to go into all of your self and know your self so that you don't get confused What I Am and what this self is. Within that you discover your ability to have a kind of functionality that is very unusual, spacious, deep.

You're transforming the forms arising in Awareness, returning them to Being. That happens through Knowing Aware no longer objectifying Knowing but being the Knowing knowing Aware, just like in deep dreamless sleep.

Suddenly your life is healed. Suddenly you've got it. Suddenly everything is healed or at least enough form integrated in your return to being whole already. That was your experience. You realised what you first are. Now you're returning all those forms to the light you realised you already are. In that process in the humanness, you're beginning to know your self. You may even begin to not judge your self and then not judge others as your self. For all actually is bright Awareness, sometimes called 'God'. 

190511 Copenhagen